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The Teaparty Documentary DVD

Quick Overview

Tea Party: The Documentary Film follows the struggles of five grass roots individuals and their transformation from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists in the 912 March on Washington. It traces the movement back to the establishment of a Twitter network in mid 2008 that brought together a group of concerned conservatives by social networking tools. These groups inspired hundreds of off shoots around the country as news spread about TARP, increased nationalization of industries like housing and banking and additional stimulus bills were passed. In the process, the film reveals what is at the heart of this nationwide surge of civic engagement - a return to and respect for a Constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal restraint at the Federal level. Approx. 105 minutes.


Tea Party: The Documentary Film follows the struggles of five grass roots individuals and their transformation from home town rally goers and rally organizers to national activists in the 912 March on Washington. It traces the movement back to the establishment of a Twitter network in mid 2008 that brought together a group of concerned conservatives by social networking tools. These groups inspired hundreds of off shoots around the country as news spread about TARP, increased nationalization of industries like housing and banking and additional stimulus bills were passed. In the process, the film reveals what is at the heart of this nationwide surge of civic engagement - a return to and respect for a Constitutionally limited government, personal responsibility and fiscal restraint at the Federal level. 105 minutes.

Sale Price: $21.95



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