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BAR Ad - Set of 3 DVDs

Running Time: 180 min
Region: North America
Production Year: 1997-2008

Brief Description
Includes Paul, Apostle of Grace, The Lives of the Apostles Paul and Peter, and Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches.

Sale Price $59.95

Paul, Apostle of Grace — Follow the footsteps of the apostle who rocked the Roman Empire to its foundations. Paul's radical gospel of grace lit the fire of the faith that would sweep across Europe and beyond. This exploration takes you to the actual places Paul visited, now in modern-day Greece, Turkey, Israel and Italy. Join pastor and teacher Ron Kelly as he guides you in exploring Paul's message of grace in Jesus Christ and the ancient cities of the Roman Empire where it took root. Paul, the Apostle of Grace will inspire and enlighten you. The Bible will come alive when you see what it was like when — and where — the earthshaking events in its pages occurred. Optional English Subtitles.

The Lives of the Apostles Paul and Peter — In these two programs, Rick Steves takes us on location to explore the lives of two great apostles. The Life of Apostle Paul; Travel with public television host Rick Steves to modern-day Turkey and Greece where he recalls what happened to Paul in places such as Ephesus, Philippi, Athens and Corinth. See the ruins of buildings where Paul spoke and places in which early Christians worshiped. The Life of Apostle Paul helps us appreciate the story of this man, Paul, whose personal experience of the Risen Christ turned his life around. From persecuting members of the Jesus movement, Paul becomes the movement's primary spokesperson and the one most responsible for spreading the Good News of God's amazing grace and our everlasting life in Jesus Christ. Today, Paul's written words continue to inspire both committed Christians and those who are looking for God's presence in their lives and the world. (40 minutes). The Life of Apostle Peter; Rick Steves follows the story of the Apostle Peter from his early days as a fisherman, through his three-year adventure with Jesus to the tumultuous events surrounding Jesus' death and resurrection. Scholars from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, provide background as Rick weaves together the Apostle's life. The video recounts Peter's transformation from fisherman to dynamic leader of the early church and the legend of his martyrdom in Rome. Find out why Christians everywhere look to Peter as a model for what it means to be a follower of Jesus. (29 minutes). Includes optional English subtitles and closed captioning.

Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches — Apostle Paul and the Earliest Churches: Paul in Asia Minor is a brilliant and illuminating production. Beginning with his conversion, it reenacts Paul's missionary journeys on Anatolian soil (modern Turkey). This brief, 48-minute Christian DVD contains an archaeological treasury: mosaics, frescoes, statues, amphitheaters, agoras, temples and more. The historical, religious, and archaeological background of each Anatolian region in which Paul preached the gospel is explained. Yet Apostle Paul is more than an archaeological or historical survey; this production's reenactment of the miracles Paul performed, the difficulties Paul encountered, and the persecution Paul faced beckons the viewer to experience with the Apostle himself the birth of the Christian church. The film's archaeological emphasis is enhanced by 3D animated maps and footage of Antioch on the Orontes, Pisidian Antioch, Ephesus, Tarsus, and other cities important to Paul’s ministry. Significant artifacts from a variety of Turkish museums are also discussed. DVD Special Features: Languages: English, Turkish and Arabic , Chapter titles for easy scene access, Study guide in PDF format. **THIS PROGRAM CAN ONLY BE SHIPPED TO LOCATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA.**



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