A More Perfect Way (PC: 8571-CD)
Alex Jones The signs are everywhere. There is a great movement of the
Holy Spirit. Ordinary people who have a passion for God are coming together
to experience a renewal of faith and love for Christ and His Church.
And yet there is also great sufferi... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
A New Beginning (PC: 8504-CD)
Ken Hensley This exegetical unfolding of the Annunciation, Visitation
and Nativity are beautifully placed in their historical context, along
with the OT prophesies, NT parallels, and wonderful quotes from Mother
Teresa, and G.K. Chesterton. Not just an Advent se... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
A Window into our Saviors Heart 7 Last Sayings of Jesus (PC: 5218-CD)
Scott Hahn For three hours Jesus suffered the agony of crucifixion.
It was difficult for Him to speak. Yet, He spoke seven times from the
cross. He spoke to us, His words as poignant and mysterious today as
when he first uttered them. Dr. Scott Hahn prov... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Abandonment to Divine Providence Book on tape (PC: 908-CD)
Jean-Pierre De Caussade Although recognized as a work of profound spirituality,
Abandonment to Divine Providence is a book that gifted 18th century
cleric Jean-Pierre de Caussade did not even know he had written! It
was actually compiled and published over a century... (More) CD - Price: $26.95
An Exorcist Tells His Story Book on Tape (PC: RC05-CD)
Gabriele Amorth In this powerful new audio book, An Exorcist Tells His
Story, Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the renowned chief exorcist of Rome, tells
of his many experiences in his ministry as an exorcist doing battle
with Satan to relieve the great suffering ... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Bernard Lives! (PC: 6865-CD)
Ralph Martin Discover St. Bernardês Step-by-Step Guide to a Deeper Relationship
with God Schism, Church scandals, partisan politics, war in the Middle
East. Although these sound like contemporary problems, one medieval
saint effective... (More) CD - Price: $30.95 |
Crisis in Culture (PC: 5506-CD)
Fr. George Rutler It has been said that when you separate God from society,
you end up with a culture destined to destroy itself. According to Fr.
George Rutler of St Patrick's Cathedral, New York, the nihilism and
vulgarity of contemporary art and literature, have... (More) CD - Price: $34.95
Demonology Satan's Role in Salvation History (PC: 6662-CD)
Fr. Clement Machado How to Protect Your Family from the Wiles of the
DevilÄ Discover Powerful Weapons for Your Personal Arsenal in the Battle
Against Satan The Enemy. The Accuser. The Evil One. How real is he?
Do we really need to defend ours... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Enduring the Winter of Unbelief (PC: 6898-CD)
Fr. Shannon Collins Ever since Vatican II the faithful have been told
that the Church is experiencing a –New Springtime.” But if this is true
why has the number of Catholics that attend Holy Mass steadily decreased
until it is fewer than twenty percent in some Amer... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Fount of Life (PC: 7756-CD)
(More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Holiness in Everyday Life The Wisdom of St. Francis de Sales (PC: 6863-CD)
Ralph Martin Money. Family. Work. School. Church. So much to do, so
little time. And yet you long to develop a deeper commitment to family,
community and most importantly, God. But how do you start? Where do
you find the time? Is there an a... (More) CD - Price: $30.95 |
Interview With an Excorcist (PC: 9108-DVD)
Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea Many current movies like Constantine, Hellboy
and Exorcist: The Beginning feature dramatic portrayals of spiritual
warfare and exorcism. But how accurate are these special effects-laden
Hollywood extravaganzas? Is demonic posse... (More) DVD - Price: $19.75 |
Jesus I Trust in You: Discovering Divine Mercy (PC: 9109-DVD)
Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is one of today's
most popular Catholic devotions. Now you can experience God's Mercy
in your own life as you discover how a humble Polish nun became a powerful
apostle of God's plan of mercy for the world. In Jesus... (More) DVD
- Price: $19.75 |
Listening to the Lord:Scriptural Reflections For Today (PC: 5518-CD)
Fr. George Rutler Do you ever have difficulties understanding God's
Word and applying it to your life? When was the last time you heard
a stirring homily at Mass or heard a stimulating sermon that motivated
you to deepen your spiritual life? Now, you can finally lea... (More)
CD - Price: $26.95 |
Lord Have Mercy The Healing Power of Confession (PC: 5623-CD)
Scott Hahn Doesn't it appear that the world is literally "going to hell"?
Things seem to be getting worse all around us, but what can ordinary
believers do to change the world and touch the lives of people around
us? How can we make a difference? <... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Luminous Mysteries:New Light in a Time of Darkness (PC: 6113-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Fr. Bill Casey Fr. Mitch Pacwa In October 2002,
in the midst of scandal and uncertainty, Pope John Paul II celebrated
the twenty-fifth anniversary of his extraordinary pontificate by proclaiming
a "Year of the Rosary", issuing an apostolic letter on the topic, and
to the s... (More) CD - Price: $17.96 |
Marys Role in the 3rd Millennium (PC: 5239-CD)
Mark Miravalle Scott Hahn Illuminate your understanding of Mary's God-given
role as "God's Masterpiece" in His redemptive work for your soul. Drs.
Scott Hahn & Mark Miravalle share keen insights as proof that the superabundant
gift of His love and glory is found in Mary.... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Meditation on the Passion of Christ (PC: 9106-DVD)
Radix One of St. Joseph Communications all-time Best Sellers just got
better! Doug Barry's tour-de-force one-man performance of the Meditation
on the Passion of Christ has been moving audiences to tears and sending
thousands to the confessional for ... (More) DVD - Price: $19.75 |
Moments of Grace (PC: 8020-CD)
Grace Mackinnon Do you ever look around and think, if my life were
as easy as my neighbor's I'd be a saint? We often think that our sufferings
are keeping us from becoming holy, but this isn't true! "In Heaven,
our... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Our Final Hope (PC: 6606-CD)
Fr. Bill Casey Tough times demand tough love. And that's what you'll
discover on the all-new four tape set, Our Final Hope with Fr. Bill
Casey, Superior General for the Fathers of Mercy. It's no secret that
because of the recent scandals, Catholic ... (More) CD - Price: $21.56 |
Our Lady and this Present Darkness (PC: 6091-CD)
Fr. Benedict Groeschel No one doubts that the Catholic Church in the
United States is in the midst of the greatest crisis it has seen in
all our country's 220-year history. But in many respects, the scandal
that has rocked the Church is substantially a media event, and as...
(More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Padre Pio-The Wonder Worker Book on Tape (PC: RC06-CD)
Various The first part of this book is a biographical sketch of the
famous Capuchin. Padre Pio had many gifts including bilocation, prophecy,
reading hearts, healing and other extraordinary charisms. Examine his
incredible story and gain the insights of sev... (More) CD - Price: $38.95 |
Pray the Rosary With the Psalms (PC: 9102-DVD)
Matthew Arnold NOW ON 2 DVDs, (60 Min. Each DVD)!! This is not "just
another Rosary video!" In Pray the Rosary with the Psalms, you'll discover
a powerful new way to focus your mental prayer that is both Scriptural
and true to Tradition. In this digitally m... (More) DVD - Price: $19.75 |
Prepare Ye the Way Meditations for Advent (PC: 503-CD)
Fr. Philip Chavez New! Meaningful Meditations on Advent for You and
Your Family Prepare Ye the Way: Meditations for Advent Father Philip
Chavez, S.O.L.T. Why is it that so many Catholics fail to achieve peace
in their lives? Why do so many act contrary to what... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
Preparing For the Spiritual Battle (PC: 6607-CD)
Alex Jones Fr. Bill Casey What did Pope John Paul II mean when he stated
early in his Pontificate, "we are now living at the time of the greatest
battle between good and evil the world has ever known"? Was he prophetically
warning us to prepare for war? How can we ... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Renewal and Reconciliation (PC: 56-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen We live in an age that has literally lost
the sense of sin and sadly forgotten its fundamental need for God. No
longer do people-including baptized believers-willingly submit their
intellect and will to what God has revealed. It is as if we a... (More)
CD - Price: $26.21 |
Saints For Sinners Book on Tape (PC: RC15-CD)
Alban Goodier How do you respond to the universal call to holiness required
by the Church? How do you overcome human weakness in the face of trials
and tribulations? What do you do to resist the temptation to desperation
or resentment over personal fai... (More) CD - Price: $30.95 |
Sign of Contradiction Good Friday and Beyond (PC: 55-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen On April 8, 1977, a record crowd of over 6,000
worshippers came to St. Agnes Catholic Church in New York City to attend
the Good Friday Service given by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. This was
the very same church where, 50 years before, Shee... (More) CD - Price: $23.21 |
Spiritual Solutions (PC: 7390-CD)
Too many Catholics today are looking for answers in all the wrong places.
Frantically searching for guidance and direction, they mistakenly travel
down the dead-end roads of pop psychology, secularized sociology and
even the occult in hope... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
St. Catherine of Siena: Growing in Love (PC: 6862-CD)
Ralph Martin Throughout the history of the Church, God has raised up
men and women to boldly proclaim the Gospel message of salvation and
communicate its truths to others. These people-often times uneducated
yet devout believers-lived intense lives of ... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
Surrendered to Love: The Wisdom of Thþrúse of Lisieux (PC: 6864-CD)
Ralph Martin Now! Go Beyond Popular Preconceptions and Encounter the
Real –Little Flower” Surrendered to Love: The Wisdom of Thþrúse of Lisieux
Ralph Martin –Humble and poor, Therese shows the •little wayê of children
who confide in their Fath... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
The Greatest Gift (PC: 6975-CD)
Clayton Bower Scott Hahn Tim Staples Learn what Christmas is about from
the perspective of a theologian, a "Scripture" apologist and a "popular"
apologist. Dr. Scott Hahn, Clayton Bower and Tim Staples join together
and bring to light three overarching themes: the... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
The Imitation of Christ (PC: 927-CD)
Thomas š Kempis The Great Catholic Spiritual Classic Finally Available
on CD! The Imitation of Christ Thomas š Kempis Read by Al Covaia The
words of Our Lord in Saint Lukeês Gospel, –If any man will come after
me, let him deny himself and take up his cr... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
The Most Holy Rosary (PC: 5617-CD)
Scott Hahn It is the most distinctively Catholic of all devotional pract...
(More) CD - Price: $16.95 |
The Mystery of Christmas (PC: 6903-CD)
Fr. Shannon Collins On three inspirational CDs (or cassettes) Fr. Shannon
Collins, CPM, rector of Mother Angelicaês Shrine of the Most Blessed
Sacrament, sheds new light on our beautiful Catholic traditions of Christmas.
His delightful presentations focus on the true ... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
The Mystery Of Suffering (PC: 6406-CD)
Jeff Cavins "If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce
himself and take up his cross every day and follow me." Luke 9:23 Like
death and taxes, none of us can escape suffering. We all suffer through
personal problems lik... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
The Mystery of the Trinity Living in the Image of the Triune Family (PC: 5607-CD)
Scott Hahn The Trinity is the deepest mystery of Christian faith. It
is unfathomable in its depths. But we can come to know it more deeply
every day. In this three-tape series, Dr. Scott Hahn shows how God has
revealed the doctrine of the Trinity through Sc... (More) CD - Price: $23.95 |
The Quest for Masculine Spirituality (PC: 8800-CD)
Fr. Philip Chavez Give Your Men the Keys to Discover True Happiness
through their God-given Vocation to Lead, Protect and Provide! The Quest
for Masculine Spirituality Father Philip Chavez, S.O.L.T. At a time
when 85% of the ministries...CD |
The Secret of the Rosary Book on Tape (PC: RC17-CD)
St Louis De Montfort I wish to give you a rose-a crimson one, because
the Precious Blood of Our Lord has fallen upon it. With these words
St. Louis de Montfort invites you to discover a spiritual treasury of
mental and vocal prayer blessed with the divine... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
The True Meaning of Christmas (PC: 51-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Fondly remembered for his pioneering work in
Catholic broadcasting, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the best-loved
and most influential preachers of the 20th century. Now in this new
digitally mastered presentation, St. Joseph Communicat... (More) CD
- Price: $8.96 |
The True Meaning Of Easter (PC: 52-CD)
Archbishop Fulton Sheen Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Makes the Story of
Our Lord's Passion, Death and Resurrection Come Alive! Archbishop Fulton
J. Sheen was one of the best-known and best-loved Catholic prelates
of the ... (More) CD - Price: $8.96 |
The Way (PC: 6040-CD)
Saint Josemaria Escriva Now on CD! Discover –The Way” of a Modern-Day
Saint for Our Times The Way How do you discern Godês Will and act upon
it with confidence? How can you achieve holiness through everyday life,
no matter what your oc... (More) CD - Price: $30.95 |
Union with God Learning from Teresa of Avila (PC: 6860-CD)
Ralph Martin Do concepts like, "Union with God" only apply to saints
and the very holy? Do you desire to increase your prayer life but have
trouble just getting in a daily Rosary? Have you ever attempted to read
the writings of the great mystics only to w... (More) CD - Price: $26.95 |
Walk With Him Catholic Men's Conference (PC: 7700-CD)
Jeff Cavins Jesse Romero Ralph Martin Scott Hahn Dr. Scott Hahn, Jesse
Romero, Bishop Dornan, Ralph Martin, Jeff Cavins and more gather to
discuss issues of particular importance to Catholic men. A perfect gift
for husbands, fathers and single men who desire to deepen their faith
in Jesus Christ fo... (More) CD - Price: $34.95 |
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