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On Heaven and Earth
Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the Twenty-First Century

ISBN: 9780770435066
Author: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka
Length: 256 pages
Edition: Hardcover
Code: OHE-H
Sale Price:: $21.00

From the man who became Pope Francis--Jorge Mario Bergoglio shares his thoughts on religion, reason, and the challenges the world faces in the 21st century with Abraham Skorka, a rabbi and biophysicist. For years Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, archbishop of Argentina, and Rabbi Abraham Skorka were tenacious promoters of interreligious dialogues on faith and reason. They both sought to build bridges among Catholicism, Judaism, and the world at large. On Heaven and Earth, originally published in Argentina in 2010, brings together a series of these conversations where both men talked about various theological and worldly issues, including God, fundamentalism, atheism, abortion, homosexuality, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and globalization. From these personal and accessible talks comes a first-hand view of the man who would become pope to 1.2 billion Catholics around the world in March 2013.

Table of Contents:

How We Experience Dialogue by Abraham Skorka
The Façade as a Mirror by Jorge Bergoglio
1. On God
2. On the Devil
3. On Atheists
4. On Religions
5. On Religious Leaders
6. On the Disciples
7. On Prayer
8. On Guilt
9. On Fundamentalism
10. On Death
11. On Euthanasia
12. On the Elderly
13. On Women
14. On Abortion
15. On Divorce
16. On Marriage between People of the Same Sex
17. On Science
18. On Education
19. On Politics and Power
20. On Communism and Capitalism
21. On Globalization
22. On Money
23. On Poverty
24. On the Holocaust
25. On the 1970s
26. On Some Historical Facts: The Conquest, Socialism and Peronism
27. On the Arab-Israeli Conflict and Other Conflicts
28. On Interreligious Dialogue
29. On the Future of Religion


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