Catholics Be Left Behind?
A Catholic Critique of the Rapture and Today's Prophecy Preachers
ISBN: 9780898709506
Author: Carl E. Olson
Length: 394 pages
Edition: Paperback
Out of Print
This powerful and timely book, written by a former Fundamentalist, is a thorough critique of the popular Fundamentalist notion of the “Rapture”—the belief that Christians will be removed from earth prior to a time of Tribulation and the Second Coming. It examines the theological, historical, and Biblical basis for “premillennial dispensationalism”, the belief system based around the Rapture, and popularized in the best-selling Left Behind books and taught by “Bible prophecy” writers Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, Jack Van Impe, and many others.
Written for both the lay person and the serious student, this book combines an engaging, popular approach with detailed footnotes and exhaustive research. Beginning with the big picture, it focuses first on key concepts such as eschatology, the Parousia, and the relationship between the Kingdom and the Church. It then examines the Book of Revelation, providing insights into the nature and purpose of that difficult, final book of the Bible. Another chapter looks at the concept of the “millennium” and how it has been understood by various Christians over the centuries. Olson then shows how Left Behind creator LaHaye’s many works on “Bible prophecy” are filled with attacks on Catholicism, and often rely on sensationalism, shaky scholarship, and subjective interpretations of Scripture
Olson, a former dispensationalist who now edits Envoy magazine, also presents a history of apocalyptic belief and theology, beginning with the Early Church Fathers and including the Montanists, St. Augustine, Joachim of Fiore, the Protestant Reformers, and the American Puritans. He shows how John Nelson Darby, an ex-Anglican priest, developed the premillennial dispensationalist system, which hinges on the Rapture, in the 1830s and how Darby relied upon faulty assumptions about Jesus Christ, the Church, and the Bible.
The second part of the book, “A Catholic Critique of Dispensationalism,” focuses on three important topics: the relationship between Israel, the Church, and the Kingdom; the interpretation of Scripture; and the nature of the Rapture event. Filled with a wealth of information drawn from both Protestant and Catholic sources, this section provides a complete rebuttal to the premillennial dispensationalist system and the “left behind” theology. The book concludes with a reflection on the Catholic understanding of the end times, salvation history, and the final judgement. Glossaries of key persons and terms are also included.
A strong, but fair, critique of a dangerous and popular belief, Will Catholics Be “Left Behind”? provides Catholics and Protestants, lay people and clergy, and students and scholars with important answers and information about the roots and meaning of the “Rapture”.
of Americans believe the Lord will snatch them up any day now, leaving the rest
of us to the horrors of a seven-year tribulation. The hitch is that the ‘Rapture’
has no pedigree. As Carl Olson shows, no Catholic or Protestant believed in
it prior to the nineteenth century. It is an authentic Fundamentalist ‘invention’.”
—Karl Keating, Author, Catholicism and Fundamentalism
this extraordinary book, Carl Olson uses a surgeon’s scalpel to cut through
the mass of confusion that dominates contemporary reflection on the Last Things.
Achieving far more than a refutation of millennialist errors and other disordered
apocalyptic theories, he illumines the Church’s majestic vision of time
and eternity and demonstrates that Jesus Christ is the Lord of History and its
—Michael O'Brien, Author, Father Elijah
times fervor continues to ignite Christians in the twenty-first century. Prophecy
preachers and Rapture proponents abound. Where did these new ideas come from?
How did they become so popular? Are Catholics being left behind or are they
actually way ahead? Olson sorts out the complicated, researches the history
and presents it clearly and simply. He has done us all a great service, not
Catholics only, but all Christians.”
—Steve Ray, Author, Upon This Rock
Olson has joined personal experience with extensive research to provide an in-depth
examination of today’s ‘prophecy preachers’ and the confused,
confusing notions they have packaged as entertainment for an often-unsuspecting
—Paul Thigpen, Ph.D., Author, The Rapture Trap
a wonderful book on millennial movements. Olson’s book will help people
think carefully through the decisions to take part in millennial movements rather
than allow emotional appeals to determine their decisions. As an extra benefit,
Olson’s research highlights important and frequently little know data
about millennial thoughts.”
—Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
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