Best-Sellers Title Starter Set
Catholic Truth Society
Code: CTS:24-P
Sale Price:: $239.95
Catholic Truth Society Booklets are superb ways to evangelize and catechize the parish and to reach out to non-Catholics. Ignatius Press has two starter sets of CTS’s most popular titles. Each title comes in a pack of five booklets.
The 24 Best-Sellers Title Starter Set includes the following titles:
1. A Catholic Prayer Book CTS:D582-P
2. Divine Mercy and Saint Faustina CTS:D650-P
3. How to Discover Your Vocation CTS:PA13-P
4. Is Jesus Really Present in the Eucharist? CTS:DO727-P
5. Mary: Mysteries of the Blessed Virgin CTS:SP17-P
6. The Message of St. Therese of Lisieux CTS:D331-P
7. Padre Pio—A Holy Priest CTS:B669-P
8. Passing on Faith to Your Children CTS:PA6-P
9. The Role of a Christian Father CTS:PA11-P
10. The Role of a Christian Mother CTS:PA12-P
11. Sexuality & Love CTS:PA1-P
12 What Happened at Fatima CTS:D651-P
13. Apparitions of Mary CTS:DO662-P
14. The Depths of Scripture CTS:SP25-P
15. Father Damien CTS:B726-P
16. G.K. Chesterton CTS:B704-P
17. Large Print Prayer Book CTS:D264-P
18. Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church CTS:EX01-P
19. Mother Teresa CTS:B672-P
20. New Penance Book CTS:D660-P
21. Spiritual Warfare CTS:SP16-P
22. True Love—Passion and Purity CTS:SP24-P
23. A Way of Life for Young Catholics CTS:DO774-P
24. What Catholics Believe CTS:DO531-P
Important Catholic Spirituality
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Classically Catholic Memory Complete Set Alpha Year
Islam and Atheism
The Struggle for the Soul of the West
The Confessions of St. Augustine
12 Best-Sellers Title Starter Set
24 Best-Sellers Title Starter Set
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The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
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Golden Thread
A Novel about St. Ignatius Loyola
The Catholic Bible for Children
Price To Pay
A Muslim Risks All to Follow Christ
What Science Says About God Set
Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church
Distinguishing Fact from Fiction about Catholicism
Ignatius of Loyola
The Pilgrim Years
the Other Towns
The Life of Blessed Peter Favre, First Companion of St. Ignatius
Explanation of the Rule of St. Augustine
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Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"
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