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Douay-Rheims Bible of Baronius Press
The Best
Douay-Rheims Bible on Catholic Market


The first ever digitally typeset edition with newly redrawn colour maps,
beautifully bound in leather with gilt edges.

Available in Hardback or Flexible Leather Cover
Size approximately 8.5"x 6"

Sale Price: $59.95

The most beautiful and traditional Catholic Bible in English!

Catholics looking for the traditional Catholic Bible in English should look no further!

A reverent and beautiful edition.
The perfect gift for baptisms, first communions, confirmations, weddings, Christmas and Easter.


Crystal-Clear Illustrations

Maps - When creating this edition of the Holy Bible, we wanted to create a family heirloom of class. Modern maps were not considered suitable, and so an artist was commissioned to reproduce the eleven beautiful maps from the 1911 edition published by Wm. Aleiter Co., Catholic Supply House, Indianapolis.

Click on a map to view an enlarged version in a new window

- These beautiful engravings recreate key moments in Biblical History. In our edition, all thirty-two engravings from the 1941 edition published by The Douay Bible House, New York, have been carefully remastered and enhanced.

Click on an engraving to view an enlarged version in a new window


Superb Text Quality
Size and type of the font: Century ExpandedBT font size 8.5pt.

No one can fault the quality and authenticity of the Douay-Rheims Bible, but all previous editions have had to compromise on the quality of the text printing. Not so with this new edition, which takes advantage of the very latest in digital technology to ensure that throughout the Bible, the text is always crystal clear. Size and type of the font: Century ExpandedBT font size 8.5pt.

No more blotches or scratched out text, making you wonder what is being said. In fact, this is the first time ever that the Douay-Rheims has been digitally typeset! Both the Old and New Testaments and Historical and Chronological Index have been lovingly typeset line by line in the classic Century Expanded font, which was used in the 1899 original, thus faithfully reproducing the original edition. There is no need to rely on ancient heirlooms or cheap facsimiles!

  An example of text from a facsimile version of the 1899 Douay-Rheims Edition
Size and type of the font: Century ExpandedBT font size 8.5pt.
An example of text from the Baronius Press freshly typeset edition


This edition brings together the very best of three Douay-Rheims Editions

The Old and New Testaments - from the 1899 edition published by John Murphy Company, Baltimore, Maryland. Imprimatur: James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore.   The Old and New Testaments and Historical and Chronological Index have been beautifully retypeset, faithfully to reproduce the original 1899 Gibbons edition. The text is set in the classic Century Expanded font, which was originally used in the 1899 edition, and has been lovingly typed line by line to represent exactly the original edition. Size and type of the font: Century ExpandedBT font size 8.5pt. The Family Register pages have also been digitally typeset and redrawn.

Engravings - from the 1941 edition published by The Douay Bible House, New York. Imprimatur: Francis J. Spellman, D.D., Archbishop of New York.  These thirty-two beautiful engravings have been scanned and digitally retouched, and their captions have been retypeset and corrected to match the appropriate verses in the Bible text.

Maps - from the 1911 edition published by Wm. Aleiter Co., Catholic Supply House, Indianapolis. Imprimatur: John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.  Eleven coloured maps digitally redrawn by hand and fully coloured.


Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?

Included in this edition - Three Papal encyclicals regarding the importance of the Holy Bible!

PROVIDENTISSIMUS DEUS - Encyclical of Pope Leo XIII - On the Study of Holy Scripture
SPIRITUS PARACLITUS - Encyclical of Pope Benedict XV - On St. Jerome
DIVINO AFFLANTE SPIRITU - Encyclical of Pope Pius XII - On Promoting Biblical Studies,
Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of Providentissimus Deus

Sale Price: $59.95





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Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?



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