Revelation: Apocalypse II - DVD |
This DVD is playable in US and Canada Only In this stunning sequel to "Apocalypse," three months have passed. Counter-terrorism expert Thorold Stone (Jeff Fahey) is still trying to put the pieces of his life together. His wife and daughter were among those who vanished off the face of the earth. And now, in the course of his investigation of an underground resistance movement, he discovers a conspiracy that leads right to the heart of the new global order. Would a true Messiah (Nick Mancuso) lie? And if he is not the true Messiah, just who is this new Supreme Leader and what has he done with Stone's family? With the aid of a band of underground Christians, Stone finds himself in a race against time. The World Government is distributing virtual reality headsets to everyone on earth. What are they? What will happen when the world puts them on at noon on the "Messiah's Day of Wonders"? As the investigation continues, Stone discovers a sinister plot, a plot that only he can stop. But to do so, he must first decide in what, and whom, he believes. And with eternity and millions of souls at stake, the breathtaking and inspiring climax will challenge every viewer to examine their own place in the epic battle good and evil that already rages in our day! DVD Features: Language: English, Spanish Subtitles: None Viewing Format: Fullscreen Scene Index Bonus Material: - Trailers - Feature Interviews - Theme Song - Actor's Bios - Web Link Time:
1 hr 30 min | Production Year: 2000 99325D
- DVD Price $14.95 |
DVD - Family Movies and Children Animated in DVD Format
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Apparition, Catholic Saints, Family Videos,
Catholic Mass, Apologetics, Miracles, Charismatic Videos,
Current Issues, Inspirational, Rosary, and other Christian Videos/DVD
The Passion of Christ - DVD - Film of Mel Gibson
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Magic Never Ends: C.S. Lewis - DVD ( 0023D )
Visual Bible: Acts - DVD ( 0339D )
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Demetrius and the Gladiator - DVD ( 1177D )
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Prelude: The Best of Charlotte Church - DVD ( 51719D )
It's a Wonderful Life - DVD ( 52071D )
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The Life of Leonardo da Vinci - DVD ( 5937D )
Charlie Brown Christmas - DVD ( 6134D )
Charlotte's Web - DVD ( 6454D )
The Bible: Jeremiah DVD ( 7457D )
The Bible: Genesis DVD ( 7459D )
Charlotte Church: Voice of an Angel - DVD ( 7709D )
Faithful Women of the Bible - DVD ( 8130D )
Ben Hur: A Tale of Christ DVD ( 81317D )
A Vow to Cherish - DVD ( 8194D )
Shadowlands - Theatrical DVD ( 9096D )
Charlotte Church in the Holy Land - DVD ( 94469D )
Charlotte Church in Jerum - DVD ( 9608D )
Incredible Creatures the Defy Evolution - Set of DVDs ( 98856D )
Story of Paul the Apostle / Story of the Twelve Apostles - DVD ( 98915D )
Charlotteęs Web DVD - Set of 2 ( 98916D )
Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution Vol I - DVD ( 98947D )
Anne of Green Gables - Set of Three DVDs ( 98956D )
Islam: Empire of Faith - DVD ( 98965D )
Charlotte Church: Enchantment From Cardiff, Wales - DVD ( 98981D )
Charlotte Church - Set of Five DVDs ( 98986D )
The Roman Empire in the First Century - DVD (99015d)
White Christmas DVD ( 99049D )
The True Christmas Story - DVD ( 99080D )
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Chariots of Fire - DVD ( 99532D )
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Bibleman: Conquering the Wrath of Rage
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The Bible Series DVD - (Genesis, Esther, Solomon & Jeremiah)
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Kingdom Under the Sea: Return of the King
Veggie Tales #15: Lyle the Kindly Viking
Divine Mercy Materials - Complete List
Rafael Brom Unplugged
Live Performance - DVD
Catholic and other Christian DVD Videos and DVDs
Angels Video and Books (Main Section)
Animated video series for children "Saints of the Faith"
Animated video series for children "Heroes of the Faith"
At the Gates of Heaven - Padre Pio
Bishops - Videotapes and Books of U.S. Catholic Bishops, NCCB / USCC
The Beatification of Padre Pio - New Video (Must See)
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
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Best selling Catholic and other Christian Videos and DVD
Catholic Family Resources, Books, Videos, CD-ROM & Tapes
Catholic-Christian Family Movies & Documentary Films
Catechism of the Catholic Church for Adults, DVD Video
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Children and Youth - Animated Movies
Christian Pro-Life and Creation Videos
Divine Mercy Materials - Complete List
Divine Mercy (Videos and Books)
Dr. Bernard Nathanson - Author of Video: "The Silent Scream"
DVD - Family Movies and Children Animated in DVD Format
Rev. John O'Connor, O. P. (videos)
Freemasonry: from Darkness to Light
Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged
Heroes of the Faith animated video series for children
Historical Drama (Section I) Family Movies
Historical Drama (Section II) Family Movies
In The Footsteps of Peter - The Museums and the Buildings of Vatican City
Joan of Arc (Videos and Books)
"Judgement - Apocalipse 4" - Movie
Kibeho, Africa - Mary Speaks to the World
The Knight's of Saint John (Sovereign Military Order of Malta)
List of Catholic & Christian Documentary Films and Family Movies
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Life After Life and Angel Stories
Marian Videos of Marian Communications
Marian Videos on Apparitions of the Virgin Mary and more ...
Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century - a message of urgency
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Most Popular Family Films / Educational Films, The
Mother Teresa and Her Missionaries of Charity
New Video - The Beatification of Padre Pio
New Age, Yoga Conspiracy of the New Age Movement, Evolution Conspiracy and One World Government
Once on a Barren Hill - The True Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe
On Pilgrimage with Father Aloysius - Docu Film on Fr. Aloysius Ellacuria
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - I Can Refuse No One
Pontifical Council
Rev. Albert J. M. Shamon - Books/Videos
Rock/Pop Music, MTV, Liberalism, Satanism, Hollywood and Satan
Shocking Videos on Current Events
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
Saints of the Faith animated video series for children
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
Special Interest: Catholic Christian Videos and Cassette Tapes
Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)
St. Patrick Apostle of Ireland (New Video)
"Tears of Love" New Video on Weeping Statues
The UN's Crusade Against God and Family - Videos / Books
U.S. Catholic Bishops, NCCB / USCC - Videotapes and Books
Videos on the Miracles and the Message of Medjugorje
Videos of Award-Winning British Filmmaker, Award Winning Film Director J. Paddy Nolan
World Religions and Patriotic Videos
Yoga Conspiracy of the New Age Movement, New Age
Video on
Canonization of Padre Pio
04683 - Landmarks of Faith: Catholic Churches of Old NM
10413 - Donut Man - After School
10927 - Little House On The Prairie: Christmas at Plum Creek/A Christmas They Never Forgot
11540 - Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
1376 - Indestructible Book: Story of the Bible
14011 - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe
14652 - Prayers for Little Children
2803 - Landmarks of Faith: Catholic Maryland
2918 - Jesus and the Shroud of Turin
3650 - Denyce Graves: Cathedral Christmas
4145 - Sex and Love: What's a Teenager to Do?
4181 - Sex and Love: What's a Teenager to Do? - Public School Edition
4389 - Ten Commandments (5 tape set)
4436 - Lourdes Pilgrimage and Healing
4467 - Sex as God's Gift Curriculum Kit
4469 - Raising Your Children in an Ungodly World
4685 - Dancing Word: Miriam and Mary
4743 - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of America
47900 - Marian Apparitions of the 20th Century
47918 - Betania: Land of Grace
96101 - Great Bible Discovery #1: Discovering The Empty Tomb
96102 - Great Bible Discovery #2: Discovering the Baby King
96103 - Great Bible Discovery #3: Covenant Discovery
96104 - Great Bible Discovery #4: Discovering Dreams Come True
96105 - Great Bible Discovery #5: Discovering the Way Out
97102 - Great Bible Discovery #6: Discovering the Kingdom
97103 - Great Bible Discovery #7: Discovering the Beginning
97104 - Great Bible Discovery #8: Happily-Ever After
98848 - Landmarks of Faith - Set of 3
98878 - Seek First the Kingdom
98972 - Bible Dramas on Stage - Set of Four
99001 - Bedbug Bible Gang - Set of 11
99074 - Mary: The Mother of God
99238 - Great Bible Discovery - Set of 9
99385 - The Odyssey of St. Paul
99388 - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of Hope
99451 - Treasures of Catholicism
99453 - Joseph: The Man Closest to Christ
99470 - Testament: The Bible in Animation - Set of 9
99526 - Our Lady in Scripture and Tradition
99530 - Notre Dame: Witness to History
99565 - The Woman Clothed With the Sun - Set of 3
99568 - The Woman Clothed With the Sun: Rue De Bac - Beauvraing
99636 - Hero, Choice, Search, Journey, Visit - Set of 5
99715 - The Rosary for Little Children
99754 - The Cloak of Juan Diego
99822 - FATIMA, beloved Mother of God, hope for all humanity
Catholic DVD
98982D - Mary, Mother of Jesus - DVD
98872D - The Fruits of Mary - DVD
6842D - My Friend Flicka - DVD
8130D - Faithful Women of the Bible - DVD
4748D - Our Lady of Guadalupe: Mother of America - DVD
4671D - Visit to the Sepulcher - DVD
3421D - Mary of Nazareth - DVD
10667D - Story Keepers: #11 Christmas- DVD
0012D - Juan Diego: Messenger of Guadalupe - DVD
Shocking Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text
Books and Videos
on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of
Sr. Faustina
CATHOLIC BIBLES (Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles,
Church, School and Study Bible Edidions) FBP
Bishop Fulton Sheen - CDs, Videos and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Larger Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?
Best Selling Catholic Documentary Films in English and Spanish Languages:
From San Giovanni to Heaven - Video on Canonization of Padre Pio - DVD
The Beatification of Padre Pio (NewVideo)
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"
Medjugorje: The Miracles and The Message
The Passion of Christ - DVD - Film of Mel Gibson
The Reign of the Antichrist - DVD
The Reign of Antichrist - Book
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