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Archbishop Fulton Sheen: Servant of All - DVD

# Running Time: 200 Min

This special double DVD film package includes an acclaimed new film on the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, SERVANT OF ALL, along with five of his most popular television programs from his #1 rated TV series, LIFE IS WORTH LIVING. For decades Fulton Sheen was a shining example of what it means to serve God and men. His TV series reached 30 million viewers weekly, and his profound words were captured in over 100 books. Millions were influenced by the way he lived and the witness of his personal relationship with God. His cause for sainthood is progressing well in Rome. This powerful new film introduces the beloved bishop to a new generation that greatly needs his inspiring example of love for God and neighbor. The film reveals how the impact of Sheen’s prolific life and work continues on in those whose lives he forever changed. The five films from his award-winning TV series present Sheen himself with his unique, captivating teaching style on the crucial importance of faith, love and spirituality.

Sale Price $24.95




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