Classic Catholic Memory Basic Set Alpha Year
Edition: Book/CD Combo
Sale Price:: $99.95
Classically Catholic Memory is a Catholic homeschool memory work program classical in nature, that guides parents and children in mastering challenging and inspiring material in eight subjects: Religion, Latin, History, Science, Math, Timeline, Geography, and Great Words. Memory work is simply the mastery of core facts in a given subject, or the mastery of a certain body of work (poetry or Scripture, for example).
This Classically Catholic Memory Basic Set Alpha Year includes Teachers Manual, Student Text, Maps and CDs (no cards)
Alpha and Beta Years
Classical Catholic Memory is divided into Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta Years. Alpha and Beta Years are already available, with Gamma and Delta forthcoming. Here's what is covered in these years:
Religion: Each year provides various Catechism questions and answers and passages from Scripture.
Latin: Each year provides various prayers and hymns.
History: History sentences from one of four time periods: Alpha Year: Creation through the Birth of Christ (Ancients) Beta Year: The Time of Christ through 1500 (Middle Ages)
Science: Alpha Year: Life Science: Animal Life Beta Year: Earth Science and Astronomy
Math: Skip counting (every year) Alpha Year: Geometric Formulas Beta Year: Conversion Formulas
Timeline: The same timeline is learned every year.
Geography: Countries, some capital cities, and physical geography of either one or two continents per year. Alpha Year: Asia and Australia Beta Year: Europe
Great Words I and II: Every year provides material that includes poems, historical documents, and speeches.
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