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Saint Perpetua Set Of Two DVDs

Running Time: 359 min
Region: All Regions
Production Year: 1985-2013

Brief Description
This set on Saint Perpetua, a martyr of the Early Church, includes two DVDs: the animated Catholic Heroes of the Faith: The Story of Saint Perpetua for children and the documentary The Passion Of Saint Perpetua: Martyr Of The Faith for adults.

Sale Price $34.95

Catholic Heroes of the Faith: The Story of Saint Perpetua -- It is the year AD 203 in Carthage, North Africa. Perpetua, an affluent young mother, is charged with converting to Christianity and is sent to prison. But her freedom can be secured easily. All she has to do is offer one pinch of incense in honor to the Roman gods. With this simple act of devotion and loyalty to the Roman Empire she can regain her freedom and return to her son and a life of comfort. As her father pleads for Perpetua to consider the welfare of her child and the reputation of their family, she slowly makes her way to face the Roman proconsul and declare her final decision. What will it be? This inaugural episode of Catholic Heroes of the Faith presents one of the most influential, true stories of the Early Church.

Catholic Heroes of the Faith is a series of animated programs for youth ages eight and older, presenting the lives of true-life heroes of the Catholic Faith. This episode of Catholic Heroes of the Faith will inspire children to stand up for their faith as well as appreciate the faithful saints that have gone before us.

DVD Features:
• English and Spanish languages with optional English and Spanish subtitles
• Comprehensive leader’s guide in PDF with lesson plans, background information, and more
• Reproducible student handouts in PDF with discussion questions, puzzles, coloring pages, and more

The Passion Of Saint Perpetua: Martyr Of The Faith -- ?This documentary tells the true account of the courageous young martyr of the early church. Join well-known author Mike Aquilina as he recounts the history and message of this timeless true story and its relevance for us today. Containing footage taken at the actual sites where the story took place in Carthage, Tunisia, this documentary will inform as well as inspire.

Mike Aquilina is vice-president of St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology and author of more than a dozen books on Catholic history, doctrine and devotion as well as co-host with Scott Hahn of EWTN’s series “Swear to God.”

DVD includes English and Spanish languages and subtitles.



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