Videos - CMJ
Marian Publishing - Catholic
The Grunt
Padre in Vietnam
Code: Grunt-DVD
Sale Price: $20.00
The Grunt Padre
in Vietnam DVD only Chaplain Vincent Capodanno earned the title, "Grunt
Padre," from his fellow Marines because of his experience in fierce combat.
The U.S. government has awarded Fr. Vincent the congressional medal of honor.
His fellow Marines have called him "a saint." Special Features:
An interview with Fr. Mode, author of the book on which this documentary is
based, interactive menus and Scene Selection.
in the New Millenium
Code: Medj-DVD
Sale Price: $20.00
This was the
first video ever released by Queen of Peace Productions! Over two decades
have passed since the Virgin Mary began appearing to six children in a tiny
Balkan village called Medjugorje. Although much has changed, the apparitions
continue to this day. Now you can experience, or re-experience, the mystery
and beauty of Medjugorje in this riveting documentary. Witness interviews
with the visionaries. See footage of the strange liquid that flowed from Medjugorje's
"Risen Christ" statue for nearly a week. Learn about past miracles,
and about the world-changing events prophesied to come. Discover for yourself
the village that has changed millions of lives: Medjugorje in the New Millennium!
in the New Millenium
Code: Medj-DVD
Sale Price: $25.00
This was the
first video ever released by Queen of Peace Productions! Over two decades
have passed since the Virgin Mary began appearing to six children in a tiny
Balkan village called Medjugorje. Although much has changed, the apparitions
continue to this day. Now you can experience, or re-experience, the mystery
and beauty of Medjugorje in this riveting documentary. Witness interviews
with the visionaries. See footage of the strange liquid that flowed from Medjugorje's
"Risen Christ" statue for nearly a week. Learn about past miracles,
and about the world-changing events prophesied to come. Discover for yourself
the village that has changed millions of lives: Medjugorje in the New Millennium!
of Medjugorje
Sale Price: $27.00
Miracles of Medjugorje
is the newest release from Queen of Peace Productions. This powerful new documentary
gives proof that Mary truly is appearing in Medjugorje. Immerse yourself in
the miraculous side of Medjugorje. You'll see real miracles caught on video:
from weeping statues to footage of the sun "dancing," and much more!
This is the newest video about Medjugorje available. Miracles of Medjugorje
contains exclusive footage of the visionaries during apparitions. Plus, learn
the secrets of Medjugorje through recent interviews with visionaries and local
priests! Only available in DVD!
in Medjugorje
Sale Price: $20.00
In June 1981 six Yugoslavian young people said they began seeing seeing and speaking daily with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Calling herself the Queen of Peace, they said she began delivering a message of conversation to her son, Jesus Christ and warning of great calamities if her messages were ignored. New Orleans TV news anchors Jim Bailey and Mary Lou McCall were the first American news team to journey to Medjugorje, speak with the visionaries and report on the remarkable stories of physical and spiritual healings of known as "Miracles in Medjugorje." This news special produced the highest ratings in the history of the ABC affiliate and sent thousands of pilgrims flocking to Medjugorje.
Catholic Fiction - Catholic Books
Father Bill McCarthy - Catholic Books
Inspirational Women - Catholic Books
Inspirational Books by Priests - Catholic Books
Sacred Heart of Jesus - Catholic Books
Fr. Mary Albert Shamon - Catholic Books
Spanish Devotions - Catholic Books
Direction for Our Times - Catholic Books
DVD - Medjugorje: The Miracles and The Message
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