Cosmic Origins
Length: 49 minutes
Edition: DVD
Code: CO-M
Sale Price:: $19.95
Available September 2012
Has science really disproven the existence of God? That's what many modern atheists say. But that claim is far from the truth, as these top scientists, theologians, and philosophers say in this powerful new documentary. In this exciting film, you'll join Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., and physicist Stephen Barr, along with leaders in the world of science including Lisa Randall (named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2007), Nobel laureate Arno Penzias, Harvard astronomer Owen Gingerich, NASA scientist Jennifer Wiseman, and Templeton Prize winners John Polkinghorne and Michael Heller.
Cosmic Origins, in clear, easy-to-understand terms, explains what we know about the beginning and nature of the universe, as well as why this evidence points to the existence of God.
Cosmic Origins expertly conveys a vital and important message to today's audience. DVD includes bonus Special Features.
This is a Region 1 DVD (playable ONLY in Bermuda, Canada, the Cayman Islands, United States and U.S. territories).
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