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Children's Christmas Sampler DVDs

Running Time: 197 min.
Region: All Regions
Production Year: 1995-2004

Brief Description
This Children's Christmas Sampler includes: Bugtime Adventures: Joy to the World, Cherub Wings: The Angel Song, Prince of Peace, Red Boots for Christmas, and Go Look in the Manger/The Candymaker's Christmas,A Christmas for Little Children.

Sale Price $67.95

Red Boots for Christmas: It's nearing Christmas in a small town in Germany. Hans the shoemaker works into the night, purposely shut away from the holiday festivities around him. Alone in his shop, with no family and few friends, Hans has never learned the true meaning of Christmas. While he mocks the townspeople's merry preparations, Hans is visited by an angel who brings the promise of a very special gift. Hans eagerly awaits the return of this angelic messenger and crafts a gift to give in return--the finest pair of red boots ever made. As the story unfolds, Hans learns the joys of sharing and fellowship, and finally embraces the spirit of Christmas as he does indeed receive the ultimate gift -- a gift from God. A wonderful program to teach children the true meaning of Christmas.

Cherub Wings: The Angel Song: It’s the special time of year when angels are more likely to be heeded; the season when one particular angel is being chosen from among many, to convey the essence and joy of Christmas day.
Join Cherub and the choirmaster as they experience the warmth, hope, anticipation and joy of the birth of a tiny little boy whose seemingly insignificant birth would echo hope for centuries to come.
This is a heartwarming presentation of the first Christmas that will help young children understand the true meaning of this occasion. Recommended for ages 3-7.

Go Look in the Manger: Based on a true story, Go Look in the Manger is a wonderful tale of a Christmas gone by. Colorful illustrations, new and familiar songs, and a nostalgic setting are sure to make viewing this original story a holiday tradition.
To eight-year-old Ricky Meyer, the Christmas of 1966 is a wonderland filled with snowballs and manger scenes. Desperate to impress his teacher and classmates with a memorable "show-and-tell," Ricky strikes a deal with his mother which jeopardizes his Christmas. When he plays "King of the Hill" with his best friend, the promise he made to his mother is the last thing on his mind. The promise is broken and Ricky will have to face the consequences on Christmas.
But at church on Christmas Eve, Ricky hears the story of the greatest Christmas gift ever, the gift of Jesus. Find out what Ricky discovers when his forgiving mother tells him to "go look in the manger."

Candy Maker's Christmas: "Only the finest will be accepted," cheers the candy maker as he mixes and stirs and twirls his latest creation. "Only the finest for the king." And as he walks into the snowy night, August is certain that he has made the perfect Christmas present for the royal family. But an accidental encounter in front of the Cathedral teaches August that the only truly perfect Christmas present is the gift of Jesus. August learns a lesson in love and humility as his candy cane becomes a popular Christmas reminder for people throughout the world. Children of all ages will enjoy finding the symbolism of the candy cane in this tasty tale of Christmas discovery. The Candy Maker's Christmas is sure to be a holiday classic.

Bugtime Adventures: Joy to the World: When an angel appears to Mary and explains that she's going to have God's baby, Mary agrees to do whatever God would have her do. She and Joseph travel to Bethlehem for the census, but when they arrive at the inn, there is no room for them. The innkeeper lets them stay in the stable where they prepare for the greatest event in history--the birth of Christ.
Meanwhile, the bugs need to relocate their town of Bugglesville due to a fire. They ride along with Mary and Joseph to search for a new place but find the stable already occupied. They continue their search and eventually wind up back at the stable where they discover the significance of the new baby.

Christmas for Little Children: Here's your child's opportunity to discover the true meaning of Christmas—the joy of celebrating the birth of Jesus! Through exciting music and stories, the richness of the Christian faith comes alive in A Christmas for Little Children. In this video children share in the Bethlehem experience, visit a colorful family of puppets for a home celebration and worship Jesus in the beauty of the Church.

This live action video features Broadway sensation Jennifer Naimo and professional ventriloquist Randy Malick and his puppet Friends. And children make A Christmas for Little Children exciting as they sing their way through the holiday. Ten lively songs keep your child’s full attention, and manger animals, playful art and animated stories of the saints add to the fun. A Christmas for Little Children is sure to spark a friendship between your child and Jesus!

Prince of Peace: Relive the Christmas story in this fascinating 3D animation spectacular. See the story unfold as Mary and Joseph are visited by angels while Herod plots to erase any competition to his throne.
The birth of baby Jesus in that Bethlehem stable changed the world, and to this very day, men, women and children kneel to worship the One who is called the Prince of Peace.



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