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Biblical Mysteries - Set of 8 - DVD

DVD Running Time: 8 hrs 47 mins Region: All Regions Production Year: 1994-2010

Fall of Jericho

The fall of Jericho is a well-known story, fascinating children and adults alike. But what really happened there thousands of years ago? Did God work a miracle to bring down the walls of Jericho as the Bible says? Or can natural causes sufficiently explain the city’s demise? The answers, previously buried under rubble and dirt for three and a half millennia, are now being uncovered. But are there enough pieces of the puzzle remaining to solve the mystery?

The Fall of Jericho explores what really happened as Joshua and the Israelites experienced one of the Bible’s greatest military victories. Interviews with archaeologist Dr. Bryant Wood and Bible scholar Dr. Frederick Baltz shed new light on the truths found in Scripture about this miraculous event.

DVD Features:
• Optional English subtitles
• Expanded interviews with scholars
• Questions for group discussions
• Script of the program in PDF

Biblical Mysteries #1: Ark of the Covenant

- It is a quest that has fascinated scholars and adventurers for century after century. What happened to that treasure and centerpiece of ancient Jewish life - the Ark of the Covenant?
No one knows what happened to it, but researchers never give up seeking for this which will no doubt rank among history's greatest finds if it is ever discovered. In this intriguing, one-hour documentary shown prime time on NBC, Biblical scholar and modern-day "Indiana Jones" Mike Sanders journeys to one of the Middle East's most dangerous territories to find the elusive ancient ark that once held the stone tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments. His hair-raising adventure through a veritable political minefield ultimately leads Sanders to the Palestinian-controlled village of Djaharya, a reported training ground for the terrorists groups.

We follow Sanders as he uncovers clues that he argues may have brought him to the edge of the cherished discovery. Political problems prohibited the full excavation of the site he pinpoints as the likely location, but the evidence is set forth to help you decide if indeed he is finally just one step away from uncovering the Sale Priceless ark.

Biblical Mysteries #2: Sodom and Gomorrah

- Join the fascinating search for the sin cities. Could they be buried at the bottom of the Dead Sea?
This compelling, one-hour NBC primetime special featuring scholar Mike Sanders leads us on an unprecedented exploration to the depths of the salty Dead Sea in the same Delta mini-submarine used to explore the wreck of the liner Lusitania. The viewer almost becomes part of the team in energetic search for evidence of the location of the ancient Biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Footsteps of Goliath

Is the famous story really true? Did young David actually slay the giant Goliath with a slingshot? Did giants actually walk the earth? Find out in Footsteps of Goliath. The filmmakers themselves pieced together clues from the Lands of the Bible and brought them together in the most complete view on the giant Goliath ever presented.

The documentary takes us from the glorious temple of the Pharaohs to mysterious tombs of mythical kings, from the dark vaults of the world’s greatest museums to the shores of the Dead Sea, from remote digs to the very place where David met his giant opponent.

Approached from the perspective of professional scientists and archaeologists, Footsteps of Goliath includes the reenactment of the famous duel between David and Goliath. The story in the Bible contains an incredible amount of detail on Goliath which allowed the filmmakers to reconstruct the giant warrior. This reconstruction has received much praise for its accuracy and credibility from the scientists participating in this documentary.


An exploration of the profound Jewish atmosphere in which Jesus grew up and carried out his ministry. In this two-part documentary investigation, we explore the intriguing heritage of biblical Israel and the Jewish origins of the Christian faith.

This video uncovers some wonderful truths about the character, background and personality of Jesus which have been overlooked by much of the church. Your spiritual understanding and insight into the Bible and the world in which Jesus lived and ministered will be enriched and enlarged. Journalist Peter Darg and film-producer Marc Villiger take you on a fascinating journey of discovery to Israel.

In part one, discover the intense Jewish religious atmosphere in which Jesus grew up and began his Messianic mission.
In part two, gain new insights into the message Jesus proclaimed to his own people, the Jews, that would soon transform the entire world.
Includes French and German language track.

How Jesus Died the Final 18 Hours

How Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours captures every detail of the last few hours leading up to Jesus' death on the cross. From His entry into Jerusalem for the Last Supper, through His prayerful agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, His trials before Sanhedrin and Pilate, the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the brutal ascent to Golgotha bearing the weight of the cross, the nailing of His hands and feet, as well as those final three hours of torment, ending in his death.

Unlocking OT Prophecy

It's often said that there are hundreds of prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. But are they really there? What does the Old Testament actually reveal about Jesus?
In this Day of Discovery DVD, Mart De Haan unlocks the confusion and opens the door to a better understanding of these predictions. Using the book of Matthew, he explains how to understand Old Testament passages that appear vague or appear to be simply historical references. Find out what Jesus meant when He said He came to fulfill both the law and the prophets.

Exodus Revealed

During the Exodus, one of the most famous miracles of the Old Testament took place. More than 3,000 years have passed since Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea and out of the bondage of Egypt. The Exodus Revealed follows the footsteps of the children of Israel on an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus, including the remains of 3,800-year-old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta, Egyptian records of the Israelites' bondage under Pharaoh, the precise route they may have followed to freedom, their crossing site on shore of the Red Sea, and the location of Mt. Sinai.

Sale Price $129.95




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