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Best Sellers - Set of Twelve DVDs

Running Time: 21 hrs 27 min
Region: North America
Sale Price $248.87


Best Sellers - Set of Twelve - includes -

Inn of the Sixth Happiness
A Vow to Cherish
The Climb
Reflections on Psalm 23 for People with Cancer
Gifted Hands

Inn of the Sixth Happiness
After making her way to China to become a missionary, an English parlor maid (Ingrid Bergman) wins the heart of a Eurasian colonel (Curt Jurgens) and the respect of the local Mandarin (Robert Donat). But her greatest accomplishment is leading 100 homeless children to safety across enemy-held terrain during Japan's invasion of China.

A Vow to Cherish
A Vow to Cherish is a deeply moving love story of a husband and wife who are faced with devastating medical diagnosis. As his wife, Ellen, slips away into the grips of Alzheimer's, John Brighton finds himself challenged beyond anything he could have imagined when he vowed his lifelong commitment and love to her so many years before. A Vow to Cherish portrays the importance of living by godly principles in a world searching for answers. Starring Barbara Babcock, Ken Howard and Ossie Davis.

The Climb
Two hotshot solo climbers forge an uneasy friendship in order to reach their ultimate summit. A daring rescue just earned flamboyant Derrick Williams (Jason George) the climb of a lifetime, but his dream comes with an unwanted partner. "Safety Man" Michael Harris (Ned Vaughn) doesn't hot dog, doesn’t blaze trails and rarely takes life to the edge. Shot in the spectacular Wasatch Mountains.

Reflections on Psalm 23 for People with Cancer
The Vital Prescription: Courage + Comfort = Hope

Ken Curtis explores coping with advanced cancer from personal experience based on the inspiration of the 23rd Psalm.

Over 3,000 years ago, Israel's King David--the same one who slew the giant Goliath--wrote what has become the most popular song in the entire history of the world. It is known as the 23rd Psalm. Its words have brought more comfort and courage to more people at more times at more places than any other words ever written. When you combine its comfort and courage, then hope is generated. And hope is one of the most essential and valuable resources to help anyone suffering from cancer or from any major illness or setback in life.

Ken Curtis, Ph.D, is founder and president of Gateway Films/Vision Video and Christian History Institute.
Reflections on Psalm 23 is a winner of multiple international awards.

Gifted Hands
Oscar winner Cuba Gooding Jr. (Actor in a Supporting Role, Jerry Maguire, 1996) stars in this true story about a renowned brain surgeon who overcame obstacles to change the course of medicine forever.

Young Ben Carson didn't have much of a chance. Growing up in a broken home amongst poverty and prejudice, his grades suffered and his temper flared. And yet, his mother never lost her faith in him. Insisting he follow the opportunities she never had, she helped to grow his imagination, intelligence and, most importantly, his belief in himself. That faith would be his gift — the thing that would drive him to follow his dream of becoming one of the world's leading neurosurgeons.

Faith Like Potatoes
A farmer moves his family to South Africa and suffers a series of seemingly insurmountable losses. Through unlikely friendships and much needed divine intervention, he discovers his life's true purpose, and it sustains his unwavering belief in the power of faith. A moving life journey of a man who, like his potatoes, grows his faith, unseen until the harvest. Based on an inspiring, true story. Starring Frank Rautenbach and Jeanne Neilson. Widescreen. Rated PG.

Blind Side
Michael Oher (Quinton Aaron) knows little about family. Less about football. What the homeless teen knows are the streets and projects of Memphis. Well-to-do Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) knows little about his world. Yet when she and Michael meet, he’s found a home. And the Tuohys have found something just as life-changing: a beloved new son and brother. This real-life story of family and of Michael’s growth into a blue-chip football star will have you cheering with its mix of gridiron action and heartwarming emotion. Also Starring Tim McGraw and Kathy Bates. Rated PG-13 (for one scene involving brief violence, drug and sexual reference).

Scarlet and the Black
This outstanding film tells the thrilling true story of an Irish priest in the Vatican who organizes an underground network in Rome to hide the Jews and others from the Nazis during World War II. Gregory Peck stars as Msgr. Hugh O'Flaherty, who uses disguises to do his dangerous work and hide from the ruthless Nazi commander (Christopher Plummer and Sir John Gielgud).

Nativity Story
This is a full theatrical production that has played worldwide to outstanding reviews and enthusiastic audiences. Here is the story of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, dramatized with careful attention to historical and cultural detail while at the same time remaining faithful to the Scriptual accounts. Your celebration of Christmas will be forever enriched as your experience the birth of the Lord in the midst of the hostile environment of King Herod's reign. Starring Keisha Castle-Hughes and Oscar Isaac on an incredible journey of hope and discovery.

Belle and the Beast
Eric Landry is a cold-hearted man that people have nick-named “the Beast.” Belle Watson is his exact opposite. When Belle is thrust into Landry’s life, she struggles against his nasty nature and in the process discovers the man behind the Beast. Belle and the Beast is a heartwarming love story.

Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace
What is a moral person to do in a time of savage immorality? That question tormented Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German clergyman of great distinction who actively opposed Hitler and the Nazis. Bonhoeffer's convictions cost him his life. The Nazis hanged him on April 9, 1945, less than a month before the end of the war. Bonhoeffer's last years, his participation in the German resistance and his moral struggle are dramatized in this film. More than just a biographical portrait, Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace sheds light on the little-known efforts of the German resistance.

Best Christmas Pagaent Ever
Loretta Swit stars in this touching and humorous Christmas story. Beware of the Herdmans! The nastiest, dirtiest kids you could meet…and they've decided they belong in this year's Christmas pageant. The town thinks they belong in the care of the local police. But when the curtain goes up, a miracle begins!





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