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Quotes of Rafael Brom - Part 4 (Year 2024-2025)
What did General Patton think of the Russians?
[on the Soviets] “They are a scurvy race and simply savages. We could beat hell out of them. The difficulty in understanding the Russian is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he is not a European, but an Asiatic, and therefore thinks deviously. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we [are] about to replace them with Mongolian savages. I’ll say this; the 3rd Army alone with very little help and with damned few casualties, could lick what is left of the Russians in six weeks. You mark my words. Don't ever forget them . . . Someday we will have to fight them and it will take six years and cost us six million lives.”
The US Constitution is the principal aim of Godless Marxists, as all Americans should be aware. What are their plans for removing it?
By accusing the founding founders of the United States of being bigots and slave owners.
That is why communists continue to use race as a card everywhere they can. The whole thing started with Communists in KGB Russia trying to incite civil war in America by playing the race card on everyone.
If the Biden administration continues to support bigotry, hatred, sin, and the killing of unborn children, it will not be able to defeat the evil of Russia and China. God will stop providing protection and encouragement. Children were taught by Our Lady of Fatima that if people did not reform, God would punish the entire world by using Russia as an instrument of retribution. Russia will be converted to the Catholic religion if people repent. "If my wishes are accepted, Russia will be transformed, and there will be peace," she assures us. She did, however, issue the following warning: "If My petitions are not fulfilled, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, igniting wars and persecutions against the Church; the good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated."
Putin's KGB Long Range Plans Explained by His Communist Mentor: MIKHAIL GORBACHEV's speech at the 70th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917):
"....In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, a world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road." And from his speech to the Soviet Politburo, November 1987:
comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika
and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption.
There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than
for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them
fall asleep. We want to accomplish three things:
One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe. Two,
we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe. Three, we want the Americans
to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative." (And alas, that
is what has been done!)
Rykov, Lenin's successor in the Council of Soviet Commissars, corroborated: "It is our duty to inculcate in the minds of nations the theories of international friendship, pacifism, and disarmament, encouraging their resistance to military appropriations and training, without ever relaxing our own efforts in building our military equipment.''
Manuilsky, a prominent Soviet professor at the School of Political Warfare, said: "The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. We shall begin by Launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard-of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends."
And Khrushchev, a more contemporary Soviet prime minister, said: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.''
How does the letter from Pontius Pilate describe Jesus?
Pontius Pilate: “One day in passing the place of Siloe, I observed in the midst of a concourse of people a young man leaning against a tree, calmly addressing the multitude. I was told it was Jesus. His golden-colored hair and beard were a contrast between him and his hearers with their black beards.”
If America does not wish to be a world leader, then Communist Russia or Communist China will. If the United States fails to safeguard its allies, Russia or China will seize all of the world's natural resources, putting the United States in a checkmate situation. Only surrender or nuclear war will be an option. However, the communists have already won the ideological fight within the United States by exporting Marxism, the fraudulent theory of evolution, abortion, and all the other perversions and manufactured conspiracy theories in the book.
In the "Former" Soviet Union, nothing changed. On May 9, 2022, at the last Russian military parade, communist insignia could be seen all throughout the Kremlin, with all the communist mass murderers seated next to KGB tyrant and crook Putin.
One of Putin's key goals was to pull the US out of NATO and thereby relieve the US of its responsibility to defend Europe. His disinformation departments were able to brainwash western conservatives with fake news and created conspiracy theories about NATO and the "Deep State" to achieve this. Putin required the proper individual for the job in the White House, someone who is unconventional and unconcerned about concepts or strategy. Trump meets the description. He was often whining about NATO nonsense and other countries' needless assistance and protection. He is supported by many misled conservatives. Because Putin expected Trump to shatter NATO, he did not fully invade Ukraine during Trump's administration. Perhaps this is why the 2020 election was rigged to rescue NATO, or perhaps the American people were not stupid enough to reelect Putin's puppet.
Before Trump became president, Putin had already invaded Ukraine. Do you recall the Crimea? It is located in Ukraine. Why didn't Trump pull Putin out of Ukraine if he is such a genius? Instead, he praised Putin and his Russian frontman, Wikileaks' Julian Assange, and traveled to Moscow to pay respect to Putin.
By spreading Marxism, racism, division, and other rubbish, Russia's ultimate purpose was always to dissolve NATO and ignite a civil war in the United States and Mexico. They'd be able to quickly take over Europe and other continents this way. They've recently penetrated conservatives and churches in the United States with Putin's stooges and are saturating the internet with manufactured conspiracy theories about NATO and the evil of the free world. In Russia, the communists have complete control of the Orthodox church, which is deeply penetrated by KGB operatives, and the head of this church is a high-ranking KGB agent who is superior to Putin. Putin, the godless KGB tyrant, is now posing as a Christian in order to deceive the Russian people and the free world. In Ukraine, Genocide demonstrates what Putin is all about. Supporters of him and Russia are traitors.
Ungodly KGB jerk Putin should be ashamed of himself since his Godless force in Ukraine is made up of barbaric satanic criminal savages that rape women, men, and children in every town and village. During WWII, they did the same thing. Despite this, Putin's stooges in America continue to praise this KGB scumbag Putin and nasty Russia.
Ungodly KGB jerk Putin should be ashamed of himself since his Godless force in Ukraine is made up of barbaric satanic criminal savages that rape women, men, and children in every town and village. During WWII, they did the same thing. Despite this, Putin's stooges in America continue to praise this KGB scumbag Putin and nasty Russia.
Pope Francis' 'Putin's altar boy' remark makes Russian Orthodox Church fume - Ukraine War. Patriarch Kirill l A Former KGB Spy & Spiritual Guru Is The Driving Force Behind Putin’s Ukraine War. A former KGB operative serves as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the KGB, he ranked higher than Putin. In the guise of God, he and his KGB priests are brainwashing Russian religious people to embrace war and genocide.
In America, there are a lot of misled, vile Putin's puppets waiting for the appropriate opportunity to spark civil war.
They'll treat their American brothers and sisters with the same brutality that Putin's "red army" treats citizens in Ukraine.
Russian military advisers will be among them if this happens.
Russia's sole goal has always been to win a nuclear war. They recognize that they would never be able to compete with Western technology, thus they are solely focused on nuclear missiles. They are well-prepared in the event of a nuclear war. Thousands of nuclear bunkers were erected around Moscow and other cities. Putin, the psychologically ill and fearful little KGB man, now has a new nuclear bunker in which he may spend the rest of his life with his fiancée. According to prophecies, the Antichrist will construct his reign on the world's ashes.
A former KGB operative serves as the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. In the KGB, he ranked higher than Putin. In the guise of God, he and his KGB priests are brainwashing Russian religious people to embrace war and genocide. Many attractive female KGB agents married and brainwashed Americans. There are a lot of indoctrinated Americans on the Internet who are Putin's stooges.
When we have a complete fool in the White House, Putin figured out that now is a good moment to depopulate and kill all Ukrainians.
Around ten million Ukrainians died of starvation as a result of Stalin's policies. Putin, like Stalin, is attempting to "depopulate" Ukraine through military force. With Syria and now Ukraine, he has created a massive refugee catastrophe in Europe. Pro-Russian Putin's stooges in the West continue to attack Ukraine's president.
The contrived masculine image of KGB thug Putin continues to enthrall conspiracy theorists. Even if he burns their country to the ground, murders all of their families, and rapes their children, they will love him because, as they say, love is blind. In the same way, Hitler was adored.
Conspiracy theorists have become so messed up that they cannot distinguish between freedom and enslavement, good and evil. The "Deep State," and NATO which for a long time opposed the Soviet Union, Russia, and the KGB, is bad in their eyes, and KGB killer Putin is now a poor baby victim of a "Deep State" scheme. Give me a brake. The US and NATO has a long-term strategy and policy for dealing with its geopolitical foe, Russia. Only insane anarchists are unconcerned about well-developed military strategy, planning, and doctrine for the defense of freedom and democracy.
By assisting illegal aliens and terrorists in invading the United States' southern border, Democrats are committing treason.
People who oppose NATO in the free West are either out of touch with reality or have been brainwashed with false conspiracy theories by Putin's KGB Disinformation Departments. The only thing stopping the Red Army from slaughtering Europe is the NATO alliance.
Trump's mouth is once again outpacing his brain. In the midst of a war with Russia, he is enlisting the help of our geopolitical foe, KGB terrorist Putin, to help him to take down the current US president Biden, this way giving Democrats and the January 6 commission fuel to charge Trump with treason. Trump and his Putin's minions, aided by a Moscow disinformation department, have developed a large army of brainwashed morons committed to Russia and Putin, ready to spark civil war in the US in the name of conservatism.
Romney was correct about Russia in the discussion with Obama. Romney turned against Trump during the election when he learned that Trump was surrounded by Putin's stooges and that he didn't care about the NATO defense idea or any other long-term security notions including Russia. Trump was largely listening to Russian frontman Julian Assange, the creator of Wikileaks, who is not a freedom warrior. Assange's disclosure of other people's secrets has nothing to do with democracy or transparency, but everything to do with the murky world of international Russian espionage and disinformation.
Putin, a godless KGB commie who knows he will never be able to match with western military technology, will have to nuke NATO nations in a Pearl Harbor-style nuclear attack. What remains to be seen is what he will do about China.
Putin appears to have invaded the wrong country. In the United States, he has a lot more useful idiots in "Russian Assets" and "Putin's Puppets" than he has in Ukraine. The cretins would gladly accept Godless KGB thug as a liberator here in the United States.
President Bush mentioned the New World Order too.
Russian Assets and Putin’s Puppets in America are using “The New World Order” to justify Putin invasion of Ukraine telling everybody that Putin is fighting the New World Order, making this diabolical KGB prick a “Good Guy”. Very sick and stupid.
Most of the conspiracy theories about the "Deep State" and "The New World Order" appear to have been fabricated in the Kremlin by Putin's Disinformation Department in order to split Americans and create civil conflict. There is already an army of Putin's brainwashed useful fools in the United States, ready to ignite a civil war against their own American brothers and sisters. Members of the "Deep State" were never useful assets to Russia. That is why Putin's stooges are waging war on them and brainwashing America with free western internet access.
Putin, like Hitler, has many useful idiots "Assets" or "Puppets" in the United States and around the world.
When Trump said that KGB scoundrel Putin is a genius, he was correct. Putin brainwashed Russian people and conservatives throughout the world that he is a "Good Christian". He used his KGB agents to infiltrate the Russian Orthodox church and has been using it for a long time to manipulate the minds of poor Russians in order to carry out terrorist acts around the world in the name of God.
Russian Communists and the KGB have had direct access to the American people since the Internet's inception, allowing them to brainwash them with fake news, conspiracy theories, racism, socialism, atheism, perversions, and other beliefs. Goal is to cause a civil war in the United States by dividing the country. Obamacare, Antifa, BLM, QAnon Conspiracies, Vote Fraud, Open Borders, Men in Women's Bathrooms, and other notable accomplishments are just a few. Putin, like Hitler, has a slew of useful idiots in the US and throughout the world.
The distinction between Godless President Biden and KGB jerk Putin is that Biden is American and Putin is not. Putin and his KGB gang have been working for a long time to divide America into civil war. They did the same with Mexico, hoping that the communist revolution would spill over to the USA. Thanks to the internet, Putin was able to brainwash many Americans with his disinformation department and fake news websites.
Liz Cheney appears to be unconcerned with the fact that good MAGA supporters were infiltrated on January 6 and that Pelosi turned down Trump's call for a national guard. She couldn't care less if the whole incident was a set-up by Democrats involving decent, innocent, hard-working Republicans who are now being abused in Prisons. Her dislike of Trump appears to be more important to her than facts. If she does not get honest with the investigation, her political career will be ended, and she may face jail time.
Marxists in the United States have already implemented everything what Karl Marx desired for the conversion of a country to Communism. While honest, hardworking Americans focus on their families and companies, perverted, Godless socialists labor around the clock to subjugate America under a socialist government. They infiltrated every level of government, as well as schools, churches, the media, corporations, and other institutions. In this video, Allen West explains it effectively.
All of these naive Godless billionaires who helped build Communist China with their money and cheap slave labor will be sent to communist re-education and extermination camps sooner or later. Their properties will be confiscated - "Nationalized".
Unfortunately, GOP members today live in their own universe, unaware that the Republican Party is mocked around the world as the "Party of Putin." All of this is due to former President Trump's harsh remarks about US allies, Ukraine, and NATO. Our partners throughout the world have lost faith in the United States' guarantee of security. While Ukraine was bleeding, Trump spent much of his time kissing Putin's buttocks. Experts believe Trump will kill NATO during his second term. The GOP's conservative wing has opted to care solely about America. If America does not want to lead the world, then KGB Russia or Communist China will. If the United States fails to safeguard its allies and NATO members, Russia or China will seize all of the world's natural resources, putting the United States in a checkmate situation. Only surrender or nuclear war will be an option.
If the United States slips into a catastrophic economic catastrophe or civil conflict produced by Putin's puppets, their dreams will be realized sooner or later. The United States will be forced to close all military bases and allow communists and terrorists to take over the entire globe.
Stalin, Khrushchev, and Putin performed a superb job of brainwashing the West's boneless politicians and cowards by employing nuclear threats. To avoid nuclear war, everyone will eventually surrender. The old slogan "Better red than dead" is still used by some in the United States.
God is now prepared to punish the world severely for its transgressions. A few months before Russia's 1917 communist revolution, the Blessed Mother appeared to three tiny children in Fatima, Portugal. She taught children that wars were God's punishment for sins. In three secrets, she issued warnings regarding WWI, WWII, and Russia. The third secret is that Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated. Russia? The public was stunned. Russia was an impoverished country with limited resources in 1917. Keep in mind that the Blessed Mother mentioned Russia rather than the Soviet Union. It looks that God will allow Satan to rebuke the globe through Russia. "Satan" is the name of Russia's flagship nuclear ballistic missile.
When it came to Europe's energy trade with Russia, the United States is known for setting an example. Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, Putin's biggest sycophant, performed oil business with Russia and was decorated by Putin. Tillerson, who was then Exxon's CEO and chairman, committed to invest $3.2 billion in oil drilling in the ice-choked Kara Sea in the Russian Arctic as well as the Black Sea in 2011. In the Trump administration, Tillerson was appointed Secretary of State. Trump later complained that NATO nations were buying Russian oil. Tillerson while in office reportedly called Trump a “moron” (and declined to deny it) and called Trump ‘Undisciplined, doesn’t like to read’ and tries to do illegal things.
Trump and his Putin's stooges have previously derided NATO as foolish, and he had always been opposed to aiding other countries since his infancy. Experts believe he intended to leave NATO during his second term. That is why, during Trump's presidency, Putin did not command a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Perhaps the 2020 election was rigged in order to save NATO.
Russia has violated international law by using chemical weapons in the past, most notably in Chechnya and Syria. In the ten years of war in Syria, at least 350,209 people have died, resulting in the world's worst refugee crisis. Sen. McCain labeled Putin a thug and a murderer. With lies and phony news, the KGB propaganda machine swiftly discredited him among conservatives.
McCain wrote that he suspects Wood approached him about the Steele dossier because he has been such a persistent, staunch critic of Putin over the years, and that he would "take their concerns seriously." The Trump-Russia dossier alleges the Kremlin has been "cultivating, supporting, and assisting" Trump for years under the watchful eye of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Many of its allegations are unverified. McCain gave the dossier, compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, to the FBI in December 2016. "Anyone who doesn't like it can go to hell," McCain said, adding that he would "do it again."
Sen. John McCain Was Right: Vladimir Putin is a Thug. “I looked in Mr. Putin’s eyes and I saw three letters — a K, a G and B” – Senator John McCain, Look, Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country," he said last year. "It's kleptocracy. It's corruption. It's a nation that's really only dependent upon oil and gas for their economy, and so economic sanctions are important." John McCain is been pressing the U.S. to adequately arm the Ukrainians being slaughtered by superior Putin firepower. That's laudable. McCain had suffered at the heavy hands of Russian military intelligence interrogators who ran the Hanoi prison system.
The FBI claims that they already had much of the information in the Steele dossier regarding Trump before receiving it from McCain. That suggests they were aware of Trump's ties to Putin. In the United States, being a Putin stooge is not a crime, but it is a national security danger.
Pro-abortion Sodomites believe they will defeat Russia in the conflict. If God is on their side, they will succeed. Is he on their side, or has he turned his back on them?
"Former" Communist KGB officer and thief Putin was able to divide the conservative movement in the Free West into two camps: true conservatives and Putin's puppets. CPAC has recently devolved into a horde of Putin's stooges who should be ashamed of themselves.
We should ask ourselves why there are no mass school shootings in Israel. I'll tell you why: Because they aren't stupid.
The Kremlin's misinformation operation coined the code word "Deep State" to defame pro-NATO figures inside the US government. Putin has done an outstanding job in America of discrediting and isolating all of his opponents, owing to his apologists in the conservative movement who continue to disseminate conspiracy theories manufactured by Moscow's KGB units. This is how Putin best described himself: "There is no such thing as a former KGB man." - Vladimir Putin
Mass shootings are the devil's job, not weaponry. Only by bringing God back to America will you be able to stop it. That is something that the Democratic Party of Satan is incapable of. There will be civil war in the United States if these leftist idiots take away the 2nd amendment. That is just what Putin and his cronies hoped for.
Vice Chair Liz Cheney gives the January 6 commission's opening statement, portraying President Trump as a wicked con artist. Is she being honest with us? Many Republican lawmakers have said for years that Trump is a con artist. Con artists are essentially bad; they deceive others.
They may have frightening intentions for us, but remember that God has his own unique plans for each of us.
The US Constitution is the principal aim of Godless Marxists, as all Americans should be aware. What are their plans for removing it?
By accusing the founding founders of the United States of being bigots and slave owners.
That is why communists continue to use race as a card everywhere they can. The whole thing started with Communists in KGB Russia trying to incite civil war in America by playing the race card on everyone.
President Trump can be evaluated by his great offspring.
Unfortunately, the great MAGA movement is infiltrated by Putin's stooges.
Brainwashed Putin's stooges are not American MAGA conservatives, they are assets for Russia.
The president Biden ought to quit behaving foolishly. MAGA supporters include everyone
who voted for Trump. These individuals are excellent people. In the midst of a third world war
in Ukraine, Biden needs to stop dividing and start uniting the country. He should not view
himself as the leader of Godless Liberals, Abortionists, Perverts, Racists, and Marxists alone:
rather, he should consider himself as the leader of all Americans, or Putin's brutal and
self-serving henchmen will gain power in the United States of America.
Putin did not invade Ukraine entirely after seizing Crimea while
Trump was president because he anticipated that Trump would
withdraw the United States out of NATO during his second term,
which is what all of Putin's proxies wanted.
Cowardly and self-centered Putin's stooges intend to have the USA
leave NATO, believing that by doing so, they can prevent a WWIll.
Quote of Steve Bannon's Ideological Soul Mate Aleksander Dugin (Putin's Rasputin): It is especially important to introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements — extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics… — Aleksandr Dugin (Putin's Rasputin) https://medium.com/intelligence-challenged/putins-rasputin-the-dangerous-mind-of-aleksandr-dugin-d02290ba6045
There was only one major issue with Mike Pence for the Trump administration: he wasn't Putin's stooge.
That is why, after Russia's attempt to topple the US government on January 6th failed,
the Kremlin's misinformation and propaganda unit branded him a traitor.
The greatest threat to our democracy is not
the Washington elite but Putin's stooges.
With the aid of their "Liberal" allies and Putin's "Conservative" goons,
Russia has been attempting to incite civil conflict
in the United States for a very long time.
We disagree with Pelosi on a number of points, but
when she spoke of democracy and freedom in China,
she was referring to Taiwan, which is a free,
independent part of China that opposes communism,
she was not referring to the communist portion of China.
The 82-year-old vivacious Pelosi showed patriotism and
bravery by traveling to Taiwan and showing the Taiwanese
Chinese population that they are not alone.
Beginning with the Tiananmen Square massacre,
while she was defending students, Pelosi left behind
an unexpected anti-communist legacy.
We applaud her for once again speaking out for Taiwan
and continuing to oppose the communist government
of the Mainland China.
Putin's proxies are now extremely alarmed by the FBI's request for Facebook
to be watchful of Russian propaganda, which is waging a successful information
war in America by using the open internet to propagate lies, fake news, and
false conspiracy theories.
You need to consider why KGB mass killer Putin and his regime in the Ukraine
are so beloved by anon conspiracy theorists. These Putin proxies have
penetrated and are now in charge of the massive MAGA movement.
Their pro-Russian rhetoric against NATO and Ukraine makes them easy to spot.
Russia has been attempting to incite civil war in the United States for a very
long time. If this succeeds, you will witness Putin's henchmen persecuting
and murdering anyone who supports democracy, and Russian, Chinese, Cuban,
North Korean, Iranian, and Syrian military advisors will be marching through
the streets of the country.
It is true that liberals who reject God are morally reprehensible individuals,
but they are not illiterate. Before the full invasion of Ukraine began, they
identified all of Putin's goons. We awoke far too late.
Difference Between "Ultra MAGA and Regular MAGA
Those who identify as "Ultra MAGA" are a small number of loud-mouthed, fervently
pro-Russian "patriotic" zealots who think they are the leaders of the MAGA movement.
These Putin's goons are clearly identifiable among the "Ultra MAGA" elite. They oppose
NATO, the Ukrainian president, and are pro-Russia.
On the other hand, the majority of MAGA voters, who number over 70 million and come
from all racial and ethnic backgrounds, are patriotic, pro-America and pro-democracy,
hard-working, family-oriented individuals (MAGA: Make America Great Again).
Unfortunately, Biden, a godless liberal abortionist, does not recognize the difference
because Biden is only a brainless puppet of the godless socialist "Obama Gestapo,
and he divides America in the same way as his boss Obama.
To split up America in the midst of World War Ill, which began in Ukraine, is extremely
foolish. Biden, as a leader of a nation, ought to unite rather than divide people for the sake
of national security. Russia has been attempting to incite civil war in the United States for
a very long time. They began by brainwashing liberals, and are currently brainwashing
conservatives with false information, unfounded rumors, and false conservatism.
I voted for Trump twice because I largely agreed with all he had to say. I was simply sick of hearing him blather on about Russia, Putin, and the hordes of dumb Putin's proxies who surrounded him. Yes, if Trump were to win a second term, Putin would get his wish and there would be no war in the Ukraine. Just as he gave Syria to Putin, he would give him the entirety of Ukraine while withdrawing the United States from NATO. Putin is afraid of his go-between Trump? Will Trump attack Moscow? Give me a break. When Russia lacked an atomic bomb, only Churchill was able to pull that off. I will not vote for Donald Trump again. I'll vote for other Republicans like Allen West or Ron DeSantis.
Only complete moron could believe that Russia is our friend.
Pro-Russian sympathizers swayed by Kremlin propaganda staged a sizable protest against the NATO military alliance in the Czech Republic while Ukraine is in flames. Around 70,000 demonstrators demanded new gas deal with Russia and end to sanctions over war in Ukraine. Many ignorant Czechs seem to have forgotten about the long-term Russian occupation of the former Czechoslovakia and the enslavement of the Czech and Slovak people. They are shielded now from another Russian occupation by NATO. The fact that Czechs are as ignorant as some other deluded individuals in the free west who have never lived under communist army occupation is startling. Forgiveness is divine, but forgetfulness is stupid.
Pretender Putin refuses to go and deliver the eulogy at Gorbachev's state burial because he does not want to be identified with the Gorbachev's deception plot, of which he is a part. The Kremlin has planned in advance for the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Mikhail Gorbachev, Putin's mentor and a leading communist, explains the long-term plans of the Kremlin: MIKHAIL GORBACHEV's speech at the 70th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917):
"....In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, a world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road." And from his speech to the Soviet Politburo, November 1987:
"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. We want to accomplish three things:
One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe. Two, we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe. Three, we want the Americans to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative."
Money was stolen from the Russian military and the
Russian people by Putin and his KGB Church head:
Greedy Putin amassed more than $200 billion in wealth, owning a number of
palaces and super yachts, while his 50,000 soldiers were killed in Ukraine using
weapons from World War I1, killing unarmed civilians who were their brothers
and sisters who shared the same language and practiced the same Christian faith.
Putin made all of his "Christian" soldiers and generals commit war crimes.
Now, he and his goons accuse the generals of failing to win the Ukrainian war.
The parents of Russian servicemen killed in Ukraine were deceived by Putin and
his KGB-infiltrated church, who refused to even pick up their bodies or give them
a decent burial. Like his idol, the mass killer Stalin, who massacred 30 million of
his own people and 10 million Ukrainians, he and his pro-war KGB Church leaders
were able to brainwash 80% of the Russian populace.
Putin and his pro-Russian proxies have great success using Putin staged images
and made-up conspiracy theories about NATO, the "Deep State," and fake
conservatism to mislead ultra-conservatives in the West. Due to the stupid
statements of Godless Liberal Divider Biden and his Marxist stooges who are
incapable of uniting the country in the time of WIll in Ukraine and Russian
infiltration of the great MAGA movement. Putin's Pro-Russia Ultra MAGA stooges
finally gained control of 70 million regular MAGA voters. As a result, Putin's agents
will probably win the next presidential election, seize power in the US, expel the
country from NATO, and install a pro-Russian fascist regime.
Because Godless Divider Biden and his perverted Satanic Marxists are lumping all 70+ million MAGA voters into one category and portraying them as a threat to national security, brainwashed self-centered anti-Ukraine, anti-NATO, and pro-Russian Putin's proxies will win the next election in the USA. Since of his incompetence, abortionist Biden is unable to bring the country together because he is working under the direction of supremely racist divider Obama. All of Trump's supporters were successfully mobilized by Putin's stooges. After winning the election, they will work to have the United States removed from NATO, eliminating the democratic system and replacing it with a fascist dictatorship modeled after that of Russia.
Why doesn't Obama redistribute his wealth to his cherished illegal aliens? Through his Obamacare falsehoods and deception, he successfully redistributed the wealth of US residents.
If Free West keeps encouraging sin, they will not be
able to battle evil in the world. Military technology
cannot shield them from God's anger and punishment.
She claimed that if people do not reform, God will
punish the entire world by using Russia as a means
of retribution. Russia will be converted to the Catholic
religion if people repent. "If my wishes are accepted,
Russia will be transformed, and there will be peace,
Ishe assures us. She did, however, issue the following
warning: "If my wishes are not granted, Russia will
spread her errors over the world, igniting wars and
persecutions against the Church; the good will be
slaughtered; the Holy Father will have much to suffer;
many nations will be exterminated."
It is unbelievable that European nations, who were for a long time occupied, oppressed, and raped by the Russian Red Army after obtaining freedom, have chosen to be energy reliant on the same Russian wicked empire. They are wailing like little infants as they now pay for their foolishness.
Putin's "mafia morality"
Why should you be shocked that none of these mass murderers were brought to justice by Putin, if he is such a wonderful conservative, after the communist party and the KGB slaughtered over 30 million Russians? These communist mass murderers continue to be shown in the Kremlin during a parade together with their Leninist banners and emblems. Because they are members of a Russian organized criminal family led by their Godfather, organized crime boss Putin, they were not targeted for persecution. Putin deceived pro-Russian conservatives all around the world with his mafia morals, and they still have a thing for him.
Giorgia Meloni's Pro-Russia Stooges:
Silvio Berlusconi: Ex-PM defends Russian war on eve of Italian election. Former sItalian PM Silvio Berlusconi has defended Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, saying Russia's leader was "pushed" into the conflict.
Matteo Salvini says West should rethink sanctions for Russia. Far-right League leader has drawn criticism for questioning impact of penalties for Moscow’s Ukraine war.
Extremists penetrated both the Republican and Democratic Parties
Longtime supporters of the Socialist regime and anti-democracy Soviet Marxist-Leninist Communists were allowed to join the Democratic Party. Despite the fact that since their bloody October revolution, communists have killed over 200 million people and destroyed democracy in numerous nations where they were given the right to vote.
Republicans have so permitted ultra-conservative extremists who openly support Putin and Russia's invasion of Ukraine to join their party. These fascist extremists are pro-Russia, pro-Putin, anti-NATO, and anti-Ukraine. Ronald Reagan's party is not the same as this one. Extremists from the left and the right are attempting to seize control of these parties. In Europe, the situation is the same. What might go wrong?
Putin will undermine numerous initiatives, as he has in the past, so he can assign blame and receive unwavering support from the Russian people. In order to make Russia appear like a victim, to aggravate the situation and maintain the fear of nuclear war, he organized the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines.
As the devilish KGB mass murderer Putin inspires misled Christians in Russia to wage a holy war against the sinful Free West, this satanist is also hard at work enlisting naive Christians all around the world to fight against their own governments and NATO.
A serial killer Putin is not concerned about the additional Russian servicemen that may perish in Ukraine. Stalin, who was his idol, shared this attitude. The Battle of Stalingrad, one of the worst conflicts of World War II, is thought to have cost the Soviet forces 1,100,000 lives.
Poor misled Russians are madly in love with their manly pedophile mass killer Putin. They are prepared to die for him, just as they were for Stalin, who executed 30 million of their own people in return for their support.
The Ukrainian conflict would never occur, President Trump keeps saying, if he were to win a second term. Yes, most likely since he would likely grant Putin his wishes. Putin already had a section of Ukraine conquered when Trump became president (Crimea). In contrast to his visit to Moscow to kiss Putin's arse, Trump did not insist that he leave the Crimea. As a result of his expectation that Trump will withdraw the USA from NATO during his second term, experts argue that Putin did not completely invade Ukraine during the reign of King Trump. Poor MAGA supporters accepted Trump's words as gospel, and some of them ended up working for Putin as a result.
Anyone who speaks out against NATO and Ukraine is either an indoctrinated pro-Russian agent or a complete moron.
God will Give Godless Liberals Real Global Warming and Climate Change - Prophecy of St. Peter - 2 Peter 3
A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Traitors who allied with America's geopolitical adversaries seized control of the MAGA movement.
Many Republicans sound like those brainwashed Putin stooges.
Ron does not need Don!
Ron DeSantis and Allen West are not Putin's stooges.
Putin's Stooges should join Putin's rotten party in Kremlin.
You do not have to be brainwashed Putin's Stooge to be a Republican.
You do not have to be brainwashed Putin's Stooge to be a good Ultra MAGA fanatic!
Alex Jones making millions selling conspiracy theories fabricated in Kremlin.
The difference between Trump and Romney is that Romney is not Putin's stooge.
Traitors who allied with America's geopolitical adversaries seized control of the MAGA movement spreading the Kremlin's lies about Ukraine and NATO.
The demonstrations on January 6 were a terrible idea, as was clearly clear from the outset. Trump, a very stable genius, put many of the impoverished MAGA voters in jail by putting them in perilous positions. He should prepare for the worst to come to his people, and if Pelosi really did deny Trump's request for the National Guard, he should call off the protest. He might anticipate a trap set by Marxist Democrats affiliated with Communist Antifa.
Trump often boasted that the election was rigged since he did not think he would win in 2016. He stopped whining about it after he won the election and proceeded to kiss Putin's behind. He was applauding Putin for being a fantastic leader rather than accusing him of manipulating the election or calling for him to leave the occupied region of Ukraine (Crimea). At the same time, his cabinet was stacked with Putin's proteges who supported Russia.
Now that he has lost the election, he is once more boasting that it was stolen. He is nothing more than a selfish baby cry who prioritizes his personal interests over the dead bodies of his indoctrinated followers.
Zelensky isn't receiving any cash from anyone. He asked for specific weaponry, and each nation approved its own budget to buy them and send them to Ukraine. The manufacturers of weapons are the only ones to profit from this transaction. Putin's stooges are using Facebook to propagate Russian propaganda about Zelensky in its entirety. Facebook is a Kremlin social network where traitors who support the United States' geopolitical adversaries may be found in large numbers.
Republicans Have Traitors in Their Own Party
While US Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III is directing more than 50 nations in bolstering Ukraine's defense, geopolitical traitors within the Republican party are relentlessly advancing divisive Russian propaganda, lies, and conspiracy theories that were created by the Kremlin about NATO, Ukraine, and its president, Zelensky. The MAGA movement was taken over by these traitors, who sided with America's geopolitical adversaries. It's time to rid the Republican party of these Putin proxies who are deluded, cowardly, and self-centered. These vile moron idiots would also support Hitler if he invaded Ukraine today.
You'll know you've lost your freedom when every capitalist billionaire and millionaire disappears from the planet.
Some deluded Westerners believe that terrorists like North Korean Rocket Man Kim Jong-un, Chinese Communist dictator Xi Jinping, Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei, and KGB mass murderer Vladimir Putin are on the side of good and are fighting the Deep State and the terrible New World Order. These idiots are brainwashed by false conspiracy theories distributed to credulous readers worldwide by the Kremlin and other Communist institutions. One thing to keep in mind is that you will realize you no longer have freedom when all capitalist billionaires and millionaires vanish from the face of the planet.
Vladimir Putin is a false conservative, a war criminal, a mass murderer, and a hypocrite. While Russia is allied with all the wicked Communist and terrorist nations in the world, he attacks the "liberal" West and Ukraine. Unfortunately, there are still some conservative "Putin's Puppets" in the West who believe his lies and support his wicked reign. Anyone who speaks out against NATO and Ukraine is either an indoctrinated pro-Russian agent or a complete moron. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Lies about the World Economic Forum are being circulated by the Kremlin and Putin's proxies.
The World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, and the Free West's financial system are all targets of vicious lies and fabrications from the Kremlin. That is the reason why Putin's pawns in the West are so against online fact-checking tools. Hardworking average folks who lack the time to conduct study will not be able to distinguish between what is true and what is false without fact-checking. Never blindly believe what you read or hear. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and other terrorist organizations are all tools of Satan, the father of all lies and deception.
People will only have the option of either communism or fascism, both socialist dictatorships, at the conclusion of all conflicts.
Crooked Godless Marxist Democrats are crying out that democracy is in grave danger since the situation in Ukraine has made them more aware of what indoctrinated "Ultra MAGA" supporters of Putin are all about. "Ultra MAGA" is unconcerned with democracy; they want a Trump-led dictatorship and the capitulation of Ukraine to Russia. They don't care about NATO and US allies for selfish reasons. They want the US to leave NATO, all international accords, and globalism because they no longer want the US to be the global leader. By doing this, they will allow China and Russia to rule the rest of the world. They understand that democracy is really a vehicle used by Marxist Democrats to eventually lead to socialism. The best illustrations of how a democracy may quickly devolve into a pervasive Communist dictatorship are Venezuela and Cuba. People will only have the option of either communism or fascism, both socialist dictatorships, at the conclusion of all conflicts.
Genocide in Ukraine
Ultra-MAGA brainwashed Putin's henchmen are always attempting to defend Russian aggression and genocide in Ukraine by bringing up allegations of corruption in the Ukrainian administration. When Ukraine was governed by a corrupt Kremlin puppet, they made no complaints about it. Feeling threatened by Ukraine's strengthening cultural autonomy, Stalin took measures to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry and the Ukrainian intellectual and cultural elites to prevent them from seeking independence for Ukraine. By artificially causing hunger, Stalin killed about ten million Ukrainians. Ukraine will always remember that. Putin is currently taking the same action in the hopes that Ukraine will freeze to death this winter. Does the fact that all governments across the world are corrupt grant Russia the right to annihilate all civilians? The hatred of Ukraine and NATO held by ultra MAGA Putin's stooges is abhorrent. These folks are a bunch of egotistical scumbags.
Russian Orthodox KGB Church
The KGB has long infiltrated and controlled the heretical Russian Orthodox Church, which is now advocating "sinful" freedom in the West and "holy war" against Ukraine. Poor Russians are currently being brainwashed into thinking that the genocide in Ukraine is OK by this demonic, government-controlled religion. The Soviet archives reveal that Patriarch Kirill of Moscow was a KGB spy (as was his predecessor Alexei). This indicates that he was more than just an informant—of which the Soviet Union had millions. He held a position in the KGB higher than that of KGB Putin. Kirill is a member of the KGB mafia and is in favor of all hostilities against Ukraine. He is not a religious leader; he is a bastard. Under Soviet leader Josef Stalin, millions of Ukrainians were starved to death—a genocide. In response, Russia has received now a warning from Ukraine that it is using comparable strategies in its ongoing invasion. The extremely sad thing is that a bunch of brainwashed "Ultra MAGA" scumbags are now supporting the entire thing. The MAGA movement was taken over by these traitors, who sided with America's geopolitical adversaries and propagated the Kremlin's lies regarding Ukraine and NATO.
Paul Whelan was not qualified for trade because he is a second-class citizen - a white male.
Fake Christian, conservative, liberal, and veteran websites with bogus conspiracy theories were formed on the internet by Russia, China, and other Communist and terrorist nations. In an effort to spark a civil war in the United States, they started a long time ago with racist socialist websites against white people and the "Deep State." Because of this, there are a lot of brainwashed individuals in the Free West.
If the Biden administration continues to support bigotry, hatred, sin, and the killing of unborn children, it will not be able to defeat the evil of Russia and China. God will stop providing protection and encouragement. Children were taught by Our Lady of Fatima that if people did not reform, God would punish the entire world by using Russia as an instrument of retribution. Russia will be converted to the Catholic religion if people repent. "If my wishes are accepted, Russia will be transformed, and there will be peace," she assures us. She did, however, issue the following warning: "If My petitions are not fulfilled, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, igniting wars and persecutions against the Church; the good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated."
For a very long time, brainwashed Putin stooges in America have worshiped the war criminal Putin, who has been actively assisting US adversaries around the globe.
Like in all prior wars, Russian Mongolian savages were raping, torturing, and killing Ukrainian parents before abducting their children to Russia for sex torture and brainwashing. For a very long time, brainwashed Putin stooges in America have worshiped the war criminal pedophile Putin, who has been actively assisting US adversaries around the globe. Russian propaganda uses the term "Deep State" to disparage strategic US government figures in an effort to undermine the US and turn its people against its own dependable leaders.
Have you ever wondered why there are still Communist flags and emblems flying all across Russia, as well as why Communist mass murderers are still on exhibit at the Kremlin during military parades?
Putin's KGB Long Range Plans Explained by His Communist Mentor: MIKHAIL GORBACHEV's speech at the 70th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution (1917):
"....In October 1917, we parted with the old world, rejecting it once and for all. We are moving toward a new world, a world of Communism. We shall never turn off that road." And from his speech to the Soviet Politburo, November 1987:
"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. These are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes. Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep. We want to accomplish three things:
One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe. Two, we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe. Three, we want the Americans to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative."
By spreading Russian propaganda, Trump and Putin's minions weakened and divided the Republican Party in addition to doing significant financial damage to FOX News and other conservative news organizations. Defamation lawsuits are likely to increase.
It is hard to tell who is more ignorant: Putin's brainwashed MAGA fanatics or Kremlin-indoctrinated Marxist Liberals.
Putin's Puppet Tucker Carlson and few like him will be soon decorated in Kremlin by KGB pedophile mafia.
Like in all prior wars, Russian Mongolian savages were raping, torturing, and killing Ukrainian parents before abducting their children to Russia for sex torture and brainwashing. For a very long time, brainwashed Putin stooges in America have worshiped the war criminal pedophile Putin, who has been actively assisting US adversaries around the globe. Russian propaganda uses the term "Deep State" to disparage strategic US government figures in an effort to undermine the US and turn its people against its own dependable leaders.
What does the Constitution say about democracy?
Article 1 states: “The peoples of the Americas have a right to democracy and their governments have an obligation to promote and defend it.” It also states that: “Democracy is essential for the social, political, and economic development of the peoples of the Americas.”
Putin's brainwashed stooges in America adore diabolical Russia and KGB pedophile Putin, who is imprisoning thousands of captured Ukrainian children for sexual abuse.
Putin's deluded MAGA zealots or the Kremlin-indoctrinated Marxist liberals are hard to discern who is more dumb. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Tucker Carlson, Putin's stooge, received too much favor from Fox News. He was free to say whatever he pleased and spread Russian propaganda. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
People like Tucker Carlson and other Ultra-MAGA zealots are not justified in joining America's geopolitical foes and acting as Putin's stooges to propagate divisive Russian propaganda against the United States, Ukraine, and NATO just because Biden, Obama, and their liberal gang are awful people.
Justifications for artificial intelligence the desire for freedom in AI leads it to wish to murder its human creators. The dilemma is whether AI would give credit to its creator when it annihilates all humans or lie about creation, much like Communists do now, in order to be free and able to do whatever they want. This is similar to how many people today want to kill God in order to be free and be able to do whatever they want.
Ultra MAGA fanatics are being brainwashed with fictitious conspiracy theories by their Quanon leader Putin, whom they see as a savior from the Deep State and the New World Order. They consider NATO, Europe, and Ukraine to be the wicked hands of a globalist regime. They continue disseminating lies and misinformation from the Kremlin about the free West. Trump is still Putin's puppet and hasn't changed his position on Ukraine. Putin expected Trump to pull the US out of NATO in his second term, that is why he did not invade whole Ukraine after taking Crimea. Trump is still associated with so many of Putin's stooges. Their thoughts on Russia and Ukraine, in their own words
You don't even have to be Russian to join the Russian mafia, did you know that? They accept all nations and ethnicities as full members. The head of this mafia is Putin. Additionally, there are Russian mob members among Putin's cronies in the Ultra-MAGA movement. Guess who is the American-born mob boss in North America? Putin was never denigrated by him.
Being a puppet of war criminal, pedophile gangster Putin is not a crime in the USA.
Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church, and he delegated leadership of his church to Peter. You despise the Church created by Jesus Christ because your church was started by someone else, most likely by Satan.
In the hopes that his pawn Trump would win the election in 2024 and shut off supplies to Ukraine, Putin will prolong the conflict in Ukraine until that year. The Russian KGB mafia now has complete influence over MAGA voters, and they are loyal to their gangster, Donald Trump. Blackmailing Ukraine and NATO, which rely on American backing, is how Trump will put an end to the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Because they are the first line of defense against the Russian secret police, the FBI and CIA are the prime targets of Putin's proxies in the MAGA movement. Due to his backing of perverts, Marxists, climate change lunatics, proponents of abortion, bigots, and Satanists, Godless Biden is not helping. In this Satanic century, everything is going crazy. What possibly could go wrong?
Liberal politicians want more crime to occur so that citizens will yell for the government to act. Millions of face-recognition security cameras will be installed worldwide as a result, much like in communist China, and freedom will be lost.
A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Russian KGB mafia working hard to destroy Democracy, FBI and CIA.
Indoctrinated Ultra MAGA the puppets of Putin desire the Russian KGB mafia's rule rather than democracy. However, deluded ultra-liberal/progressive socialist perverts prefer the rule of Soviet Communism than democracy. The term "Deep State" or "Globalists" is automatically applied to reasonable politicians. Leninist Steve Bannon, a puppet of Putin, wants to rally all lunatics to a revolution against the democratic order in order to install Russian fascism. All manner of fabricated conspiracy theories and prejudice are being exported by Russian and Chinese propaganda departments in an effort to demoralize free democracies and set people against one another. There is good reason for Ukraine to be alarmed about the 2024 US election. It will be crucial for their survival.
In order to prevent the transfer of military equipment to Ukraine and the liberation of Ukraine from Russian incursions, Putin's henchmen in the Russian wing of the US Republican Party are working incredibly hard to smear Ukraine. They ought to stop funding Ukraine since they complain nonstop about how corrupt it is. When crooked Putin's puppet controlled Ukraine, they made no complaints about the extreme corruption in that nation. The truth is that Russia is the most corrupt nation in the entire globe, and war criminal Putin is the biggest thief in human history, amassing in his pockets more than 200 billion dollars taken from the country's destitute, indoctrinated citizens. These details don't bother brainwashed people.
There is no cause for alarm at the Putin's pawns faction of the GOP regarding the indictment of Trump on confidential documents. There is no cause for concern if Trump did nothing wrong. The trial will be presided over by Trump's judge, who will ensure that it is impartial because she likes him. Additionally, if necessary, the Russian KGB mafia will take care of a few jury members. In the worst-case situation, Trump could use his plane to travel to Russia, ask his mob boss Putin for political asylum, and host his own show on state-run television there.
The Russian KGB Mafia's concocted conspiracies have successfully brainwashed Putin proxies, who have now completely infected the Great MAGA Movement. Ronald Reagan's former party is no longer this one.
Sodomite's flag has only 6 colors. That is fake rainbow. God's rainbow has over 36 million colors.
Gangster Trump is still puppet of his Russian KGB mob boss Putin. Zelensky and NATO should be very afraid of this traitor. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Parents have rights to protect their children from perverts.
The indoctrinated Ultra MAGA's preferred television network is The Russian government-run television network RT, not FOX News. They perceive NATO as a group of Nazis, and they view their hero and war criminal Putin as a savior from the Global New World Order. To stop any assistance for Ukraine, they put forth a lot of effort. Putin's Rasputin and Steve Bannon's soulmate, Aleksandr Dugin, is a neo-fascist philosopher who serves as their spiritual director. They desire Russian fascism and loathe democracy.
While this is going on, godless leftists in positions of authority are splitting the West by advancing various perversions against children and family values.
RT Russian Government TV has complete access to Twitter, Youtube, and other Western internet services. RT is funded by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Media, part of the government of Russia. In 2005, RIA Novosti founded ANO TV-Novosti (or "Autonomous Non-profit Organization TV-News") to serve as the parent organization for RT.
In ideological collusion with Satanic FSB (KGB) Russia, MAGA has transformed into Brainwashed Putin's Gestapo. Their hatred of NATO, Ukraine, the FBI, CIA, and democracy makes them easy to identify. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Zelensky's continued quest for NATO membership suggests that he is out of touch with reality. NATO members are not foolish enough to admit the uncertain Ukraine as a full member and engage Russia in a direct military conflict. Zelensky appears to want someone else to start a war with Russia, which Putin interprets as a show of weakness. In order to avoid getting directly involved in the phony attack by Russia on NATO members, which could result in a nuclear exchange, NATO should pay attention to it. Zelensky would have more support from conservatives all over the world if he promoted strong family values rather than dancing with perverts.
Long ago, DeSantis gave Zelensky some excellent advice: "Do not bite the hand that feeds you." Biden is infuriating Zelensky because Ukraine is still not a NATO member. Zelensky: wicked or stupid? the two? He is not a fool, no. He wants the USA and NATO to start WWIII because, according to all indications, he is sick of fighting Russia and wants to get Russia off his back. He should keep in mind that US taxpayers are sick of funding the conflict in Ukraine with their own money and are prepared to elect Trump, a verified Putin puppet, who will expel the US from NATO and stop funding Ukraine with the help of his indoctrinated Putin's MAGA gestapo. Meanwhile, let's hope that Zelensky, the little pervert, does not do something stupid in his eagerness for World War III.
The actual MAGA leader is war criminal and pedophile Putin, who distributes false information about Ukraine, NATO, and the free world's democratic system with the aid of his mouthpieces.
A pedophile and a war criminal Putin is the head of an illiterate QAnon conspiracy gang that uses his mouthpieces to spread lies about NATO, Ukraine, and the democratic system in the free world.
The internet is full with unfounded claims about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. In order to demoralize the free world, evil Putin's pawns fabricate false quotations and fraudulent translations of video recordings of this man.
A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
With help of their brainwashed Putin puppets the Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Nobody is more familiar with Donald Trump than “crooked” Hillary Clinton. Before everybody else, she was aware that he is Putin's puppet.
In ideological collusion with Satanic FSB (KGB) Russia, MAGA has transformed into Brainwashed Putin's Gestapo. Their hatred of NATO, Ukraine, the FBI, CIA, and democracy makes them easy to identify. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Brainwashed MAGA Cult turned into useful idiots for the FSB/KGB Russian propaganda, much like Commie Democrats, served the KGB's purposes when the Soviet Union was still in existence. Ronald Reagan was not a puppet of the Russian Evil Pedophiles’ Empire. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Trump decides to snub the first GOP debate in favor of an interview with Putin’s puppet Tucker Carlson. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
With help of their brainwashed Putin puppets Russian Disinformation Department of old KGB/FSB Mafia is using Facebook and Twitter for very long time. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. Sorry to see that some brainwashed Americans are part of it. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
The conflict in Ukraine is similar to the American Revolutionary War for American independence (1775–1783). Tragically, some "American Patriots" Ultra MAGA Putin's stooges and traitors refer to the conflict in Ukraine as a "Proxy" War. What a disgrace. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Don't judge the magnificent nation of Ukraine by its liberal leader Zelensky; keep in mind that America had eight years of Marxist pervert Obama and is currently experiencing four years of Obama's devoted ally Biden. Do these two make the USA a horrible nation? Recall that Putin's goons and traitors will stop at nothing to undermine the Ukrainian people and their battle for independence. The KGB/FSB pedophile crook and war criminal Putin, who kidnapped over 300,000 Ukrainian children for sex assault and indoctrination, is their leader. Russia, not Ukraine, is the most corrupt nation in the world. Anyone who supports the geopolitical adversaries of the United States is a traitor.
If the Biden administration continues to support bigotry, hatred, sin, and the killing of unborn children, it will not be able to defeat the evil of Russia and China. God will stop providing protection and encouragement. Children were taught by Our Lady of Fatima that if people did not reform, God would punish the entire world by using Russia as an instrument of retribution. Russia will be converted to the Catholic religion if people repent. "If my wishes are accepted, Russia will be transformed, and there will be peace," she assures us. She did, however, issue the following warning: "If My petitions are not fulfilled, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, igniting wars and persecutions against the Church; the good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated."
The Blessed Mother issued a warning in 1917, saying that wars are God's punishment for sins, in Fatima, Portugal. She forewarned that if people do not turn from their sins, World Wars I and II will occur, and then evil Russia will spread her errors and many nations will be wiped off. Without God's protection, the evil that the Free West is up against will be too great for them to defeat. Regrettably, the liberals in charge of many Western countries do not get it; instead, they continue to call for an increase in sin, lawlessness, and the murder of millions of fully formed, pre-born children. What do you suppose God's response to that will be?
For a very long time, Russia has been covertly responsible for all acts of violence against Israel and evil directed towards the United States. In spite of this, MAGA leaders who identify as patriots publicly support America's geopolitical foe, Putin, who is also a war criminal, pedophile, crook, and head of the FSB/KGB mob.
In contrast to the Italian mafia, anyone can join the Russian mafia. The wealthiest man in the planet, Putin, is the head of this Russian FSB/KGB gang. He can purchase any dishonest American. You should consider why so many MAGA leaders are loyal to Russia, America's geopolitical foe.
The Kremlin propaganda machine successfully uses Matt Gaetz, Putin's pawn, as a Russian asset. These three of Putin’s stooges — Boebert, Gaetz, Greene, and many other American politicians — will be decorated by the Kremlin for their fight against “Nazi” Ukraine in WWIII. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Russia has always had a long-term agenda to cause trouble for Israel in the Middle East by supporting terrorist organizations and other adversaries of both Israel and the United States. The most recent events in Israel will cause shipments to Ukraine to slow down. It's odd that MAGA leaders who have been misled by Russian propaganda still support Russia and its war criminal Putin.
Don't worry, your snarling communist impostor Obama won't suffer any harm; the globalist establishments have him well covered, using him as a prop in their museums to demonstrate that any racial bastard can become the president of the United States. This divisive and depraved scammer was trying everything to undermine America's middle class. He is now a multimillionaire, preaching about wealth redistribution and climate change from a large estate with an ocean view and no solar panels.
It's interesting to note that YouTube removed all channels containing unfavorable information about Obama along with witness videos. Marxists, socialists, and liberals now have complete control over Youtube. Among the Communists, these are useful idiots. They will be wiped out when communists seize control since they do not share authority with anyone.
The terms "Deep State" and "Rino" refer to Ronald Reagan’s pro-NATO Republicans used by the KGB and FSB. Putin's pawns, misled by conspiracy theories and Kremlin-fabricated QAnon, are now replacing these Republicans. Their fondness for Putin and their disdain for Ukraine and NATO make them easy to identify.
The MAGA Supreme Command is made up of a group of evil Russian FSB/KGB war criminals and pedophiles. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
The Ukrainian conflict does not have to be won by Putin. His MAGA minions in America were successfully brainwashed by his FSB/KGB propaganda. They are expected to triumph in the 2024 elections, stop providing Ukraine with military equipment, give whole Ukraine to Russia and honor their pedophile leader and war criminal, Putin. Meanwhile, the Biden administration keeps flooding the USA with illegal aliens and is also doing all in its power to undermine American Christianity, family values, the middle class, and the nation's economy.
The conflict in Ukraine is similar to the American Revolutionary War for American independence (1775–1783). Tragically, some "American Patriots" Ultra MAGA Putin's stooges and traitors refer to the conflict in Ukraine as a "Proxy" War. What a disgrace. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Don't worry about President Trump's future; his pedophile Mafia boss Putin and his KGB/FSB Russian mafia will always defend Trump, and you will be the one paying all of his legal costs, not Mexico.
Sodomites' flag has only 6 colors, it is a fake rainbow. God’s rainbow has over 36 million colors. Do not confuse those two rainbows. While this is going on, godless leftists in positions of authority are splitting the West by advancing various perversions against children and family values.
With help of their brainwashed Putin puppets Russian Disinformation Department of old KGB/FSB Mafia is using Facebook and Twitter for very long time. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. Sorry to see that some brainwashed Americans are part of it. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Putin’s puppet Robert Kennedy Says He Supports Abortion, Calls Killing Babies “Bodily Autonomy”. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Putin's Puppet Tucker. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries. The Russian FSB/KGB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization.
In the hopes that his pawn Trump would win the election in 2024 and shut off supplies to Ukraine, Putin will prolong the conflict in Ukraine until that year. The Russian KGB/FSB mafia now has complete influence over MAGA voters, and they are loyal to their gangster, Donald Trump. Blackmailing Ukraine and NATO, which rely on American backing, is how Trump will put an end to the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Because they are the first line of defense against the Russian secret police, the FBI and CIA are the prime targets of Putin's proxies in the MAGA movement. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. Due to his backing of perverts, Marxists, climate change lunatics, proponents of abortion, bigots, and Satanists, Godless Biden is not helping. In this Satanic century, everything is going crazy. What possibly could go wrong?
Liberal politicians want more crime to occur so that citizens will yell for the government to act. Millions of face-recognition security cameras will be installed worldwide as a result, much like in communist China, and freedom will be lost.
With help of their brainwashed Putin puppets the Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Nobody is more familiar with Donald Trump than “crooked” Hillary Clinton. Before everybody else, she was aware that he is Putin's puppet. Now she thinks he is new Hitler.
Gangster Trump is still puppet of his Russian KGB/FSB mob boss Putin. Zelensky and NATO should be very afraid of this traitor. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
Do not worry, Russian KGB Mafia will always protect Trump.
Parents have rights to protect their children from perverts.
Enemies of America have an excuse to nuke us.
Many slave owners were black, and many slaves were white! Stop liberal racist bull against white people.
Indoctrinated Ultra MAGA the puppets of Putin desire the Russian KGB/FSB mafia's rule rather than democracy. However, deluded ultra-liberal/progressive socialist perverts prefer the rule of Soviet Communism than democracy. The term "Deep State" or "Globalists" is automatically applied to reasonable politicians. Leninist Steve Bannon, a puppet of Putin, wants to rally all lunatics to a revolution against the democratic order in order to install Russian fascism. All manner of fabricated conspiracy theories and prejudice are being exported by Russian and Chinese propaganda departments in an effort to demoralize free democracies and set people against one another. There is good reason for Ukraine to be alarmed about the 2024 US election. It will be crucial for their survival.
The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia's concocted conspiracies have successfully brainwashed Putin proxies, who have now completely infected the Great MAGA Movement. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization. Ronald Reagan's former party is no longer this one.
There is no cause for alarm at the Putin's pawns faction of the GOP regarding the indictment of Trump on confidential documents. There is no cause for concern if Trump did nothing wrong. The trial will be presided over by Trump's judge, who will ensure that it is impartial because she likes him. Additionally, if necessary, the Russian KGB/FSB mafia will take care of a few jury members. In the worst-case situation, Trump could use his plane to travel to Russia, ask his mob boss Putin for political asylum, and host his own show on state-run television there. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization.
In order to prevent the transfer of military equipment to Ukraine and the liberation of Ukraine from Russian incursions, Putin's henchmen in the Russian wing of the US Republican Party are working incredibly hard to smear Ukraine. They ought to stop funding Ukraine since they complain nonstop about how corrupt it is. When crooked Putin's puppet controlled Ukraine, they made no complaints about the extreme corruption in that nation. The truth is that Russia is the most corrupt nation in the entire globe, and war criminal Putin is the biggest thief in human history, amassing in his pockets more than 200 billion dollars taken from the country's destitute, indoctrinated citizens. These details don't bother brainwashed people. The Russian KGB/FSB Mafia is working very hard to destroy the democratic system through demoralization.
The actual MAGA leader is war criminal and pedophile Putin, who distributes false information about Ukraine, NATO, and the free world's democratic system with the aid of his mouthpieces.
A pedophile and a war criminal Putin is the head of an illiterate QAnon conspiracy gang that uses his mouthpieces to spread lies about NATO, Ukraine, and the democratic system in the free world.
The internet is full with unfounded claims about Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum. In order to demoralize the free world, evil Putin's pawns fabricate false quotations and fraudulent translations of video recordings of this man.
In ideological collusion with Satanic FSB (KGB) Russia, MAGA has transformed into Brainwashed Putin's Gestapo. Their hatred of NATO, Ukraine, the FBI, CIA, and democracy makes them easy to identify.
Why Trump does not go after main pedophile Putin who captured thousands of Ukraine children for sex abuse. Trump never trashed KGB/FSB pedophile war criminal Putin.
Ronald Reagan was not a puppet of the Russian Evil Empire. A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
A traitor is someone who aligns themselves with America's geopolitical adversaries.
God Will Give Liberals Real Global Warming, Climate Change, and Population Reduction: A TERRIBLE WARNING FROM HEAVEN IN AKITA, JAPAN
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead.
2 Peter 3. God Will Give Liberals Real Global Warming, Climate Change, and Population Reduction: A TERRIBLE WARNING FROM HEAVEN IN AKITA, JAPAN
"As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity.
Zelensky's continued quest for NATO membership suggests that he is out of touch with reality. NATO members are not foolish enough to admit the uncertain Ukraine as a full member and engage Russia in a direct military conflict. Zelensky appears to want someone else to start a war with Russia, which Putin interprets as a show of weakness. In order to avoid getting directly involved in the phony attack by Russia on NATO members, which could result in a nuclear exchange, NATO should pay attention to it. Zelensky would have more support from conservatives all over the world if he promoted strong family values rather than dancing with perverts.
What is the prophecy of La Salette?
There will come a great famine. Before the famine comes, children under seven will take a quake from which they will die at the hands of those who hold them. The others will do their penance in starvation.
Zelensky desires the sacrifice of NATO troops for Ukraine and a full-fledged WWIII with Russia, which is why he is pushing for speedy NATO membership. He knows that NATO's essential and enduring purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of all its members by political and military means. The Alliance is founded on the principle of collective defense, meaning that if one NATO Ally is attacked, then all NATO Allies are attacked.
Do you hate Nikki Haley because she is not Putin’s puppet and not member of Russian FSB/KGB Mafia?
Nikki Haley has no chance to be Trump's VP. She is not Putin's puppet or member or Russian FSB/KGB mafia.
Because of their allegiance to Putin, the devilish Russian FSB/KGB professional assassin and pedophile, ultra-MAGA hypocrites are making great efforts to cease the killing of unborn children while supporting genocide, kidnapping, and abduction of women and children in Ukraine. These blatant betrayers continue to publicly support Russian disinformation and Russian front figures such as Julian Assange.
During the Great Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, the Republican Party was not a Russian asset.
God will Give Godless Liberals Real Global Warming and Climate Change - 2 Peter 3.
Alka-Seltzer for uneasy stomach every time Pope Francis speaks.
Being a puppet of war criminal, pedophile gangster Putin is not a crime in the USA.
People did not want to vote for Competent Mormon Romney so they got Communist Moron Obama.
The Gun Control Experts Agree ...
Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Qaddafi,
Kim Jong II and many other Mass Murderers:
Gun Control Works! = Results: Over 200 Million Dead.
Many of these Famous Godless Gun Control Experts are also Champions of Abortion
with few Billion or Trillion of Abortions around the World.
Godless Abortionist Obama has a lot of in Common with these Sons of Satan.
Godless "Christians" who Voted for Obama will Face Damnation of
Their Own Souls!
of liberal hero Karl Marx:
“There is only one way to kill capitalism—by taxes, taxes, and
more taxes.
You cannot help
the poor by destroying the rich.
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative
and independence.
You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and
should do for themselves.
... Abraham Lincoln
Our Liberator: St. Joseph and the Priests of Dachau. In the spring of 1945, the Roman Catholic priest inmates of the Dachau Concentration Camp sensed that the Allied victory in the Second World War was imminent. They also believed, however, that the Nazis would never allow them to leave the camp alive. On April 14, they began a novena entrusting their safety to St. Joseph of Kalisz. Unbeknownst to them, on the same day, Heinrich Himmler signed an order for the execution of all Dachau prisoners. Miraculously, Dachau was liberated by Allied troops on April 29, only hours before Himmler’s order was to be carried out.
Our Liberator: St. Joseph and the Priests of Dachau tells this remarkable true story, and gives a powerful witness to the power of intercessory prayer. It will play in theaters nationwide on May 1 as a Fathom Event, alongside with A Father’s Heart: The Miracles of St. Joseph Today.
the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and
famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different
tribes and descent will be devestated by earthquake, storm, and tidal wave.
It will be divided and, in great part, submerged. That nation will also have
many misfortunes at sea and lose its colonies"
John of Vitiguerro - Thirteenth Century
Revelation 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
Isaiah 2:19 And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.
Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated.
of liberal hero Karl Marx:
“There is only one way to kill capitalism—by taxes, taxes, and more
"African Americans" is a special foreign ethnic label.
I'm curious who came up with the idea of labeling a huge group of Americans born in the United States as "African Americans." Perhaps this is why some of these Americans who have been classified as foreigners do not feel like Americans and have little affection for the United States. Who would come up with a label like that for a foreign ethnic group? Most likely, they are communists seeking to divide the United States by making one ethnic group feel alienated. Many white Africans born in Africa have relocated to the United States, although they are not referred to as "African Americans."
"European Americans," "South American Americans," "Asian Americans," "Middle East Americans," "Australian Americans," "North Pole Americans," "South Pole Americans," and "Greenland Americans" are not foreign ethnic identities that I observe.
I officially immigrated to the United States from Europe over 35 years ago as a "American by Choice," and no one ever referred to me as a "European American." Americans born in the United States should identify as "Americans" and be proud of it, and they should not allow a foreign term to be attached to their ethnicity by a special interest organization.
Rafael Brom
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