Joshua - DVD
This DVD is playable in US and Canada Only
on the beloved novel by Joseph Girzone, Joshua is the story of what might happen
if Jesus, going by the name Joshua, were to show up in a small town in Middle
America. It is a modern parable about how compassion and charity can transform
our modern world. Starring Tony Goldwyn (Bounce, Ghost), F. Murray Abraham (Academy
Award winner Amadeus), Academy Award nominee Giancarlo Giannini
When Joshua moves to the outskirts of Auburn, he awakens the curiosity of the
sleepy town. The locals aren't quite sure what to make of him. They don't know
who is, or where he came from, but no one can shake the feeling that they've
known him for years.
"Sometimes you have to tear something down in order to build it back up
again," he explains to the amazed townspeople as he attempts to single-handedly
rebuild a burned down Baptist Church. It is with this simple logic combined
with his enigmatic presence that Joshua convinces them to join him. But what
actually ends up getting rebuilt is each of their lives, their hearts, their
trust in themselves and the each other. Finally, these co-existing strangers
come together as a community.
Known only by his first name, his wisdom and compassion places him at the center
of the town's attention. This attention intensifies as Joshua shatters prejudice
and misconception on his path, and even seems to perform miracles.
Despite his benevolence and selfless work in the community, some remain suspicious.
There are those who fear that no one in today's world would do something for
nothing. Just what exactly is Joshua up to? In the end, it is the answer to
that question which is nearly as extraordinary as the discovery of that same
transforming power in each of their own hearts.
JOSHUA is a modern parable about how compassion and charity can transform our
troubled world.
Special features include a "Behind the Scenes" special including interviews
with key cast members as well as with author Joseph Girzone and musicians Michael
W. Smith, Third Day, Jaci Velasquez and more!
DVD Features:
Languages: English Only
Subtitles: None
Closed Captioned
Viewing Format: Full screen version
Sound: Dolby digital sound 5.1 & 2.0
Scene index
Digitally mastered
Bonus Material:
- Behind-the-scenes
- Trailer
- TV spot
- Production notes
- Cast and Crew info
1 hr 32 min | Production Year: 2002
Closed Captioned
Item Number: 99051D
Sale Price
$ 19.95
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