Saint Joseph, The Church's Best Kept Secret - CD set
Saint Joseph, Patron Saint of the Universal Church
We are pleased to introduce on CD for the first time the life and times of Saint Joseph, the most chaste spouse. Listen to Fr. Clement Machado on this 3 CD set explain why Saint Joseph is the ultimate model for fatherhood and leader of the family. Hear how he was a just and virtuous man who protected the honor and integrity of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is something all men in our society are obliged to do.
In this Series
You’ll Discover:
The full power and life giving faith of Saint Joseph who protected and preserved
Jesus as an infant from the world and the Devil
How to practice the rapid obedience to the light of faith and be the example
for our children so that they can grow up happy, holy, healthy and in wisdom
& grace before men and before almighty God
Learn how your relationship with Saint Joseph, patron saint of the Universal
Church & terror of demons, will amplify your devotion to the Mother of
Please purchase this new set for your fathers or husbands to help them grow in their devotion to Saint Joseph. This CD set will surely help your loved ones fall more deeply in love with God and His Church.
Item Number: 6663
Unit Sale Price: $23.95
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