Catholic CDs, DVDs, Audio Tapes and Videos
OUR ULTIMATE JEWISH MOTHER (PC: 7673V) Brother Bob Fishman Have you ever been told that Catholics place too much emphasis on Mary? Is the Blessed Mother really an obstacle to following Jesus? Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should honor and venerate her? Now you can find answers to these all-t... Sale Items! - Sale Price: $:9.98 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
SCRIPTURAL ICON OF THE CHURCH (PC: 5559-CD) Michael Barber Most Christians know that Jesus was foreshadowed in the Old Testament; what they often don’t know is that so was His mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. In fact, the Old Testament messianic types and figures have a definitely discernible Marian dim... CD - Sale Price: $:23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
OF MERCY MARY’S KEY TO RESTORATION (PC: 7512-CD) Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Mother of Mercy: Mary’s Key to Restoration Father Donald Calloway, M.I.C. How is a relationship with Mary the key to restoration and renewal in the Church today? Why do so many Catholics turn to Eastern spirituality or “New Age” when we have... CD - Sale Price: $:23.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION |
Catholic CDs, DVDs, Audio Tapes and Videos
Finest Catholic Statues and Statuary for Churches, Home, Garden and School
Two Best Documentary Films on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina on DVD
Each DVD is over 2 Hours Long
with 3 Documentary Films on Each DVD
Best DVDs on Sr. Faustina and Padre Pio Ever Made
DVD on Sr. Faustina over 2 Hours Long
"The Life and Times of Sr. Faustina"