Richard Marshall - The inner workings of Freemasonry are exposed in this intriguing expose of Freemasonry by former Calvary Chapel member and anti-Catholic Richard Marshall. Learn who the Knights Templar were and why they were condemned for heresy by the Pope and King of France in AD 1307.
Seven different Popes have condemned Freemasonry fifty-seven times as the number one enemy of the Catholic Church and all of Christianity, but most people don't know anything about Freemasonry!
Richard uses the freemason's own books and teachings to expose this worldwide goal of creating an universal church that worships a masonic god (G.A.O.T.U.), the great architect of the universe. Freemasons mask their true purposes of destruction of the Church behind the facade of good works, but now you can learn the truth!
Freemasonry's relationship to the A.C.L.U. and why its goal is to destroy Christianity in America
The rituals and beliefs of Freemasons
Why you can't be both a Catholic and a Freemason
And more!
3 Audio CD Set
ANGELS & DEMONS: EXPOSING THE TRUTH (SINGLE CD)Jesse Romero Audio CD Sale Price: $5.50 |
THE DEVIL IN THE DETAILS - DVDPope Francis has made talking about the Devil fashionable again, after decades of silence by so many. In April 2015, he approved a new International Association of Exorcists, with over 300 members around the world who combat the influence of the Devil. In this talk, Robert Haddad focuses on how the Devil and the demons came into being, signs of their activity in the world, how and why the Devil seeks to subjugate humanity, and how we can fight and defeat their influence. At a time when the diabolical is ever more prevalent, this is a talk that should not be missed. Sale Price: $14.95 |
PORN DETOX CDWhat’s the only way to kill a porn habit? Within every heart is a battlefield between love and lust. Get the strategies necessary to win the war. Audio CD Sale Price: $10.00
TEN STEPS TO OVERCOME DEPRESSIONAlicia Leyva -- Audio CD Sale Price: $21.95 |
EXPLORING THE DEPTHS OF JONAHScott Hahn, Ph.D. -- Four CD set Audio CD Sale Price: $27.95 |
THE DEVIL: FATHER OF LIES & MURDERER FROM THE BEGINNINGFather William Casey Audio CD Sale Price: $5.50 |
FAITH ALONE: WHY MARTIN LUTHER WAS WRONG“Faith alone,” or Sola Fide, has been debated for centuries between Catholics and Protestants. What is sometimes missed, however, is the role of love in justification. If we are justified by faith alone, then what about love? Is love an optional extra? Or does the definition of faith implicitly include love? Love is not an optional extra, nor is it a part of faith. Love is essential for justification and salvation, and is built upon and ranks higher than faith. Why is love necessary? For we are called not just to believe in Christ but to live like him. Love is not a human work adding to Christ’s work, but a necessary “work” inspired by grace and offered up to the Father in union with Christ’s work. In the end, “Faith Alone” is a dangerous fallacy based on a reading of Scripture that DVD Sale Price: $14.95 |
JOHN CALVIN: INSIDE THE PROTESTANT MINDKen Hensley -- (3 CD Set) DVD Sale Price: $21.95 |
LOVE OR LUST DVDWhy save sex for marriage? In this new DVD, Jason and Crystalina Evert present their popular chastity talk to hundreds of high school students. Scare tactics, guilt trips, and teen pregnancy rates don’t inspire anyone to love. Discover the difference between love and lust while getting straight answers about dating, relationships, and sexual purity. DVD Sale Price: $19.95 |
PURGATORY: WHAT IS IT?Karlo Broussard Audio CD Sale Price: $5.50 |
PURGATORY AND PRAYING FOR THE DEAD - DVDPurgatory is one of the most contested and misunderstood of Catholic doctrines. The most common objection from Protestants is “Purgatory is not in the Bible!” Other objections include “Purgatory is a man-made invention that lets the Catholic Church make money through the sale of indulgences,” or “to believe in Purgatory is to believe that Christ’s work on the Cross was not sufficient!” In this presentation, Robert Haddad responds to these objections while giving a detailed outline of the Catholic doctrine on Purgatory. In addition to showing how common objections are baseless, Robert shows why Purgatory is necessary, and expounds on the many verses in Scripture that support it. Finally, Robert shows how belief in Purgatory has clear support in the writings of the Church Fathers, and was integral in the worship of the early Church. DVD Sale Price: $14.95 |
SEVEN DEADLY SINS, SEVEN LIVELY VIRTUES LEADER'S KITWhat does the Leader’s Kit Include: -Leader Guide (Lessons, Facilitator Guide and Answer Key) -DVD -Packet of 20 Examination of Conscience cards Join Bishop Robert Barron for this engaging presentation concerning the seven deadly sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship with God and one another Based on Dante’s writings, the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven levels of Dante’s Mt. Purgatory. Pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, avarice, and lust are all presented as patterns of dysfunction within us that lead to unhappiness. DVD Sale Price: $64.95 |
SEVEN DEADLY SINS, SEVEN LIVELY VIRTUES LEADER'S KIT SPANISHTHIS PRODUCT IS IN SPANISH What does the Spanish Leader’s Kit Include: -Leader Guide (Lessons, Facilitator Guide and Answer Key) -DVD Join Bishop Robert Barron for this engaging presentation concerning the seven deadly sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship with God and one another. Based on Dante’s writings, the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven levels of Dante’s Mt. Purgatory. Pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, avarice, and lust are all presented as patterns of dysfunction within us that lead to unhappiness. DVD Sale Price: $49.95 |
SOULCORE: THE COMPLETE SET$95.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION SoulCore is a movement that pairs core strengthening, stretching, and functional movement with the prayers of the rosary. A sensory experience combining candlelight, music, scripture, and movement to nourish body, mind & soul and encourage deeper reflection on the virtues of the rosary. SoulCore is not affiliated with any other exercise discipline. It is not yoga, nor are yoga poses or Sanskrit referenced at any time. SoulCore is simply an invitation to discover the beauty of the rosary, a gentle path to grow in virtue and interior peace. At its heart, SoulCore is an invitation to integrate our body and soul in prayer, fully orienting the heart and mind toward Christ, while discovering the beauty of the rosary. The need to involve the senses in interior prayer corresponds to a requirement of our human nature. We are body and spirit, and we experience the need to translate our feelings externally. We must pray with our whole being to give all power possible to our supplication. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2702). Uniting BODY, mind & soul in prayer makes our prayer more powerful! INCLUDED IN THIS BUNDLE • • |
GENESIS TO JESUS - DVD SET What is the Bible, where does it come from, and what is its purpose? How are Catholics supposed to read the Bible, and what story does it tell? These are the ever-important questions answered in Genesis to Jesus, the new video Bible Study from the St. Paul Center. This brilliant overview will deepen your understanding of the Bible, how the Old and New Testaments fit together, and how Scripture reveals God’s plan in human history—including his plan for you! With this series, you’ll learn not only how to read the Bible, but why Catholics need the Bible in the first place. |
THE REFORMATION SERIES Hensley charges head-on into Church history to finally set the record straight. These talks are perfect for sharing with your Protestant brothers and sisters, especially those who are fallen-away Catholics. DEFENDING THE CHURCH These presentations are intelligent and entertaining, unflinchingly true to the Church while remaining charitable to our Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ. Ken Hensley reminds us that the Church accepts our “separated brethren” precisely as brothers and sisters, but brothers and sisters in need of the fullness of Faith. Individually, these enlightening CD sets retail for $132.75, but when you order this bundle, you can get all of these talks for just $99.95! THIS BUNDLE INCLUDES: Radical Reformers: The Story of the Baptists (3 CD Set) YOU’LL LEARN: The complex and difficult figures at the heart of the Reformation |
Important Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs and Study Guides - Part 1
Important Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs and Study Guides - Part 2
Bible - Part 1 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 2 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 3 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 4 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 5 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 6 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 7 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 8 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 9 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
Bible - Part 10 - Catholic Audio CDs, DVDs, Books and Study Guides on Holy Bible
DVDs on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina:
2 Best DVDs 3 Documentary Films in one DVD
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Faustina, Padre Pio and Apparitions at Medjugorje
St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. Faustina
"Seeing Is Believing" Video Library
DVD - From San Giovanni to Heaven - New Video on Canonization of Padre Pio
The Beatification of Padre Pio
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven
Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"
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