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The Rise and fall of the Old Testament Church
Dr. Scott Hahn

The third in a series following Genesis and Exodus, in The Rise and Fall of the Old Testament Church, Dr. Scott Hahn reveals what happened when Israel turned its back on God’s Covenant. As you join Dr. Hahn on this exciting journey of discovery through the historical books of the Old Testament, you’ll encounter much that you could not anticipate as you uncover the deep Catholics significance of these crucial episodes of salvation history.

Spiritually Significant
Now available on CD for the first time, this comprehensive series covers the fascinating history of God’s People from the conquest of the Promised Land through the years of the united kingdom and its division, to the Babylonian exile and the return of the remnant to rebuild Jerusalem. Beginning in Joshua you’ll discover the profound spiritual significance of the fall of Jericho, Israel’s success when faithful to the Lord, and their defeat when disobedient. Then, during years of turmoil when God’s People were constantly menaced by their enemies, the Book of Judges traces the tragic cyclical tale of Israel’s “fair weather friendship” with God. As you listen, Dr. Hahn unpacks the pattern of Israel falling from the worship of the True God, how God allows Israel to fall into the hands of its enemies, and how God delivers the people when they turn back to Him.

Insightful and Enlightening
Dr. Hahn’s masterful presentation of the epic tale of Salvation History continues as Israel becomes a kingdom in the books of Samuel and Kings. David’s long reign and his covenant with God, the glorious years of Solomon, the division of the kingdom, and the exile of the southern tribes to Babylon all come to life as Dr. Hahn dramatically illustrates how Christian theology draws upon these powerful images and incidents from the tumultuous story of God’s Chosen People. Finally, in the book of Daniel, Dr. Hahn unveils the apocalyptic vision of the coming of the Son of Man that precedes the remnant’s return to the City of David and foreshadows the everlasting reign of Christ.
Engrossing, often entertaining, and always enlightening, Hahn’s masterful exposition of the historical books of the Old Testament will insightfully inform your understanding of the Old Covenant and deepen your appreciation of your Catholic faith. This series is a must for every serious Catholic student of the Bible. Order now and discover how the history of Israel prepares the way for the new and everlasting Covenant with Christ.

How each generation is given a chance for obedience
Why charismatic gifts don’t save
How you don’t have to forget God to lose the Covenant - just neglect Him
Why it is better to seek unity through faith than by force
How the Fall of Jericho shows spiritual power of the priesthood
What was the real secret of Sampson’s strength
Why Jesus calls the Temple “My Father’s house”
How Israel was to be a mediator with God for the other nations
Why the righteous do not gloat over the fall of the wicked
How our Father’s plan unfolds throughout Salvation History
And much more...

Item Number: 5284
Unit Sale Price: $26.95



Dr. Scott Hahn, Michael Cumbie, Dr. Brant Pitre,
Alex Jones
, Dr. Brant Pitre, and Prof. Michael Barber,
Rob Evans, Bishop Cordileone, Katrina Zeno, Jesse Romero,
Father Joseph Fessio, S.J, Ed Vizenor, Professor Ed Mazza and Many more
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