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Christianity, Islam and Atheism
The Struggle for the Soul of the West


ISBN: 9781586176969
Author: William Kilpatrick
Length: 330 pages
Edition: Hardcover
Code: CIA-H
Sale Price:: $24.95


For many Americans the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, was the first time they had considered the nature of Islam. Were the terrorists motivated by the true dictates of their religion, or had they hijacked Islam as well as the planes in a political cause unrelated to the teachings of Muhammad?

Christianity, Islam and Atheism argues that Islam is a religion of conquest and subjugation and that in spite of 9/11 and thousands of other terrorist attacks throughout the world, many Western people still do not know or admit this truth because it conflicts with their belief in multiculturalism.

Even many Christians who do not accept a multicultural view have hesitated to face the militant side of Islam, because they have chosen to focus on the similarities shared by people of faith in order to form a common front against the enemies of religious belief. Some churches have invited Islamic apologists and proselytizers to speak to congregations who know little to nothing about the important and irreconcilable differences between Islam and Christianity.

In addition to challenging both the multicultural and common-ground approaches, William Kilpatrick also exposes the role played by atheists and secularists in advancing Islam's totalitarian agenda. Despite playing lip service to freedom, radical secularists willingly serve as enablers of radical Islam. The civil liberties that Americans and Europeans take for granted are the fruit of Christian civilization, Kilpatrick argues, and only a strong and vibrant Christianity will be able to defend them against a resurgent Islam.

William Kilpatrick is the author of several books, including Psychological Seduction and Why Johnny Can't Tell Right from Wrong. His articles on Islam have appeared in Investor's Business Daily, FrontPage Magazine, Jihad Watch, Catholic World Report, the National Catholic Register, World, and other publications. Professor Kilpatrick, who taught for many years at Boston College, lectures frequently to audiences in the US and abroad.




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