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Dealing with Difficult Topics - Set of Six DVDs

Running Time: 7 hrs 15 mins
Region: All Regions
Production Year: 2004 2008 2011
Sale Price $134.94


Dealing with Difficult Topics - Set of Five - includes:

Not for Sale - Parts 1 & 2
Facing Extinction
Somebody's Daughter - with CD
Fierce Goodbye
Healing for a Broken World

The Documentary

Based on the book Not for Sale by David Batstone, this DVD covers what modern-day abolitionists are doing to fight the rampant terrors of human trafficking in the US and abroad. Traveling over 120,000 miles across five continents, Producer and Director Robert Marcarelli and his film crew gathered undercover footage on this billion-dollar industry and interviewed the heroes who are determined to see it end. Not only does the film expose harsh realities, but it also breathes new hope into the issue by documenting the valiant work of contemporary movement. Told by the people who've lived them, these compelling accounts aim to inspire individuals to practical action.

Join the Fight

Tens of millions of people are slaves today. In spite of this tragic figure there are modern day abolitionists who battle human trafficking. This segment tells the story of five such heroes. Across the globe from the Far East to here in the shadow of our nation's capitol, they work to rescue victims and prosecute the traffickers. Learn how you can join the fight.

Due to subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. Not recommended for children and young teens.

Facing Extinction
Christians of Iraq is a heart-wrenching documentary about the current plight of the Christian Minority in Muslim Iraq. This stark and forceful film holds nothing back as it gives voice to just a few of the thousands who are facing persecution at the hands of Islamist extremists. The persecution takes the form of kidnapping, rape, church bombings, barbaric torture and murder. The film estimates that one million Iraqi Christians have been forced from their homes in recent years, some fleeing to the north of Iraq and others taking refuge in nearby countries where they are often unwelcome and forced to live under deplorable conditions. The film also documents the indifference of the Iraqi government to the situation as well as the U.S. government’s refusal to offer refuge to these suffering Christians due to the current interpretation of the U.S. Patriot Act.

Facing Extinction is a call to action for Western Christians to come to the aid of their brothers and sisters. It gives specific advice on how individuals can lobby the U.S. government to change the current policy and work to end this humanitarian crisis before it is too late.

Narrated by Jim Caviezel of The Passion of the Christ.

Somebody's Daughter
Pornography is one of the most difficult moral challenges of our time. What was once considered obscene is now a multi-billion dollar industry increasingly becoming the norm within mainstream culture. Because of the internet with its accessibility, anonymity, and affordability, pornography addictions have risen to epidemic levels, destroying intimacy, marriages and families, while distorting our definition of sex and sexuality.

Watch - and listen - as three men and a husband and wife share their intensely personal struggle of how pornography crept in and ravaged their lives. From abuser to victim, its introduction seemed harmless but proved to be an infectious destroyer. The groundbreaking DVD/CD, Somebody’s Daughter, confronts the darkness and lies of this alluring vice with compelling honesty and hope.

From the DVD documentary surrounded by relevant and poignant music videos to the bonus CD featuring original songs, more personal stories, poetry and readings, you'll find this unique combination creates a life-giving journey to freedom . . . a journey that leads us into the light and celebrates the dignity of every human being.

Special Features:

-Documentary - five individuals share their journey to freedom from pornography
-Optional English subtitles (documentary)
-Four Music Videos: Never Shake His Hand, Losing Ground, Somebody's Daughter, Free

Bonus CD
-Nine topic specific songs
-Personal stories

Fierce Goodbye
Over four million people a year in the U.S. mourn the tragic suicide deaths of family members. Suicide devastates family members for many years; family survivors are at a greater risk of suicide themselves and the pain ripples out to entire communities. In this video, family survivors reveal their intimate stories and aching pain to assist other survivors and to help the broader community understand the unique and terrible grief of suicide.

Religious communities experience particular pain because of faith issues. This documentary explores Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox responses to suicide. The church can be a "healing station" in helping survivors find their way to recovery.

Hosted by legendary folksinger Judy Collins. The key mental health expert is Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.

DVD Special Features:
- Interview with Judy Collins
- "Fierce Goodbye" poem by Gwendolyn Carr
- PDF Study guide for documentary

Healing for a Broken World
Over four million people a year in the U.S. mourn the tragic suicide deaths of family members. Suicide devastates family members for many years; family survivors are at a greater risk of suicide themselves and the pain ripples out to entire communities. In this video, family survivors reveal their intimate stories and aching pain to assist other survivors and to help the broader community understand the unique and terrible grief of suicide.

Religious communities experience particular pain because of faith issues. This documentary explores Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox responses to suicide. The church can be a "healing station" in helping survivors find their way to recovery.

Shadow Voices
Over four million people a year in the U.S. mourn the tragic suicide deaths of family members. Suicide devastates family members for many years; family survivors are at a greater risk of suicide themselves and the pain ripples out to entire communities. In this video, family survivors reveal their intimate stories and aching pain to assist other survivors and to help the broader community understand the unique and terrible grief of suicide.

Religious communities experience particular pain because of faith issues. This documentary explores Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox responses to suicide. The church can be a "healing station" in helping survivors find their way to recovery.

The key mental health expert is Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University.





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