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Return to Tradition
by Francis Beauchesne Thornton, editor
Code: 0912141700
Sale Price: $49.95

Shouldn’t you know more about the Catholic renewal in high gear before Vatican II? Shouldn’t your children and grandchildren? Sample the finest Catholic writing of the past two centuries in this massive anthology, now back in print after nearly half a century.
Amid the present decline of Catholic life and letters it seems astonishing to recall that in 1948, when this magnificent treasury was published, the Church was enjoying a great literary and intellectual revival that had been going on since the early 1800s. But secular publishers and critics paid little heed, creating the need for a comprehensive collection that would chart the Catholic Revival by anthologizing its leading lights. Fr. Francis Thornton’s wonderful treasury quickly became a standard in better Catholic high schools and colleges -- then fell out of favor after the Council. Now, Roman Catholic Books makes it available again in handsome, long-lasting hardcover.Fr. Thornton divides his survey into five expansive sections: “The English Revival” (including works by Newman, Frederick Faber, Robert Hugh Benson, Belloc, Chesterton, Knox, Sheed, and Waugh) ... “The French Influence” (works by Claudel, Gheon, Mauriac, Gilson, Bernanos, Maritain, et al) ... “The Irish Revival” (Padraic Colum, James Clarence Mangan, Canon Sheehan) ... “The American Revival” (Orestes Brownson, John La Farge, Joyce Kilmer, William Thomas Walsh, Fulton Sheen) ... and “The Liturgical Revival” (not to be confused with the upheaval after Vatican II, and including works by Karl Adam, Pius Parsch, Romano Guardini and Virgil Michel).The bounty here is nearly overwhelming -- no fewer than 128 authors, generously represented across 955 large-format, two-column pages. Shorter works, such as poems and essays, are presented unabridged; longer ones, such as novels and biographies, are represented by chapter-length highlights. The variety, as one reviewer noted, is nothing short of “amazing” (the lists below are partial):ESSAYS AND SERMONS including Cardinal Newman’s “The Second Spring” * Christopher Dawson’s “Humanism and the New Order” * Fr. Frederick Faber’s “Human Respect” * Jacques Maritain’s “Catholic Thought and Its Mission” * Cardinal Manning’s “Revealed Truth Definite and Certain”

POEMS AND HYMNS by Francis Thompson * Hillaire Belloc * G.K. Chesterton * Fr. Frederick William Faber * Cardinal Newman * Aubrey Thomas de Vere * Gerard Manley Hopkins, SJ * Coventry Patmore * Joseph Mary Plunkett * Padraic Colum * Joyce Kilmer
HISTORIES AND BIOGRAPHIES including Cardinal Gasquet’s The Eve of the Reformation * Belloc’s Cranmer and Robespierre * C.C. Martindale’s The Life of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson * Christopher Dawson’s “Rise of Western Civilization” * Evelyn Waugh’s Edmund Campion * William Thomas Walsh’s Isabella the Crusader

THEOLOGY AND SPIRITUALITY including Martin D’Arcy’s “The Christian Ideal” * Ronald Knox’s New Testament translation * Francois Mauriac’s The Eucharist * Fulton Sheen’s The Life of All Living * Karl Adams’ The Spirit of Catholicism * Pius Parsch’s Study the Mass * Dom Virgil Michel’s The Liturgy of the Church

PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL CRITICISM including Belloc’s The Servile State * Chesterton’s Heretics * Newman’s The Idea of a University * Gilson’s The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy

APOLOGETICS AND CONVERSION ACCOUNTS including Newman’s Apologia Pro Vita Sua * Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man * Arnold Lunn’s Now I See * Fr. Vincent McNabb’s “Liberal Catholicism” * Frank Sheed’s Communism and Man * Ronald Knox’s A Spiritual Aeneid

NOVELS AND PLAYS including Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World * Bruce Marshall’s Father Malachy’s Miracle * Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited * Paul Claudel’s The Tidings Brought to Mary * Georges Bernanos’ Diary of a Country Priest
HUMOR AND SATIRE including Ronald Knox’s Essays in Satire * J.B. Morton’s Morton’s Folly * Douglas Woodruff’s Plato’s Britannia
ART AND LITERARY CRITICISM including Chesterton’s “On Detective Novels” * Eric Gill’s “Art and Prudence” * Jacques Maritain’s The Philosophy of Art * Fr. James Gillis on “H.G. Wells”

MEMOIRS, JOURNALS AND LETTERS including Wilfrid Ward’s Reminiscences of Childhood * Leon Bloy’s Letters to His Fiancee * Eric Gill’s Autobiography * Alfred Noyes’ The Unknown God * Arnold Lunn’s Come What May * St. Therese of Lisieux’s autobiography
Is there an important Catholic writer of the past 200 years who is not represented here?

John Lingard * Kenelm Henry Digby * Cardinal Wiseman * Cardinal Newman * Aubrey Thomas de Vere * Frederick Faber * Cardinal Manning * Alice Meynell * Wilfrid Meynell * Coventry Patmore * Francis Thompson * Ernest Christopher Dowson * “Michael Field” * Lionel Pigot Johnson * Robert Hugh Benson * Wilfrid Ward * Cardinal Gasquet * Hillaire Belloc * G.K. Chesterton * John Ayscough * Mrs. Wilfrid Ward * Maurice Baring * C.C. Martindale * Vincent McNabb * Eric Gill * D.B. Wyndham-Lewis * Alfred Noyes * Arnold Lunn * Bede Jarrett * Compton Mackenzie * Helen Parry Eden * Shane Leslie * Martin D’Arcy * E.I. Watkin * Ronald Knox * J.B. Morton * Christopher Dawson * Sheila Kaye-Smith * A.J. Cronin * Douglas Woodruff * Frank Sheed * Maisie Ward * Bruce Marshall * Christopher Hollis * Evelyn Waugh * Robert Speaight * Graham Greene * Fr. Gerald Vann * Charles Baudelaire * Paul Verlaine * Arthur Rimbaud * Joris Karl Huysmans * Henri Bremond * René Bazin * Leon Bloy * Paul Claudel * Francis Jammes * Charles Peguy * Henri Gheon * Francois Mauriac * Henri Bordeaux * Etienne Gilson * Paul Bourget * Georges Bernanos * Jacques Maritain * St. Therese of Lisieux * James Clarence Mangan * Canon Sheehan * Katherine Tynan Hickson * Thomas MacDonagh * Padraic H. Pearse * Joseph Mary Plunkett * Francis Ledwidge * Padraic Colum * Kate O’Brien * James Leen * Robert Farren * Orestes A. Brownson * Abram J. Ryan * Joel Chandler Harris * John Lancaster Spalding * John Bannister Tabb * F. Marion Crawford * Maurice Francis Egan * Agnes Repplier * Henry Harland * Louise Imogen Guiney * Clement Francis Kelley * James J. Daly * James M. Gillis * Micahel Williams * Charles Phillips * John La Farge * Carleton J.H. Hayes * Charles L. O’Donnell * Joyce Kilmer * Sister Madeleva * Aline Kilmer * Heywood Broun * Katherine Bregy * Francis X. Talbot * Cardinal Spellman * Daniel Sargent * Theodore Maynard * William Thomas Walsh * Fulton Sheen * Helen C. White * Leonard Feeney * Sister Maris Stella * John Gilland Brunini * Emmet Lavery * Walter Farrell * Jessica Powers * Thomas Merton * Sister Mary Maura * John W. Lynch * Harold C. Gardiner * Robert Lowell * Joseph Dever * Karl Adam * Ildefons Herwegen * Pius Parsch * Romano Guardini * William Busch * Virgil Michel * Gerlad Ellard * Paul BussardQUIZ: How well do you know Catholic history and literature?1. True or false: Fulton Sheen was the most successful popularizer Catholic teachings this century.

2. Which Catholic poet wrote the famed masterpiece, “The Hound of Heaven”? (a) Joyce Kilmer (b) Francis Thompson (c) Gerard Manley Hopkins (d) Hillaire Belloc

3. Name the twentieth-century Catholic authors who wrote the definitive biographies of St. Thomas Aquinas.
4. True or false: The classic American folk tale series featuring Uncle Remus and Bre’r Rabbit was invented by a Catholic.
5. The hymn “Faith of Our Fathers” was written by which famous priest-author?
6. Which of the following converts from Anglicanism translated the New Testament into English? (a) John Henry Newman (b) Frederick Faber (c) Ronald Knox (d) Robert Hugh Benson
7. Two authors of the “French Revival” were well-known as playwrights. Paul Claudel was one. Who was the other?
8. Name the American cardinal who wrote a series of acclaimed World War II chronicles.
9. Match the novelists in column A with their novels in column b:
COLUMN A: Evelyn Waugh * Graham Greene * Francois Mauriac * Robert Hugh Benson * Bruce Marshall
COLUMN B: Come Rack, Come Rope * Black Mischief * Viper’s Tangle * The World, the Flesh, and Fr. Smith * Brighton Rock
Learn the answers in Return to Tradition.
Catholic author Ralph McInerny, who teaches at Notre Dame, recalls that Return to Tradition “conveyed the thought that the American Catholic was, through his faith, connected with the mainstream of Western culture. One had the heady realization that the Puritans and other Protestants who founded what became our prestige universities were actually on the cultural margin of things.” Catholic -- and some non-Catholic -- reviewers in 1948 were no less impressed:
“Amazing variety: expertly chosen excerpts from work which grew organically out of the great Catholic Revival.... Father Thornton gives us apologetics, history and fiction, poetry, biography and the essay -- all richly sampled with brief but discerning biographical sketches of the authors. ... An incredible sum of instruction and delight.” -- The Sign“`Here is God’s plenty,’ the reader is impelled to say when he closes this book of nearly a thousand double-columned pages. ... fills a genuine need. Heretofore no editor has attempted the gigantic task of trying to include within one volume a survey of the Catholic literary revival of the past hundred years as it has manifested itself in England, in France, in Ireland, and in our own United States. Anthologies devoted to one country or to one genre have been collected, but here one will find Newman as well as Claudel, Padraic Colum as well as Thomas Merton. Here are Catholic historians, poets, essayists, philosophers, liturgists, novelists and dramatists.” -- Renascence“Richly interesting, informative, enjoyable and impressive. ... The range of the writers’ subjects is wide, the degrees of their excellence various, but merit of one kind or another is in every selection, and, thanks to the great diversity, the reader is constantly surprised and refreshed.... Particularly impressive is the fact that a great majority of the famous authors called upon by Father Thornton are converts. Their numbers bear eloquent witness to the attractive power of the Catholic Revival.” -- Saturday ReviewHUGE: 955 two-column pages, 10” x 7” size
Capsule biographies of all 128 authors
Index of authors and titles
Detailed Table of Contents
Shrink-wrapped for extra protection in shipping (as are all our books)
A facscimile reproduction of the original
Code: 0912141700



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Achieving Peace of Heart, Code: 1929291876

A Catholic approach to dealing with alcoholism Sound advice--practical and spiritual--from men and women who have escaped from the despair of alcoholism... or helped others to

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Antichrist by Vincent P. Miceli, S.J
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Anti-Catholicism in American Culture -by Robert Lockwood

Apocalypse Explained by H. M. Feret, OP
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Catholics: What to tell "Bible Christians" about the Bible

Basic Spiritual Means by Fr. Philip E. Dion
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Begone, Satan! by Rev. Carl Vogl
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Beyond Vatican II, Code: 1929291833,

Bible History Ignatius Schuster

Blessed Padre Pio by John McCaffery
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The Blessed Sacrament and the Mass St Thomas Aquinas

The Blessed Sacrament and the Mass, Code: 1929291698

The Bridge Over the World, Code: 1-978-929291-90-8,

Brother Solomon, Code: 192929154X,

The Book of Job by Rev Edward J Kissane, D.D., L.S.S. Dom Hubert van Zeller

Catechetical Instructions of St. Thomas Aquinas
Back in Print: St Thomas Aquinas's "last testament" to ordinary Catholics. Let the Church's greatest theologian answer your questions about the Faith, in his ONLY catechism for laymen

Catechism of Trent
The catechism compiled by a saint and approved by St. Pius V, and now it's available in a reader-friendly edition.

Cardinal Mercier's Retreat to His Priests by Joseph Cardinal Mercier

Catholic Family Book of Novenas
When was the last time you prayed a novena? Some of the most efficacious praying in Catholic life is done with novenas. Yet the great majority of practicing Catholics ignore them.

The Catholic Almanac's Guide to the Church -by Matthew Bunson

Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life -by William E. May

Catechism of the Summa Theologica, Code: CST, Sale Price:

Celebrate the Third Millennium: Facing the Future with Hope
by Pope John Paul II selected and arranged by Paul Thigpen, Ph.D.
10 or 20 years from now, will anyone remember these two works of timeless wisdom and inspiration by Pope John Paul II? You, certainly. And anyone else who's had the good fortune to read the pope's reflections on the 2000th anniversary of the coming of Christ

Charitable Anathema
"20th-century doctor of the Church" offers solutions to our crisis

Charity and Sex and the Young Man by Herbert J. Raterman, S.J.
The frankest book ever written for teenage boys

Chastity by Gerald Kelly, S.J.
Advice on sex for young, unmarried Catholics

The Child on His Knees, Code: 0912141069,

The Church and the Market, Code: 0739110365,

Church and Spiritualism by Herbert Thurston. S.J.
Is it possible to communicate with the souls of the dead? Is it permissible? Solid answers, some unexpected, from 20th century Catholicism's foremost authority on the paranormal

The Church Before Pilate

Christ and the Powers of Darkness, Code: CPD,

Christ in the Home by Fr Raoul Plus

Christ's Twelve by Rev. F.J. Mueller

Christ in Dachau, Code: 1929291566,

Come and See, Code: 1932021086,

Concordance to the Bible Rev. Newton Thompson, S.T.D. and Raymond Stock
"Priests have long been hoping for a Catholic Concordance. Here is one -- and a good one." --Ecclesiastical Review, 1942

The Collected Letters of C.S. Lewis

The Coasts of the Country

The Conservative Bookshelf, Code: 0806525371,

Cranmer's Godly Order by Michael Davies
They created a wasteland, and called it "renewal"

Creative Love by C.C.Martindale, S.J.

The Cube and the Cathedral Code: 9780465092666

Darwin Day in America -by John G. West

Dealing with Scruples by Dermot Casey, S.J.
It's possible to be too hard on yourself Or maybe on others, too, who suffer from scruples

Death and Life by Fr Martin D'Arcy

The Death of Christian Culture

The Deceiver: Our Daily Struggle with Satan, Code: 1929291639,

Death of the West by Patrick J. Buchanan
20% off Pat Buchanan's new book - , for the first time, there were more Muslims in the world than Catholics

Defeating Jihad, Code: 192865326X,

De-coding DaVinci -by Amy Welborn Sale Price:

The Deceiver: Our Daily Struggle with Satan by Fr Livio Fanzaga Sale Price:

Difficulties in Mental Prayer by Father M. Eugene Boylan
Can you overcome the obstacles in your prayer life? Without question, said this humble Cistercian monk

Discourses to Mixed Congregations by John Henry Newman
Newman's Catholic sermons

Divine Providence, Code: 1929291868,

Doctor at Calvary by Pierre Barbet, M.D.
What the Gospels don't reveal about Christ's sufferings, science does

Doctrine of Spiritual Perfection, Code: 082451887X,

Does God Matter for Me? by C.C. Martindale, S.J.
How many people think there is no God? Surprisingly few. But the number of people who behave as if there were no God is legion

Dominic Savio by Peter Lappin
"This boy had a strange power over his own associates during his life." Ave Maria

Everyman's Theology
Why did yesterday's average layman know his faith better than many a priest today? One reason: this ernormously popular primer on Church doctrine, hailed as "a complete course in theology" for ordinary Catholics

Everyday Graces, Code: 9781932236095,

The Essential Russell Kirk

The End of the Modern World - by Romano Guardini

The Fall of the Russian Empire by Fr. Edmund Walsh, S.J. Sale Price:

Faith of the Fatherless by Dr. Paul Vitz
Many of history's biggest monsters lost their fathers... ...or were abused by them

The Eternal Sacrifice -by Michael Davies

The Faithful Departed - by Philip F. Lawler

Frequent Confession by Benedict Baur, OSB

Forming Character in Adolescents by Rudolf Allers, M.D., Ph.D.
Will your children's Catholic faith -- and morals -- survive adolescence? How to steer them safely through their teen years

Forgotten Catholic Heroes

Fr. Leopoldo
Another Italian Saint? They're exploring his cause...

Friendship of Christ by Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson
Who wrote most movingly about your relationship with Jesus? Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, naturally

Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Code: 192929185X,

General Introduction to Holy Scripture by A. E. Breen, Ph.D., D.D.
The Catholic approach to Holy Scripture? Here's the volume that showed the way, a century ago

The Gods of Atheism, Code: 091214100X, Sale Price:

God in the Dock, Code: 0802808689, Sale Price:

God and Ronald Reagan Sale Price:

In God's Garden, Code: 1929291329, Sale Price:

Guidance in Spiritual Direction by Charles Hugo Doyle
What to do until you find a spiritual director

History of Europe by W. Eugene Shiels, S.J.
WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE CRADLE OF CHRISTIAN CIVILIZATION? More important: what do you suppose your children or grandchildren know? `

History of Israel, Code: 1929291418, Sale Price:

History of St. Patrick's Cathedral by Most Rev. John M. Farley, D.D. Archbishop of New York
New York is the capital of the world. Pope John Paul II

The Heresy of Formlessness, Code: 978-1-586171278, Sale Price:

How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Code: 0895260387, Sale Price:

How to Pray Always by Raoul Plus, S.J.
Is it really possible -- or necessary -- to "pray without ceasing"? Yes. Here's how

How to Pray Well by Raoul Plus, S.J.
Distraction or "dryness" in prayer? There are remedies.

How to Win the Culture War, Code: 0930823166,

Holy Hour of Reparation for Boys and Girls

I Am With You Always by Michael Davies
Six common errors in traditionalist circles Why they're errors. How to respond to those who hold them. And why, once confronting the problems raised, your faith can be stronger than evereven in times of crisis

In God's Garden
Why does this newly reissued (and very rare) book differ from other lives of the saints for children? Because it not only gives you 14 lovely and inspiring stories for young children, it also includes reproductions of masterpieces by some of civilization's greatest artists -- all in full color on glossy stock In

In Praise of Work by Fr. Raoul Plus, S.J.
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In Sacristy and Sanctuary by Rev William A O'Brien, M.A.
The most popular pre-Vatican II sacristy manual

Index of Leading Catholic Indicators by Kenneth Jones

Inner Search by Dom Hubert van Zeller
Sometimes real breakthroughs in your spiritual life only come about after searing self-examination "A top ranking spiritual writer at his best."-- Ave Maria (1957)

Inside the Passion, Code: 1932645772, Sale Price:

Instructions before Marriage by Fr. Wenceslaus Hertvik, O.F.M.
pay no postage/handling on this booklet By far the most common questions about marriage All 81 answered, simply and concisely, by an experienced priest/moral theologian

In Tiers of Glory, Code: 0967637120,

Intellectual Life, Code: 1929291604,

It Takes a Family, Code: 9781932236835,

Isaias: Prophet for Our Time, Code: 1929291647,

Islam Unveiled by Robert Spencer
Disturbing questions about the world's fastest growing faith

Iota Unum: A Study of Changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th Century

Key to the Psalms, Code: 1929291272,

Latin Hymns edited and translated by Adrian Fortescue
In one volume: the Church's most treasured Latin hymns Collected and translated into English by one of the century's greatest liturgical scholars

Latin-English Sunday Missal, Code: 9781929291922,

Last Things First, Code: 1929291612,

The Last Letters of Thomas More, Code: 0802843948,

Learning to Serve: A Guide for New Altar Boys
It's back: the popular illustrated guide for boys

Life of Christ by Giuseppe Ricciotti"As a blend of comprehensiveness and high scholarship, this work on the Gospels may well be considered among the very best obtainable in English." -- Orate Fratres magazine

A Life of Our Lord for Children, Code: ALOL

Life of the Venerable Francis Libermann
Son of a rabbi becomes a priest, converts thousands of Africans to Christ

Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits by Rev. Thomas Hughes, S.J.
What makes a school great? St. Ignatius Loyola discovered the formula centuries ago.

Lead Kindly Light by Michael Davies

Manual of Confirmation, Code: 192929171X,

Made for Heaven by C.S. Lewis

Man, the Saint by Fr. J. Urteaga Loidi

Marine Corps Prayer Book
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Martyrs, Code: 1929291485,

Mass Explained to Children by Maria Montessori
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The Mass in Slow Motion -Monsignor Ronald Knox

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Meditations for Lent by St. Thomas Aquinas
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Miracles by Ronald Knox

Mental Health in a Mad World by James A. Magner
Stressed and confused? One Catholic psychologist saw the developing social collapse 50 years ago, analyzed the causes, and offered the solutions. Mental anxiety and moral confusion may seem to be the unique hallmarks of our time... but they're not.

Merry in God, Code: 1929291655,

Minute Meditations by Fr J. E. Moffat
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Missale Romanum
(Ultimate Roman Missal 1962)
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Mission Memoirs Code: 0932653308 Sale Price:

Montessori Method by Maria Montessori
The most useful teaching guide ever written Considered daring a century ago, Dr. Maria Montessori's methods are now universally applauded

"I cannot but believe that a main unexpected thing of the future is the return of Islam."

Mother Teresa: A Life in Pictures

Myth of Hitler's Pope, Code: 0895260344,

Newman on Lent by Cardinal John Henry Newman

Newman on Sin and Spiritual Rebirth by Cardinal John Henry Newman

Neuroses and Sacraments by Fr. Alan Keenan

No Greater Love, Code: NGL,

No Popery! by Herbert Thurston, S.J.
Can you refute these anti-Catholic slanders? Fr. Herbert Thurston's classic of apologetics -- now back in print -- shows you how

The New Sanctuary Manual, Code: 1929291302,

Occult Phenomena by Alois Wiesinger, O.C.S.O.
Church teaching on the occult? Surprisingly nuanced To learn all about ESP, clairvoyance and other "paranormal" phenomena, people once turned to this distinguished theologian

Old Law and the New Morality
Who said this? "The Ten Commandments are mere lumber nowadays ... unsuited and inadequate to modern needs." The answer is George Bernard Shaw -- but it could have been any number of 20th-century skeptics. Today, their once "shocking" views are held by countless millions, and sustained by unceasing propaganda from Hollywood, public schools and the government. Result? A widespread moral meltdown whose catastrophic consequences are just beginning to be felt. Yes, there is hope. But the hour is even later than when P.J. Gannon, SJ, spelled out our stark choices some 65 years ago:"Humanity has really two courses open to it -- to get back to clear thinking and right moral principles, or to continue its perilous drift towards the abyss."

On the Proper Use of Time -by John Henry Cardinal Newman and Fr. William Gahan

Orestes Brownson -by R. A. Herrera

One Who is to Come by Matthew J. MacDonald, editor

Blessed Padre Pio
The man who knew Padre Pio best and wrote a book about him long forgotten, until now

Papal Legislation on Sacred Music, Code: 0814610129,

Parables of Christ Leopold Finck, SJ
"A classic on the subject." America magazine, 1915

Paradoxes of Catholicism Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson
Troubled by nagging "inconsistencies" in the Faith or problems in Church history? Here's help

Pardon and Peace by Fr. Alfred Wilson, C.P.
Back: the Best selling laymen's guide to getting the full spiritual, mental, and even physical benefits from Confession Back in the late 1940s, when Freud's theories were at the peak of their influence, one prominent psychiatrist shocked the intelligentsia with this surprising admission:

Parish Priest Code: 9780060776848

Partisans of Error, Code: PART,

Paved with Good Intentions by C.S. Lewis

Persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich
Dramatic proof of their (and the German Church's) resistance, and of Hitler's merciless persecution of Catholics, was compiled in this volume in 1941

Penance and Fasting by Msgr. P. E. Hallet

The Pius War Code: 0739109065

The Physical Phenomena of Mysticism, Code: 1-978-929291-91-5,

Practical Psychology in Character Development by Rudolf Allers, M.D.
How to recognizeand eliminatecommon obstacles to your normal spiritual development Your advisor? The pioneering Catholic psychologist who proved the importance of religion

Preaching Well by William R. Duffey
What makes a great sermon -- or a bad one? This prominent speech expert supplied the answers in his guide for Catholics who preach, teach or give speeches

The Pius War, Code: 0739109065,

Prisoners of the King by H.J. Coleridge, SJ
Questions or concerns about Purgatory? This century-old sourcebook covers the topic more authoritatively than any other

Psychiatry and Asceticism by Fr. Felix D. Duffey
The groundbreaking book on spirituality, bad psychology -- and helpful psychology Blending the truths of the Faith with Christian Psychology

Psychological Seduction by William K. Kilpatrick
Prominent psychologist warns: Christianity and modern psychology are now competing religions!

Psychology and the Cross, Code: PTC,

Psychology in Questions and Answers by Hilarion Duerk, OFM
What makes traditional Catholic psychology so helpful?

The Psychology of the Saints, Code: 1929291531,

Philosophy of Teaching of St Thomas Aquinas, Code: 9781929291953,

Purgatory and the Means to Avoid It by Father Martin Jugie
Common fallacies about Purgatory They're cleared up, in a book that liberated many a struggling Catholic half a century ago

Rebuilding a Lost Faith by John L. Stoddard
Protestantism turned him against Christianity -- until Catholicism made him its inspired champion Then, he wrote this extraordinary but neglected apologetic

Reflections on God the Father by Pope John Paul II

Reflections on Growing Old
How to conquer any fear of aging -- and make your senior years your best "Consolation in old age; and even more, sound advice in preparing for it." -- Review for Religious (1963)

Reform of the Roman Liturgy, Code: 1-92929-88-4,

The Religious Life, Code: 1929291590,

Rendezvous with God
Father Vincent Miceli's last gift to his Catholic friends

Return to Tradition by Francis Beauchesne Thornton, editor $49.95 Shouldn't you know more about the Catholic renewal in high gear before Vatican II? Shouldn't your children and grandchildren? Sample the finest Catholic writing of the past two centuries in this massive anthology, now back in print after nearly half a century

Rise, Let Us Be On Our Way, Code: 0446577812,

Roman Liturgical Vestments
This is the essay that helped to stimulate renewed interest in the ancient Roman vestment Now available from Roman Catholic Books in a handsome limited edition booklet, generously illustrated

Roots of Violence by Vincent P. Miceli, S.J.
Hatred. Brutality. Viciousness. THAT'S US In the "civilized" world, violence has reached epidemic proportions. The late Vincent P. Miceli, SJ, wouldn't be the least surprised. He once wrote a book analyzing its roots, and prescribing the cure

The Rule of Saint Benedict, Code: 1929291086,

Rules for the Spiritual Life by Jos˙ Guadalupe Trevino
18 Time-honored rules of the spiritual life Which ones are you breaking?

The Sacred Legacy of Paris, Code: B00004HYQV,

Sacred Then and Sacred Now : The Return of the Old Latin Mass by Thomas E. Woods

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