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The Woodlands Conference on Capital Preservation

A Discussion on the Economy, Politics and Defence of a Free Society

in Woodlands Inn and Country Club, Houston, Texas, August 30, 1980



is Vice President of the Committee for Monetary Research and Education. Mrs. Currier is a member of the Philadelphia Society and a Vice Chairman, Secretary and Trustee of the American Economic Foundation.

is a prominent M.C. and the author of numerous articles on gold, estate planning and Investment Strategy. He is a member of the Committee for Monetary Research and Education, and the co-founder of the National Committee for Monetary Reform. He is an advisor to the State of Alaska. For a sample of his program, 'The Voice of Gold', call 206-525-75OO.



is a renowned authority on the Soviet Union, and lectures continually, to alert the Free World to the danger posed by the Soviets. He resigned as Chief of Air Force Intelbgence in January 1977 in protest of the Government's continuous cover up of World Military developments. He authored this Nation's first secret study of the Soviet education and training system. His Topic: 'The Evolving Soviet Threat to the Free World.'




is president of Larry H. Abraham & Assoc., Inc. and a Director and Chairman of the Board of Northeast Energy Development Corp. He is a historian and scholar on geo-politics and socio-economics and a noted and popular author, co-authoring'None Dare Call It Conspiracy'. His Topic: 'Investor Survival in the 8O's'


served as a C.l.A. espionage agent for 11 years and is the author of 'Street Man'. He is a recognized authority on Executive Security and Counter Terrorism, and a compelling advocate of the reconstruction of an effective national intelligence service. His Topie: 'The Fall of the C.I.A.'


is a former Czech Freedom Fighter and has been a citizen of the U.S. since 1964. In 1968 he was narned 'American by Choice' in Colorado and is now co-ordinator of Russian Area Studies at the University of Denver. He has authored several books, including 'on Restoring the Moral order' and has had numerous I studies and articles published internationally. His Topic: 'From Liberalism to Authoritarianism; Empirico-Ethical Parameters'.


from California, is a member of the House Committees on Science and Technology, and on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. He is a helicopter and jet pilot, former war correspondent, T.V. news anchorrnan journalist and T.V. producer. He won T.V. Emmys in 1968 & 1969 for his own political discussion program. His Topic: ~Congress and our Nation today'.


of the Isle of Man is Chairman of Mannin Trust Bank Ltd., and of Mannin Indusries Ltd. He is Director of Vannin International Securities Ltd. His business career includes 8 years of employment with Kleinwort Benson, International Merchant Bankers. His Topic: 'The Need for an International Portfolio.


began his journalism career in the mid sixties. In 197O he gained national recognition for his brass knuckle brand of journalism, as the editor of the G.O.P.'s national weekly, 'Monday'. He is now editor of 'Conservative Digest'. His Topic: 'The Mess in Washington'.


is a world-recognized authority on economics and business. He is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence officers, and the Special Forces Club. He has authored many educational books, including 'Understanding the American Government' and is currently writing 'How to Invest in the Eighties.' His Topic: 'Strategic Metals and the Defense of the Western World.


of Houston, Texas, was sworn into the House of Representatives for his first full term in January 1979. He is on the Committee of Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs, and three of its Sub-Committees. His Topic: 'The Bail out of America'.


is a syndicated columnist for Sun Belt Syndicate Inc. and a member of the editorial board of the Orlando Sentinel Star. His columns appear in numerous newspapers in the U.S., including the Midland Texas Telegram . He has won a number of writing awards and is the author of'Great Gods of Potomac'. His Topic: ~Role of the Mass Media in the Assault on a Free Society.'


is a very distinguished name in the banking world. He is Vice Chairman of the Board of the Deak, Perera Group, and Executive Vice President of Deak & Co. Inc. His Topic: 'Inflation & the Dollar - A View from a Swiss Banker.,


is Head of the Dept. of Econornics at Grove City College. He is a monthly columnist for'Private Practice', a trustee of the Foundation for Economic Education, a Director of the Committee for Monetary Research & Education, and a partner of Multinational Investment in Cleveland. His Topic: 'The Fateful l98O's.'


is the President of James Sinclair & Co. He is the author of 'How Experts Buy and Sell Gold Curreney Coins' and also authors a weekly newsletter concerning current happenings and Market activities. His Topic: 'The Fulcrum Point of Today's Financial Judgement.'


is the editor of Price Controls Alert and consulting editor of Personal Finance. He has a PH.D. in Economics:, and is the author of several books, induding 'Playing the Price Controls Game' and 'Mark Skousen's Gomplete Guide to Financial Privacy'. His Topic: 'How to protect yourself from coming wage-Price controls'.


has been Deputy Director of the South Africa Foundation for North America since 1975; prior to this he served as a diplomat in the South African Foreign Service in Pretoria and Tokyo. He has testified, by invitation, before the Africa Subcomittee of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and has addressed various conferences and Universities throughout the United States and Canada. His Topic: 'Soviet Expansionism & The Geopolitical Significance of South Africa'.


U.S.M.C. (Ret.) is a distinguished Marine Officer. Since retirement he has served as Head of the U.S. Senate Investigation of Drug Traffic and has also served as a Senior Military Member of the President's Clemency Board. General Walt is the author of several books, including ~The Eleventh hour'. His Topic: 'Betrayed and Vulnerable'.


is a practicing constitutional lawyer. He is president and Chief Counsel of the Foundation of Law and Society, Chairman of America's Foundation and a Director of the National Conference on Judicial Review.


is editor of the Rickenbacker Report, and is on die Editorial Board of 'Modern Age' and 'St. Croix Review'. His books mclude 'Savings and Investment Guide.' His Topic: Morality in Economics.


has been an Oklahoma Banker and rancher for 32 years. He is Chairman of the Board; President and Chief of Executive officer UTICA National Bank and Trust Co. of Tulsa. His Topic. 'The Growth of Dollars in Banking.





Message Posters of Libor Brom



Prof. Libor Brom

Libor Brom 1923 to 2006 By Stephen McCulley

Libor Brom: "My Father, Ladislav Brom"

Smutne oznameni
Odesel velikan antikomunistickeho exilu

The World on Fire


Commitment or Holocaust

Marxist Fundamentals

The Velvet Revolution

Czech Leader Hasn't Won Over Exiles

The Woodlands Conference on Capital Preservation

Prof. Libor Brom on Liberals

Where is Your America?

The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army, 1948-1983: Uncertain Allegiance
By Condoleezza Rice

Condi: The Condoleezza Rice Story

Extraordinary, Ordinary People: A Memoir of Family
By Condoleezza Rice

Letter from Paul Schlichter

Pred Portugalskem

Prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Brom, Reditel studii ruske oblasti, University of Denver

Novy boj proti kapitalismu

Vaclav Havel radi narodum Evropy

Odesel Velikan Narodniho Exilu: Prof. Dr. Josef Kalvoda

Vaclav Havel radi narodum Evropy


Sarka Visnakova



Message from Rafael Brom

Back to Prof. Libor Brom - Home Page




Allen West on Communism in America



The Experts Agree ... Gun Control Works!
Godless Liberals Agree with Gun Control Experts:
Idi Amin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Fidel Castro, Qaddafi, Kim Jong II
and many other Mass Murderers.


Marx & Satan

Why do the Chinese police continue to beat and imprison Christians? The father of their hatred, Karl Marx, expresses his desire to crush Christianity. This book provides an examination of Marx’s poetry, plays, correspondence and biographical accounts.

Author: Richard Wurmbrand
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 143 pp.
Topic/Country: Communism/Marxism/Socialism

This book is renamed to
Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism


Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism
by Richard Wurmbrand


Karl Marx, coauthor of the revolutionary text The Communist Manifesto, grew up in a Christian family, and his early writings showed belief in a Christian worldview. Yet, in his adulthood Marx embraced a deep personal rebellion against God and all Christian values. In Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism, Richard Wurmbrand explores the development of Marx’s anti-religious perspective that led to the philosophical foundations of communism.

By examining Marx’s writings as well as biographical accounts, Wurmbrand builds a convincing case that Marx adhered to a belief system which opposes God. Through Marx’s own statements, his hatred for God is revealed along with his desire for “the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions,” including abolishing all religion and all morality.

Karl Marx and the Satanic Roots of Communism provides significant insight into why Christians and the church have been targeted by Marxists and Communists alike as it exposes the evil roots of a theory and government system that continue to persecute Christians today. The evidence also helps the reader answer the question of whether communism and Christianity can coexist—a question that is still relevant today.






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