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Length: 89 minutes
Edition: DVD
Code: BUCK-M
Sale Price: $24.95

"Your horse is a mirror to your soul, and sometimes you may not like what you see. Sometimes, you will." So says Buck Brannaman, a true American cowboy and sage on horseback who travels the country for nine grueling months a year helping horses with people problems.

This richly textured and visually stunning film follows Brannaman from his abusive childhood to his phenomenally successful approach to horses. A real-life "horse-whisperer", he eschews the violence of his upbringing and teaches people to communicate with their horses through leadership and sensitivity, not punishment. Much more than "horse whisperer" mystique, this inspiring film is, as Brannaman says, "less about helping people with horse problems than helping horse with people problems." It is ultimately about what it means to be human -how we face and overcome adversity and how defining traumas in our past can either cripple us or inspire us to transcend them.

Buck possesses near magical abilities as he dramatically transforms horses - and people - with his understanding, compassion and respect.. A truly American story about an unsung hero, Buck is about an ordinary man who has made an extraordinary life despite tremendous odds.

"EXTRAORDINARY . . .an exceptional slice of Americana about an UNSUNG HERO that America loves."
- Betsy Sharkey, Los Angeles Times
"One of the year's best and most inspiring films. Gorgeous, appealing and moving. Don't miss it!"
- Steven Greydanus, National Catholic Register
This DVD contains the following language tracks: English with English subtitles
This film is rated: PG
This is a Region 1 DVD (playable ONLY in Bermuda, Canada, the Cayman Islands, United States and U.S. territories).



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