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Eucharistic Adoration -
CMJ Books

Code: 0316
Sale Price: $4.00

In June 1933, the idea for The Soul Assurance Prayer Plan was revealed to a layman during a Holy Hour visitation. On June 4, 1935, after two years of discernment, the layman and Reverend Lyons, with ecclesiastical permission, expressed the idea of the Holy Hour in a single leaflet. Since that time, this devotion, with Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception as the chosen Protectress, has spread throughout the world. In 1945, the Holy Hour of Reparation book was published, and shortly after, was taken to Rome and presented to Pope Pius XII for his approval. He studied the booklet and approved it saying, “This is one of the most powerful prayers that you can pray and is second only to the Mass.” We hope to republish in Polish, Italian, French, German and many other languages. Financial assistance will determine this direction. Soul Assurance is a non-for-profit organization.Your financial assistance would greatly help. If you wish to help publish a book as an archangel, please call. Holy Hour of Reparation When Our lord entered the garden of Gethsemani He said to his Apostles: “My soul is sorrowful even unto death. Stay you here and watch with Me (Mat. 26:38).” As Jesus spoke with His Apostles, so He pleads with us to stay and watch and pray with Him. The Sacred Heart of Jesus said to St. Margaret Mary: “Make reparation for the ingratitude of men. Spend an hour in prayer to appease divine justice, to implore mercy for sinners, to honor Me, to console Me for My bitter suffering when abandoned by My Apostles, when they did not watch one hour with me.” This booklet contains all of the prayers necessary to make a holy hour of reparation before the Blessed Sacrament. A plenary indulgence is gained each time you pray this devotion under the conditions of Sacramental Confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayers for the intention of the Holy Father. Soft cover. 31 pages. ISBN 1891280-39-2 Catalog No. 0316 $3.00 Limited Quantities Available in Polish, Italian and German


Code: 0318
Sale Price: $4.00

This booklet contains all the prayers necessary for children to make a holy hour of reparation before the Blessed Sacrament. It is designed to be prayed with and adult who acts as leader while groups of children respond to the prayers. It is an excellent resource for families, teachers, CYOs, and children’s retreats. Soft cover. 32 pages. ISBN 1891280-51-1 Catalog No. 0318 Available in English and Spanish


Code: 0312
Sale Price: $3.00

A beautiful explanation of the basic truths of Eucharistic Adoration and the tradition promoting its practice ranging from apostolic times to the present, with John Paul II’s expressed desire for Eucharistic Adoration in every parish. Soft cover. 32 pages. ISBN 09648448-9-3 Catalog No. 0312


Code: 0393
Sale Price: $16.25

A pious, extremely moving book of 30 short chapters, one for each day of the month, containing, first, a dramatic true story of the Eucharist,an ejaculation, a prayer, an act of contrition, a spiritual communion, the Anima Christi, a Sacred Heart Reading, plus a short concluding prayer All elements instill a greater love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Extremely easy to read; one of the most inspiring devotional books you will ever encounter Impr. 291 pgs.


Before the Altar
Code: 0311
Sale Price: $12.00

100 extraordinary meditations of the Holy Mystic. Mother of nine children, who has been declared Venerable by Pope John Paul II. This future saint prepares us in these short meditaitons to further our spiritual growth and union with Jesus.



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