Catholic Audio CD, Tapes, DVD and Videos
A Voice from Calvary (PC: 54-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen understood suffering.
Forced to undergo three major heart surgeries, he spent months recuperating.
Yet this time was not wasted, because the beloved Prelate willingly
embraced this affliction and meditated deeply... (More) CD - Price: $17.96 |
All Generations Shall Call Me Blessed (Video) (PC: 7900V)
Tim Staples If God is eternal, how can Mary be the Mother of God? Why
do Catholics say Mary remained a virgin when the Bible says Jesus had
brothers and sisters? How can Mary be without sin when Romans 3:23 says
"All have sinned?" How would you answer thes... (More) DVD - Price: $19.75 |
Does the Church Really Still Teach That? (PC: 6880-CD)
Fr. Shannon Collins All New! Does the Church Really Still Teach That?
Does the Church Really Still Teach That? Father Shannon Collins, C.P.M.
According to Pope Benedict XVI, the clear cause of the crisis of confusion
in the Catholic Church today is the popular p... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Growth By Oath-The Seven Sacraments (PC: 5207-CD)
Scott Hahn How important are the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church?
Are they merely symbols of God's love or amazing channels of His grace
in the lives of believers today? What is "God's honest truth" about
Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Confessi... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
Holy Spirit Forgotten Person of the Blessed Trinity (PC: 6895-CD)
Fr. Shannon Collins The greatest gift that God has ever given to the
human race is the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately, it is a divine gift that
we often fail to think about, let alone invoke in prayer. Yet if we
do, we will soon discover that the specific mission... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
How to Get the Most Out of Mass (PC: 5232-CD)
Scott Hahn Before you go looking for a parish with more pizzazz, you
owe it to yourself to listen to this fascinating, step-by-step tape
series on the Mass ã and find out how even the most humdrum of liturgies
lifts earth up to heaven. In this series, ... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Life is Worth Living (PC: 45-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Does God know what it is to suffer? Am I my
brother's keeper? Is Christianity easy? Is prayer a dialogue? What does
it take to heal the soul? Is life really worth living? In fifty Price: less
half-hour presentations from one of the be... (More) CD - Price: $87.95 |
Mission For Truth The Quest in an Age of Compromise (PC: 6601-CD)
When was the last time you were affirmed in the Faith in such a way
that was clearly non-apologetic and undeniably Catholic? We all know
God can turn our lives around yet how often is it preached at the pulpit?
The culturalization of the Ameri... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
National Catholic Family Conference 2005 Main, Breakout 1 and Breakout 2 (PC: NCFC05-CD)
Various Main Talks 1 Dr. Scott Hahn :Brides & Temples: That Which is
Veiled is That Which is Holy 2 Bob & Mary Schindler, & Br. Paul O'Donnell:The
Terry ... (More) CD - Price: $140.00 |
One in Christ: The Quest for Christian Unity (PC: 6894-CD)
Fr. Shannon Collins St. Paul calls the Church the "Mystical
Body of Christ." So, why is the Church so divided? And what is the root
cause of this sad division among Christians? What must be done to overcome
any and all obstacles and m... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Our Catholic Faith (PC: 9111-DVD)
Matthew Arnold Now on one remarkable DVD youêll discover a concise and
compelling overview of the Catholic Faith. The all-new DVD production
Our Catholic Faith powerfully presents truths about God and the Mysteries
of the Catholic Faith by combining profess... (More) DVD - Price: $19.75 |
Psychology in Education: Friend or Foe? (PC: 6900-CD)
Dr. William Coulson Last June the dean of a well known Catholic university
apologized for remarks made in a commencement address by Francis Cardinal
Arinze, the head of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Interreligious
Dialogue. In his speech, the African Cardinal da... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Purgatory Explained (PC: 6660-CD)
Fr. Clement Machado Rediscover the Catholic Truth About Purgatory What
does it mean to –be perfect as your heavenly father is perfect”? How
can believers be purified from their sins even after death? Where in
the Bible can the teaching on purg... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
Radical Reformers The Story of the Baptists (PC: 8513-CD)
Ken Hensley Martin Luther and John Calvin were the most famous of the
16th century Protestant Reformers,but who were the most radical? Which
group was the first to completely reject the core teachings of Catholicism
and even discard the so-called "reforms" o... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Salt of the Earth Book on Tape (PC: RC04-CD)
In 1996 Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger granted an unprecedented in-depth
interview to German journalist Peter Seewald on the controversial and
difficult issues facing the Church in the Third Millennium. In the course
of the interview the German Card... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
Stickman Bible Series-Book of Genesis (PC: 9013)
Tom Keenshaw Finally, a unique multimedia CD that provides an entertaining
and fun way to learn the books of the bible for all ages-itês the Stickman
Bible Series! As entertaining as it is educational the first CD in the
series "The Book of Genesis" features 24... (More) Software - Price: $19.75 |
The Apostle's Creed Living Truth Series (PC: LT01-CD)
Matthew Arnold In this remarkable achievement youêll take an awesome
audio journey through the Churchês ancient and exalted expression of
Christian beliefã the Apostlesê Creed. Beautifully written with abundant
references to Scripture and t... (More) CD - Price: $11.95 |
The Four Marks of the Church (PC: 5231-CD) Scott Hahn Dr. Scott Hahn shows how the Church is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic by virtue of its unbroken chain of succession, universally held beliefs, its establisment by Christ, and its guidance by the Holy Spirit.... (More) CD - |
The Seven Sacraments (PC: 7229-CD)
Stephen Ray Empower your spiritual life with incredible channels of
Grace.......Food for the Journey, weapons for war! True masters of work.
In this tape series, you will be introduced to the Catholic understanding
of –Sacrament.” Speaking from his ... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
Scott Hahn and Kimberly Hahn - DVD, Videos, Audio Cassette Tapes and CDs
Catholic Apologetics, Bible Studies, Spirituality and Adult Education
Scott Hahn, Jeff Cavins, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Fr. George Rutler, Fr. Benedict
Groeschel, and Fr. Mitch Pacwa
DVDs, DVD Videos and CDs
by Catholic Recording Artist
Rafael Brom
Pro-Life Catholic Christian Videos, DVD and
BEYOND ABORTION A Chronicle of Fetal Experimentation By Suzanne Rini
IS THE FETUS HUMAN? By Eric Pastusek
Catholic Pro Life Books, Tapes, CDs, DVDs, Videos
Christian Pro-Life Audio Cassette Tapes
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Sex As God's Gift (With Printed Curriculum)-DVD
Holly's Story: A Journey To Freedom And Hope-DVD
Life: It's A Gift And A Class Project-DVD
Love is a Choice - The Life of St. Gianna Molla
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