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The Antichrist
Code: 0912141026 (RCB)
Author: Fr. Vincent Miceli

Edition: Paperback
Sale Price: $19.95

After 30 years, still the best treatment of the subject in the back of everyone's mind

"[Pope John Paul II] is driven by his foreboding that the world is heading toward a moral apocalypse." - Newsweek, 1979

The late pope's preoccupation came as no surprise to readers of Fr. Vincent Miceli's timeless book, which masterfully summarized Church teaching on the End Times. Fr. Miceli keynotes his investigation of the last days with this quote from John Paul II:

"I do not think the wide circles of American society or the wide circles of the Christian community realize...we are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the Anti-Church." 

Fr. Miceli doesn't pretend to know who the Antichrist is, where he'll appear, or when. But he does line up the signs of the times - linking these signs with the prophecies in Daniel, the New Testament, the early Church Fathers - and prophetic modern voices like Newman, Solzhenitsyn, Pius XII. Some of his insights are jolting:

Fr. Miceli avoids the extravagant speculation that mars many popular books on apocalyptic themes, including some Catholic ones. Which may explain this enthusiastic note from the late theologian of the Papal Household, Cardinal L. Ciappi: "The theme is so appropriate...may it have a large and influential reception."

"Passionate...founded on sound scholarship...among the very few to be prized in the plethora of modern apocalyptic literature." - Paul Hallett, National Catholic Register

"The havoc that has been made on the devil’s behalf among Catholics and in their Church is so drastic and widespread as to leave an outsider like myself baffled and bewildered....The examples given in this vein by Fr. Miceli are hair-raising, and it is greatly to his credit that he has the courage and integrity to cite them....In war it is necessary, not just to have adequate forces for attack and defence, but also to study the enemy’s past and present strategy and tactics. This is staff work, for which, in the everlasting Holy War against the Devil, The Antichrist is a masterly textbook.... I thank God that there are priests and teachers like Fr. Miceli to act as His intelligence officer." - Malcolm Muggeridge in his Foreword

"Heart-pounding...valuable...can be interrupted only with pain....It is indeed refreshing to see the words of Scripture taken seriously." - Rev. R. W. Gilsdorf, Homiletic & Pastoral Review

Big quality softcover





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