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Roman Catholic Books, Audio CDs and DVDs

30 Days with St. Paul by Thomas J. Craughwell

Seven Lies about Catholic History:
Infamous Myths about the Church's Past and How to Answer Them
Diane Moczar

The Classics Made Simple: Abandonment to Divine Providence
Rev. Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade

All Roads: Roamin' Catholic Apologetics

Amos (6 Lessons) by Cindy Morales

Aristotle's Ethics: A Guide to Living the Good Life by John Cuddeback, Ph.D.

Be A Man (10 Lessons) by Rev. Fr. Larry Richard

Best Laid Plans: 88 Bite-Sized Stories that Twist & Turn by John Peterson

The Book of Isaiah (26 Lessons) by Rev. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.

The Book of Judges (10 Lessons) - Steve Ray

Entertaining Angels (10 Lessons) - Mike Aquilina

Ephesians (10 Lessons) - Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea

Genesis (28 Lessons) - Steve Ray

The Gospel According to John (28 Lessons) - Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea

Hebrews (16 Lessons) - Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea

Hebrews and James (28 Lessons) - Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea

The Catechism of Hockey - Alyssa Bormes

Hound of Distributism
See other American Chesterton Society Titles

James (16 Lessons) - Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea

The Gospel According to John (28 Lessons) - Dr. Scott Hahn and Mark Shea

My Meditation on the Gospel - Rev. Fr. James E. Sullivan

"Story of" Saints Series (Set of 3) - Br. Flavius, C.S.C. and Br. Ernest, C.S.C.

"My" Confraternity Set (Set of 5)

Liturgy and Laity: Mass Aids and Bible Vigils

My Meditations on Saint Paul - Rev. Fr. James E. Sullivan

My Meditation on the Gospel - Rev. Fr. James E. Sullivan

The New Revised Jesus, Mary, Joseph Novena Manual
Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph F. Stedman

Relics - Joan Carroll Cruz

This Sacred Council: Exploring the Documents of the Second Vatican Council
Louie Verrecchio

Saint Maximilian Kolbe: Knight of the Immaculata
Rev. Fr. Jeremiah J. Smith, O.F.M., CONV.

A Year with the Angels:
Daily Meditations with the Messengers of God
Mike Aquilina

The Story of the Bible (Complete Sets)

The Story of the Bible (Dramatized Audio Book CDs)

The Story of the Bible (Text Books)

The Story of the Bible: Vol. II - The New Testament

The Story of the Bible: Vol. I - The Old Testament

The Story of the Bible: Vol. I - The Old Testament

The Classics Made Simple: Abandonment to Divine Providence
(Book & Booklet Set of 2)
Rev. Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Woman Who Was Chesterton




Catholic Bibles
Catholic Prophecy: Prophecy: Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
Catholic Bibles - Family Catholic Bibles, Spanish Catholic Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Archbishop Fulton Sheen - Audio Tapes, Videos and Books
THE DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE - Now in Larger Print!
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?


The Reign of the Antichrist - DVD


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