What Is God Calling You to Do To Evangelize Homosexuals and Lesbians?
Many states, including New York, are now paying for people to undergo sex change operations and the mayor of a prominent Southern California city is marrying homosexuals in his office!
Why are we so concerned about this? Does the Church hate homosexuals? Of course not! Our society is too quickly becoming like the Greek and Roman cultures in the first century where immoral sexual practices were commonplace and evil is rapidly becoming the norm. In fact, the homosexual (LGBT) lifestyle is now being taught not just in colleges, not just in high schools, but in elementary schools!
Why are we doing this? Are we homophobic? Not at all! We are concerned by the fact that this sexual sin is so widespread that homosexual lifestyles are now spreading from the United States to other parts of the world through the present White House administration!
So what is the solution? Our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us through His Catholic Church that we must “love our neighbor” and therefore we are obligated to give all our brothers and sisters the “truth in charity.”
Remember, the only way to evangelize effectively is to educate yourself and others about the truth (regarding homosexuality).
If you have a family member or friend that is gay or lesbian, please consider purchasing these items below (all currently being offered at a discount) as gifts for them or just to improve your own knowledge.
Psychology Friend or Foe - Audio CD
A Catholic View on Don't Ask Don't Tell - Audio CD
The Sources of Demonic Influence - Audio CD
Confronting the Gay Agenda - Audio CD
Homosexuality & the Manly Experience - Audio CD
The Truth about Homosexuality - Audio CD
Did the Pope Lift the Ban on Condoms? - Audio CD
In Defense of Marriage - Audio CD
Understanding Sacrifice and Sacrament in the Book of Leviticus - Audio CD
Midwest Family Conference 2011 (Main) - Audio CD
1st Annual Napa Institute Conference - Audio CD
Shocking speech of Fr. John O'Connor
(2 Hrs Long)
DVDs on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina:
New DVDs 3 Documentary Films in one DVD
Other Documentary Videos on
Faustina, Padre Pio and Apparitions at Medjugorje
St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. Faustina
"Seeing Is Believing" Video Library
DVD - From San Giovanni to Heaven - New Video on Canonization of Padre Pio
The Beatification of Padre Pio
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven
Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"
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