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BAR AD - Explorations of Biblical and Ancient History - Set of 9 DVDs

Running Time: 14 hrs 15 minutes
Region: North America Production Year: 1981-2009
Sale Price $274.90


Explore fascinating aspects of Biblical and ancient history with these DVDs and learning resources. Set includes:

The Jesus Accounts, The Apostle Collection (Boxed set of 4 DVDs), The Tabernacle,The Tabernacle Student Workbook, Solomon's Temple, The Sanctuary Teaching Aids, Herod's Temple, The Fall of Jericho, and The Tabernacle Model Kit.

The Jesus Accounts
This DVD demonstrates how the Jesus Accounts in the new Testament Gospels are based on solid evidence, significant ancient manuscripts, eyewitness accounts, and much more. Here is a convincing program that provides understanding and a framework to respond to those who doubt or seek to undermine the evidence for Jesus' life and ministry. The program draws on the expertise of numerous New Testament scholars and helpfully explains the background to the spread of the first manuscripts. Filmed on location in Istanbul and the UK. A great program for believers and those seeking to understand the scriptures' teaching about Jesus.

The Apostle Collection
Now, discover the extraordinary untold stories of the men chosen by Jesus to bring God's plan to the world. Among them are Peter, who denied Christ three times but later became a "Rock"; James and John, the fiery tempered "sons of thunder"; Matthew, the tax collector later murdered by cannibals; Simon the Zealot, the anti-Roman fanatic eventually "cut to pieces" preaching in Spain; and Judas Iscariot, whose betrayal would be paid for with silver and suicide.

From their early fear and discouragement at the shock of the Crucifixion, to the final acceptance of the resurrection and their epic mission to spread the Gospel through the known world, it's an inspiring, astonishing story of the little-known men who became The Twelve Apostles. Narrated by Martin Sheen.

DVD Features:
Languages: English
Subtitles: None
Viewing Format: Fullscreen
Chapter Selection

The Tabernacle
An extraordinary journey through the temple, promised to David, fulfilled in Solomon. The place where it was built in ancient times was considered the center of the world. In many ways it has continued to be a center of history. Today it continues as a center of great reverence as well as great conflict. An understanding of the Temple in Jewish life and history is essential not only to understanding the Bible but also history and current events in Jerusalem today. This program gives a basic introduction to the colossal achievement of Solomon's Temple and details its design, construction, meaning for Israel, and what went on there and why. Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C., but through the use of modern computer graphics, the Temple is reconstructed visually to provide a contemporary experience of its ritual, beauty and grandeur.

Tabernacle Student Workbook
A comprehensive 53-page student workbook to accompany the Tabernacle video. Discusses various aspects to the tabernacle; sanctuary, dwell, entrance, altar, wash, sacrifice, blood, examine the evidence, acknowledge your need, holy place, lampstand, light, bread, incense, curtain, most holy place, priests, covenant, and presence.
Each section contains understanding, applying, exploring, meditating, and additional thoughts.

Solomon's Temple
An extraordinary journey through the temple, promised to David, fulfilled in Solomon. The place where it was built in ancient times was considered the center of the world. In many ways it has continued to be a center of history. Today it continues as a center of great reverence as well as great conflict. An understanding of the Temple in Jewish life and history is essential not only to understanding the Bible but also history and current events in Jerusalem today. This program gives a basic introduction to the colossal achievement of Solomon's Temple and details its design, construction, meaning for Israel, and what went on there and why. Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C., but through the use of modern computer graphics, the Temple is reconstructed visually to provide a contemporary experience of its ritual, beauty and grandeur.

The Sanctuary Teaching Aids
See the Sanctuary as never before with this Special Teachers Edition. Everything you’ll ever need to teach this fascinating subject is now in your hand! This edition includes:

• 17-minute instructional DVD using the latest animation and special effects. Enter the Sanctuary with the High Priest and discover its mystery and beauty!
• 50 royalty-free Sanctuary photos
• 50 royalty-free 3D Sanctuary graphics
• 15 royalty-free animations suitable for web or your own DVD productions
• 10 stunning Sanctuary posters
• 15 royalty-free HD video clips of the Sanctuary and Jesus (normal retail value on the HD clips alone if purchased on the web is over $400!)
• Charts and calendars of the Hebrew yearly feasts and Sanctuary seasons

Herod's Temple: The Temple Jesus Knew
Jerusalem, rich in historical and Biblical heritage, is the home of the Temple Mount, one of the world's most recognizable and visited sacred sites. Now, travel back in time to see it the way Jesus and his disciples did over 2,000 years ago. They knew it as Herod's Temple. We remember it as the Temple Jesus knew. Imagine the scene as Jesus expelled the moneychangers from its outer court and as the veil of the temple leading to its holiest chamber was torn at the time of Christ's crucifixion.

Special Features:
- Additional interview with Dr. Frederick Baltz, author and temple scholar
- Additional footage showing a model of Herd's Temple
- Music by Steven Bias from "Herod's Temple: The Temple Jesus Knew"
- PDF handout: Group study questions
- PDF handout: Guide to the people and places of "Herod's Temple: The Temple Jesus Knew"

The Fall of Jericho
he fall of Jericho is a well-known story, fascinating children and adults alike. But what really happened there thousands of years ago? Did God work a miracle to bring down the walls of Jericho as the Bible says? Or can natural causes sufficiently explain the city’s demise? The answers, previously buried under rubble and dirt for three and a half millennia, are now being uncovered. But are there enough pieces of the puzzle remaining to solve the mystery?

DVD Features:
• Optional English subtitles
• Expanded interviews with scholars
• Questions for group discussions
• Script of the program in PDF

The Tabernacle Model Kit
Actual Model to be put together. NO VIDEO INCLUDED.
This model is a miniature representation of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament. The model includes each of the pieces used in the Tabernacle as described in the Bible. It is a good resource for churches, schools, or even for family night. It is a wonderful way to have fun, and at the same time learn from God's Word.
Model dimensions: 22" X 12 1/2"



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