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Hard Questions, Straight Answers-DVD


This DVD is playable in All regions

At a recent seminar for high school students dealing with sex and relationships from a Christian perspective, Jason Evert, M.A. took the guys aside and Ellen Marie, M.S., took the girls aside for separate sessions where participants could ask any question they wanted related to this important subject area.

Not surprisingly the questions were frank and direct. Seminar leaders didn't dodge any of them but gave pointed and meaningful answers from a Biblical point of view. How far is too far? What is the meaning of love? What's the harm in "doing it" if we are truly in love? We know we want to marry, so why should we wait? What is the rationale behind the Bible's approach when it seems to be so outdated from the perspective of modern secular society?

The answers given are as candid as the questions but full of understanding and respect for the struggles of young people today. In the confusing moral climate in which we live, this program provides young men and women with guidance that is clear and unambiguous and a time-tested pathway to a fulfilling life and future.

Includes two segments: Jason Evert with the guys - 25 minutes Ellen Marie with the girls - 29 minutes

Time: 55 min | Production Year: 2001




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