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Title: Does the Bible Teach Sola Scriptura Two-CD set
Item 8001710
Author: Patrick Madrid and James White
  Protestant Debate

You'll love this hard-hitting, penetrating exchange on the central slogan of the Protestant Reformation. In this no-holds barred debate, the Protestant apologist (James White) makes his case for why he feels Christians should view the Bible as the sole infallible rule of faith for Christians -- the Catholic apologist (Patrick Madrid) presents a Catholic critique of those arguments and shows that the Bible no-where teaches the notion of going by the Bible alone. Great to listen to and study with your Catholic apologetics group. This debate is a "barn-burner"!

Regarded by many as their all-time favorite Catholic/Protestant debate on the important subject of Sola Scriptura (Latin: by Scripture alone).

Yes, this is that debate you've been hearing about. A classic you won't want to miss! Patrick Madrid debates James White on the question "Does the Bible Teach Sola Scriptura?" This debate is one of our all-time most popular resources.




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