Year's Worth of Curriculum
Running Time: 26 Hours
Includes the following
Test of Time
Sex as God's Gift
Sex, Love and Relationships
Jesus the New Way
Journey - Personal Exploration
Journey toward Forgiveness
of Time
This series approaches these vitally important questions by going to some
of the most perplexing and challenging situations on our planet today. Host
Robert Beckford takes us around the world for what has to be one of history's
toughest tests.
Four areas which affect all of us at some level are explored. These are areas where the teachings of Jesus are clear and where they can be put to the test. They are Commitment, Money, Inner Peace, and Forgiveness.
A 32 pg. guide in PDF is included which has a program summary, background information, student worksheets, and further explorations for each of the four programs; Commitment, Money, Inner Peace, and Forgiveness.
Sex as
God's Gift
This six-part series has been developed for 14- and 15-year-olds to prepare
them for the sexual decisions they will face. The series features Mary Ronan,
a registered nurse who has worked with teens for over ten years. Mary is a
gifted communicator who helps prepare young teens to think through major choices,
especially those dealing with love, sex and relationships. "This is a
series every young teen needs to see" is a comment we've heard over and
over again from the students Mary speaks to. Includes a printed 56-page guide
with objectives, activities, handouts, and worksheets. Also includes a bonus
book for parents, "Raising Your Children in an Ungodly World."
Love and Relationships
Teenagers have been betrayed! They have not been told the whole truth about
the consequences of sexual activity, experimentation and permissiveness. Teenagers
love Pam Stenzel because she tells it to them straight, mincing no words in
showing how the pervasive sexual permissiveness of our culture is a deceptive
trap. Every young person should have the benefit of the hard-hitting reality
check in this four-part series. Pam's message is helping thousands avoid disastrous
consequences of unwise choices. Includes a 48-page leader's guide and reproducible
student worksheets in PDF, a public school edition of the program, an abridged
version, and Spanish version.
the New Way
Wright's acclaimed scholarship is delivered in a winsome and understandable
way, showing how Jesus is the fulfillment of Israel's ancient hopes and humanity's
deepest dreams. You will see Jesus as you have never seen him before in the
context of his Jewish and Roman world. You will find explosive new meaning
in his familiar words and deeds as Wright unfolds his incomparable life and
shows how it remains an unavoidable summons to our world and way of thinking.
- Personal Exploration
Former BBC Everyman presenter Peter France used to scrutinize religion from
the outside. Now the searcher has come inside. Here, in seven 15-minute episodes,
he reveals his own remarkable journey to Christian faith. He takes us from
his childhood in a Yorkshire mining village to a time of questioning, skeptism,
desperation and planned suicide, from his search for and discovery of the
truth to his eventual baptism at age 57 on a Greek island.
toward Forgiveness
This hour-long documentary powerfully demonstrates that those who are able
to embark on a process towards forgiveness -- though heartrending and difficult
-- find it to be the path to inner healing.
that Child
This program shows how to recognize symptoms of and provide healing for a
child who has been sexually mistreated and frightened into silence. Practical
guidance is given on how to prevent child sexual abuse. Recommended particularly
for every parent and grandparent. Child abuse is a disturbing widespread problem.
This program offers practical advice on what to do about it.
Dirt, Fruit
?Jesus told simple stories so everyone who heard them would understand the
message. Host Jim Bergwall takes the seeds of these stories, digs into them
and illustrates with hands-on teaching how "good fruit doesn't just happen."
In "Seeds," Jim explains that a seed can be dormant for days, weeks,
even years before the conditions are right for it to sprout.
As he digs further in "Dirt," Jim examines the various kinds of
soil, bringing to life Jesus' Parable of the Sower.
Join him as he visits an orchard and shows how good fruit appeals to all five
senses, it is nourishing and carries life.
Child 6-12
This three-part series with best-selling author John Drescher will help parents
to appreciate the preciousness of the pre-teen years.
In Program One you will learn this is the last great chance to hold your child, spend time with your child, instill values, read to your child, help your child to develop a sense of feeling, and to teach the facts of sex.
In Program Two John illuminates the special characteristics of middle childhood, telling parents how to build loving relationships with their child by understanding and meeting his/her emotional needs.
In Program Three John Drescher examines the conscience, the spiritual development of the child, and how the child derives identity, adequacy and worth.
Fact and Fiction Meet
Consists of six mini-documentary studies:
• The Historical
and Biblical Jesus
• Ancient and Modern Gnosticism
• The Real Words of Christ
• Jesus, Mary, and the Role of Women in the Early Church
• The Messiah, the Myths, and the Holy Grail
• Reaching the Da Vinci Code Society
No Apology
The five sessions are as follows:
Session 1--What about
Truth and the Bible?
Session 2--What about Jesus?
Session 3--What about other Faiths?
Session 4--What about Creation?
Session 5--What about Suffering?
Joe Boot is the executive director of Ravi Zacharias International Ministry in Toronto (www.rzim.org). J. John is a motivational speaker who helps people see the spiritual dimension and purpose of everyday life.
This outstanding 12-part series was originally produced for European television.
We follow host Dr. Michael Green on a search through the intellectual archives
of modern civilization. These programs pull no punches and refuse to cave
into political correctness. They confront prevailing multiculturalism and
affirm the unique claims of the Gospel of Christ. Green forcefully exposes
that all religions are not the same! And he shows why. These programs provide
young people the foundation for intellectual integrity and Christian fidelity.
A leader and user resource guide in PDF is included on the DVD.
Sale Price
Christian Documentary Films and Movies on Holy Land
Faith Lessons 10: With All Your Heart
Mysterious Prophecy of Isaiah 53
Journey Through The Holy Land - Judea
Bible Collection - Gift Set 6 (Moses, David, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Samson)
Bible Explorer Series - Set of 4
Bar Ad - Biblical Explorations Set of 10
In the Beginning - Set of Seven
Bible Collection - Set of Five
Reflections Series - Set Of Three
Tabernacle/Temple Collection - 4 DVDS, Workbook, Model & Puzzle
I Was Wrong And The Land Cries Out - Set Of Two
Distant Thunder And The Land Cries Out - Set Of Two
Fall Of Jericho And Herod's Temple - Set Of 2
Nature Of The Holy Land #2: Crowded Desert
Jesus The New Way - DVD With PDFs
Biblical Mysteries #2: Sodom And Gomorrah
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