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The Bible And The Qur'an

In the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, worldwide interest in Islam has reached an unprecedented peak. Thousands convert to Islam each year in the US alone, and sales of the Qur’an are very high.
What do Christians need to know about the Qur'an? Fr. Jacques Jomier, O.P., has written a scholarly yet readable work that details the profound differences between Christian scripture and the Islamic sacred texts, differences that are too often glossed over by the mainstream media. Topics addressed include: Islamic teaching on Jesus and Mary; the universal mission of the Muslim; Jews, Christians and Islamic law. This book is a necessity for those who wish to understand the highly charged religious elements of the current conflict in the Middle East.
“Jomier carefully presents what the Qur’an teaches about the Hebrew and Christian bible. He contrasts the essential Muslim teachings with the Jewish and Christian understandings of themselves. Jomier is both sympathetic and critical. This is an excellent text in which to understand just what Islam means when it talks of Jewish or Christian sources in the light of its own traditions.”
—James Schall, S.J., Georgetown University
Jacques Jomier, O.P., served for many years as a missionary in the Middle East, gaining a unique inside view of the Muslim world. He was among the first to provide commentary on modern translations of the Qur’an, contributing greatly to the study of Islam.

Availability: In Stock
ISBN: 9780898709285
Author: Jacques Jomier

Length: 140 pages
Edition: Paperback
Code: BAQ-P
Your Sale Price: $11.95



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