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The 13th Day
The True Story of Fatima
Availability: On Back Order
Length: 85 minutes
Format: DVD
Code: 13D-M
Sale Price: $24.95

In a world torn apart by persecution, war and oppression, 3 children in Fatima, Portugal were chosen by God to offer an urgent message of hope to the world. Based on the memoirs of the oldest seer, Lucia Santos, and many thousands of independent eye-witness accounts, The 13th Day dramatizes the true story of three young shepherds who experienced six apparitions of Our Lady between May and October 1917, which culminated into the final prophesized Miracle of the Sun on October 13th. Abducted from their homes, thrown into prison and interrogated under the threat of death in the government’s attempt to silence them, the children remained true to their story about the crucial messages from Mary of prayer, repentance and conversion for the world.

Our Lady gave a secret to the children told in three parts, from a harrowing vision of hell, to prophetic warnings of future events including the advent and timing of the Second World War, the spread of communism, and the assassination of the Pope.

Stylistically beautiful and technically innovative, the film uses state-of-the-art digital effects to create stunning images of the visions and the final miracle that have never before been fully realized on screen. Shot on location in Portugal and in the UK, the film has a cast of hundreds to re-create the scenes of the 70,000 strong crowds, with 3 young Portuguese actors play the iconic roles of the Seers.

Witness the greatest miracle of the 20th Century, and experience the incredible, emotionally-charged and harrowing world of three young children whose choice to remain loyal to their beliefs, even in the face of death, would inspire thousands.

Filmed in High Definition with Dolby Surround Sound. Stars Jane Lesley, Michael D’Cruze, Filipa Fernandes and Tarek Merlin.
DVD includes special film interview with Fr. Andrew Apostoli on the importance of the Fatima message; plus a 16 page Collectors Booklet, a “behind the scenes” segment and many other extras.

Rediscovering God In America
Reflections on the Role of Faith in Our Nation’s History and Future
Availability: In Stock
Author: Newt Gingrich
Length: 160 pages
Edition: Hardcover
Code: RGA-H
Sale Price: $14.95

A simple walk through Washington, D.C., began a profound journey of personal discovery and renewal for Newt Gingrich, one of America's most influential politicians and commentators, and a recent convert to Catholicism. At the National Archives, the immortal words from the Declaration of Independence that we "are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights," jumped off the page and into his heart with the simple truth that from day one in our country's history, the Author of freedom was not the state nor even the Founding Fathers.
This walking tour is not just a look at the architecture and beauty of our nation’s capital; it is a tour of American history, of the great men and women, the great events, the great documents and great institutions, the great ideas – all shaped decisively by the genuine belief that we are “a nation under God” – that are at the heart of our freedom as Americans and our identity as a people.
Our basic human rights and freedoms were - and are - "Creator-endowed." Gingrich sounds a clarion call for us to recognize that the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness that we hold so dear are inseparable from a sincere and humble acknowledgement that these gifts are only the Creator's to give.
As a bonus, the book includes a "walking tour" of Washington, D.C.


Rediscovering God In America
Availability: In Stock
Length: 55 minutes
Format: DVD
Code: RGA-M
Sale Price: $19.75

In this new documentary film, Newt and Callista Gingrich take us on an inspiring walking tour of our nation’s important buildings, monuments and memorials in Washington D.C. and show the very important role that religion played in the minds of the founders of this country who created our government. It makes clear that the founders of the USA believed that you could not have a free society unless it was founded upon a belief in God as the source of a value system and moral code that required a personal responsibility that supported free and open institutions.
Newt Gingrich's Ph.D. in history really shines through in both this DVD and the book it evolved from. Gingrich and his wife, both practicing Catholics, provide an excellent factual — but nonpolitical — perspective of how the founders of this country felt about God and how God inspired them as they laid the foundations for what became the United States of America. The DVD does an especially good job of showing why and how the founders created the firewall between government and religion. The authors correct the common misconception of what the founders were trying to avoid when they separated church and state in the founding documents of this country.
This is a Region 1 DVD (playable ONLY in Bermuda, Canada, the Cayman Islands, United States and U.S. territories)

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