Graceful Parenting
Audio CDSKU: 7231MP3
ISBN: 7231MP3
MPN: 7231MP3
UPC: 7231MP3
Sale Price: $39.95
What could be more important today than raising our children to become outstanding adults? Teaching them to love and respect God and neighbor, to love their Faith and to be able to explain and defend it before detractors? Today's children are not only the world's future, but the future of the Catholic Church, and we must make the most of the time we've been given to raise them.
The Wisdom of Experience
In this exciting and information-packed MP3 set from Steve Ray, Catholic dad of four, you'll gain valuable insights into the care and nurturing of good Catholic kids. With enthusiasm, humor, and often with emotion, Steve instructs by drawing from personal experiences with his wife, Janet, in raising and home schooling their four children. The results have been good for the Ray family, and they're sure to be good for your family as well. Starting with the basics of what exactly a family is, Steve uses the Bible and Church teaching to explain how our earthly family is based on the Holy Trinity and how God desires that each and every family should love, communicate, and create. He explains the importance of changing the world "one diaper at time" in this society that is becoming hostile to God's rightly-ordered plan for the family. Steve then moves on to a discussion of the husband and wife relationship which is so critical in the raising of children. As the first teachers of their children, parents have the power to form how they will ultimately view God and relate to him. Steve explains the importance of having a plan for raising children, and how it's vitally important that fathers be intimately involved in the process. At the same time, Steve offers valuable advice to single parents trying to raise well-rounded children on their own.
Sale Priceless Insights & Practical Advice
Steve's presentation on discipline offers the most valuable guidance any parent may hear on the subject, and you certainly won't want to miss it. Using a Biblical basis, he presents Sale Priceless insights and practical advice on raising well-mannered, well-adjusted, and well-liked children by setting appropriate boundaries for each age level. Always keeping in mind the most loving thing we can do for our children, Steve explains how to affirm our kids while pointing out and correcting bad behavior. In the final MP3, ?Teaching our Kids to Defend the Faith,? Steve makes the startling statement that we must raise our children to be rebels in this ?post-Christian modern culture? where the legal and educational system is so much against what we as Catholics stand for. Whether your children are home schooled, in public schools or private, Steve says parents must always be involved in their children's faith formation. Teaching our children to love God's Word and the Mass from an early age, they will learn to be knowledgeable and fearless defenders of the Catholic Faith. This three-MP3 set is a must-listen for any parent, parent-to-be, or anyone even thinking of becoming a parent. Once you hear it, you'll want to share it with everyone you know, especially those who have bought in to today's popular ?hands-off? concept of parenting. Their children will thank you for it!
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