Books by
Servant Publications
Vine Titles:
in the New Dark Ages Ten years ago when Charles Colson's top-selling Against the Night appeared, he described the demise of Western culture as the ñnew dark ages.î The book describes in particular the ominous shadows that have engulfed politics, family life, and education. Today as we face the new millennium, the book is still pertinent, as the darkness has not lifted. It seems in many ways to have thickened. Against the Night, however, is not pessimistic. It gives Christians hope that as we regain our vision of living in God's kingdom and being God's people, we will be a light in the darkness. SBN:
1-56955-144-8 Release Date: June 1999 Binding: Paper Page Count: 224
Category: Christian Living
Where, How? Deepening Your Experience of God Developing
a Lifestyle of Worship In this short, readable, and inspiring book, top-selling author and pastor Gary Kinnaman explains the purpose, power, and practicalities of praise and worship in the Christian life. Readers will take away not only an eye-opening understanding of worship, but will also learn how to enter into expressive praise both at church and home. And the book shows us how to extend worship into our daily routines. SBN:
1-56955-336-X Release Date:April 2003 Binding: Paper Page Count: 150
Categories:Christian Living, Spiritual Growth, Prayer
the God Who Is ñThe minister gently guided my mother away from the grave to a waiting car. I moved behind them in a grim stupor. I was confused. I was hurt. I was angry. One question pierced my soul, a question destined to become an obsession for me; it would soon emerge in my life as a single holy passion. Like Ahab in mad pursuit of an albino whale, I was stricken with a maniacal desire to find out: Who are you, God? And why do you do the things you do?î Sproul's search for ultimate truth led him to a personal encounter with the living God. In The Character of God this brilliant theologian illuminates, illustrates, and inspires readers to discover for themselves the magnificence of God's character and being, His power and personality. ISBN:
0-89283-908-2 Release Date: April 1995 Binding: Paper Page Count: 173
Category: Applied Christianity/ Theology
You Can Unlock Doors to Spiritual Blessing; Foreword by Mike Bickle In this book, pastor and author Mark Nysewander persuades readers that fasting is not an option for Christians, but an essential Christian discipline prescribed by Jesus himself. With startling stories and sound teaching, he shows how practicing the spiritual discipline of fasting works in the Christian life to bring us holiness, healing, protection, guidance, and many other spiritual benefits. ISBN:
1-56955-363-7 Release Date: April 2003 Binding: Paper Page Count: 128
Category: Christian Living
You Up When Life Lets You Down Good News for Tough Times sounds like a title for today. It is. But the title would have seemed just as appropriate in the 1980s, to a generation struggling with its own unemployment, economic uncertainty, and threats to world peace. Or in the 1960s, to a nation wrenched by war in Vietnam, turmoil on its campuses, and race riots in its cities. Or during all the cold war years, when U.S. and Soviet missiles held each nation hostage and the potential annihilation of civilization could be measured in minutes. Tough Times aren't new. They're as modern as terrorists flying jetliners into buildings and spreading lethal toxins. But they're also as ancient as cavemen fighting off wild animals, starvation, and disease. Good News isn't new either. It tends to speak in a quieter voice than bad news and, therefore, doesn't get as much attention. But in every generation, behind every tragedy and crisis, there's an abundance of personal heroism, courage, and kindness waiting to be discovered. The tougher the times, the more important it is that we make the discovery. That we find reasons for hope, confidence, and optimism. æ
ISBN: 1-56955-247-9 Release Date: May 2002 Binding: Paperback Page Count:
176 Category: Christian Living
Fresh, New Look at the Holy Spirit Christians face serious personal problems, such as the loss of a job or the death of a loved one, just like everyone else. The vital difference is they have immediate access to a counselor who never makes a mistake and who has the power to help them cope and even change for the better. Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie shows Christians how this divine counselor„the Holy Spirit„can lead them to the truth about themselves, grant them wisdom beyond their years, and fashion them into the likeness of Christ. Their pain may still run deep, but the counsel of God runs deeper still. ISBN:
0-89283-909-0 Release Date: September 1995 Binding: Paper Page Count:
208 Category: Christian Living
to God on Growing Older While growing older certainly has plusses, its downside poses big challenges. Physical decline, loss of spouses, relatives, and friends, memory lapses, feelings of inadequacy or uselessness„such things give us those ñsenior momentsî that sidetrack us with fear and worry. This book brings encouragement to people in their golden years, prompting them to reflect, laugh, play, and to take both burdens and joys to the Lord who cares for them. Each of the 90 short pieces contains a note to God about a topic of special interest to seniors, a word from God in Scripture, a prayer, and a place for the reader to write her or his note to God. ISBN:
1-56955-279-7 Release Date: June 2002 Binding: Paperback Page Count:
225 Category: Christian Living
to Trust God in All Circumstances In this gracious set of 60 devotions, Gail MacDonald gently persuades us to rest trustfully in the arms of God. Freely sharing from her own journey of faith, Gail teaches us to deal honestly with the pain of crises, to respond with zest to Christ's invitation to follow Him, and to make a habit of forgiveness. The devotions not only welcome us into the everlasting arms but also equip us with tools to live the Christian life faithfully every day and to share God's grace with others. æ ISBN:
1-56955-188-X Release Date: September 2000 Binding: Paper Page Count:
203 Category: Women
Bible's Light for Daily Living A Lamp for My Feet is the fruit of Elisabeth Elliot's own confidence in and love for God's Word. These reflections stem from her personal encounters with Scripture. They present a candid glimpse into the character and quality of her own Christian life and spirituality. As usual, her writing displays the qualities readers have come to expect: it is perceptive, to the point, inspiring, and always graceful. A Lamp for My Feet is a book to be savored and pondered in the presence of God. It is not meant to substitute for regular Scripture reading but to increase the reader's hunger for the living Word of God. æ ISBN:
0-89283-352-1 Release Date: September 1987 Binding: Paper Page Count:
140 Category: Christian Living
Elisabeth Elliot For a whole year Elisabeth Elliot watched and learned and had nothing to say. She was living among the Auca Indians of Ecuador„the same tribe that had killed her husband, Jim Elliot„and she did not know the language. This year of observation and enforced silence stripped her of everything but the barest of essentials and the simplest of truths. In The Liberty of Obedience Elisabeth Elliot calls on us to examine more closely our own obedience to God, measuring it in terms of our experience of His freedom, grace, and love. æ ISBN:
0-89283-358-0 Release Date: April 1987 Binding: Paper Page Count: 94
Category: Christian Living
Elisabeth Elliot In a delightfully engaging series of essays, Elisabeth Elliot captures the joys and trials of a life fully given to Christ. A timeless spiritual perspective on the value of being a woman, wife, mother, and Christian. æ ISBN:
0-89283-153-7 Release Date: June 1998 Binding: Paper Page Count: 148
Category: Christian Living
the Relationship Between God's Mercy and Our Pain In this powerfully moving book, Elisabeth Elliot does not hesitate to ask hard questions, to examine tenderly the hurts we suffer, and to explore boldly the nature of a God whose sovereign, intimate, and perfect care for us confounds our finite understanding. A Path Through Suffering is a book for anyone searching for faith, comfort, and assurance. It is an honest book about the way our merciful God draws us close to Himself and expands our capacity for surrender and obedience in order that we might finally and fully share in His resurrection glory. æ ISBN:
0-89283-801-9 Release Date: June 1992 Binding: Paper Page Count: 201
Category: Christian Living
John H. Timmerman Although most of the news coverage on ADHD is about children, research shows that a large percentage of the adult population is also affected by ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Often several members of a family suffer from the symptoms, which disrupt life at home, social life, schoolwork, and daily performance on the job. Christians are not exempt from ADHD. Their faith in Jesus Christ„while not an antidote for their inability to concentrate, sense of failure, anxiety, difficulty in relationships, chaotic energy, addictions, and depression„is nevertheless a lifeline. In this book, John Timmerman approaches ADHD from a strongly Christian point of view, combining medical information, commonsense advice for daily living, and spiritual hope. æ ISBN:
1-56955-304-1 Release Date: May 2002 Binding: Paperback Page Count:
152 Category: Christian Living
to Find Help for Your Problems Many Christians have personal problems„some quite serious„that need various levels of help. A wide array of resources are available to provide that help, but in many instances we are unaware of them or don't know where to look for them. In Seeking Wise Counsel, Dr. David Stoop has given us a ñclearing houseî that sends us to the right sources for the assistance we need. The book orients us to making good use of all the resources at hand, including Scripture, published materials, discussions with pastors, sharing with friends, consulting professionals and more. It is an invaluable tool serving us with opportunities that lead to healthier personal lives. æ ISBN:
1-56955-298-3 Release Date: November 2002 Binding: Paperback Page Count:
144 Category: Christian Living/ Personal Growth
Christian Books by Servant Publications
E. Schmoeger, C.SS.R.
PROPHECY FOR TODAY By Edward Connor (compiler)
Divine Mercy and Sr. Faustina (Videos and Books)
Padre Pio (Videos)
Medjugorje - The Queen of Peace - Gospa (Videos, DVDs, Books and Audio CDs)
Prophecy of The Third Secret of Fatima
The Kingdom of the Bride
Prophecy: Full Prophecy: Text of The Third Secret of Fatima - Complete Text
and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary
of Sr. Faustina
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Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
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A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
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