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500849d - Sex As God's Gift (With Printed Curriculum)-DVD


This DVD is playable in All regions

NOTE: DVD includes a printed 56-page guide with objectives, activities, handouts, and worksheets. DVD DOES NOT INCLUDE the program "Raising Your Children in an Ungodly World" as the DVD curriculum kit does. That program may be available separately on DVD at some point.

This six-part series has been developed for 14- and 15-year-olds to prepare them for the sexual decisions they will face. The series features Mary Ronan, a registered nurse who has worked with teens for over ten years. Mary is a gifted communicator who helps prepare young teens to think through major choices, especially those dealing with love, sex and relationships. "This is a series every young teen needs to see" is a comment we've heard over and over again from the students Mary speaks to.

The six programs are

1. Making Good Decisions -- See how the media erodes our values and influences our decisions. How do we make good decisions? Why is this such a critical time in our lives to make good decisions?

2. STDs and Pregnancy -- Is there any such thing as truly safe sex? Mary teaches about the most common STDs and explains how easy they are to contract. Many sexually active youth are infected with one or more STDs and don't even know it. Mary explains that most STDs can be contracted through oral sex just as easily as intercourse. She also tells youth how easy it is to get pregnant.

3. The Reality of Teen Pregnancy -- What is it like to be pregnant as an unmarried teen? Mary walks through the decisions youth will need to make. Abortion may seem like an easy and clean remedy to teen pregnancy, but it is not. Mary explains the reality of abortion. She shares stories from teens who have had abortions and the horror they have been through. Teens will see how much it costs to have and raise a baby and why most teenage mothers will live in poverty for many years. Boys will also learn of the new economic realities they face if they father a child, as it will have an economic impact on them for the next 18 years.

4. Sexuality as a Gift -- In this program Mary shows how sex is a wonderful gift from God. We see how we only hurt ourselves if we misuse the gift of sex. Mary helps teens to understand the consequences of premarital sex and that God wants us to appreciate sex as His gift and the means to create life with Him. Young people will be in a much better position to deal with internal sexual pressures, peer pressures and misinformation the media feeds them.

5. Relationships -- We learn what characteristics make up a healthy relationship and how they should be treated. How do you know if you can trust someone? We learn that our feelings don't make others trustworthy. Mary helps students think about trust and parental relationships. Finally, we examine relationships in light of I Corinthians 13.

6. Questions and Answers -- In this session Mary answers questions from the youth in the audience in a direct manner. How do you get STDs? If I have premarital sex, what are the chances that I will get an STD? How does God feel about homosexuality? Is pornogrophy a sin? Is foreplay breaking chastity?

Mary Ronan, a registered nurse with a specialty in reproductive health, has worked with teens for over 15 years. A gifted communicator, she speaks to thousands of teens and parents every year to help prepare young teens in thinking through major choices they will face, especially those in the area of premarital sex.

Time: 3 hrs | Production Year: 2001

TITLE   Sale Price
DVD 500849d - Sex as God's Gift DVD Curriculum   Sale Price $79.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION

DVD 500843d - Sex As God's Gift PDF Curriculum DVD   Sale Price $49.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION



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