Moral Theology
Battle for Normality
A Guide for Self-Therapy for Homosexuality
Gerard J. M. Van den Aardweg, Ph.D.
This book is primarily meant for those homosexuality afflicted persons who seek practical advice in order to change, or, at least, to constructively and responsibly deal with it. It is written with their needs, anxieties, and weaknesses in mind, as Dr. Van den Aardweg has learned them during more than 30 years of therapy with homosexual persons.
There is a need for such a practical "guide" because there are very few able therapists who want to help the well-intentioned homosexual to change, and because most existing works on homosexuality are about theory, not about every-day self-therapy. Theoretical subjects are discussed, too, in so far as they are necessary to be able to fight the homosexual inclination, and to refute certain myths. This is a Christian psychological approach and it offers the best opportunities for change.
"Rich and insightful. Highly recommended." --Paul Vitz, Ph.D.
"Provides a useful, "no-nonsense" guide for self-help therapy. Many readers will be helped by this practical book." -- Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D., Author, Healing Homosexuality Gerard Van den Aardweg has had a private psychotherapeutic practice since 1963 in Holland, specializing in the treatment of homosexuality and marriage problems. He has written for many publications in these fields, and has authored several books on homosexuality.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, BNST-P, ISBN 0-89870-614-9
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A Brief Reader on the Virtues of the Human Heart
Josef Pieper
"Josef Pieper's account of the centrality and meaning of the virtues is a needed primer to teach us exactly the meaning and relationship of the virtues and how they relate to the faith and its own special virtues. Pieper's attention is ever to the particular virtue, its precise meaning, and to its contribution to the wholeness that constituted an ordered, active, and truthful human life. No better brief account of the virtues can be found. Pieper has long instructed us in these realities that need to be made operative in each life as it touches all else `that is', as Pieper himself often putsit." -- James V. Schall, S.J., Georgetown University "A fine and thought provoking examination of the relationship between the mind, heart, and moral life of the human person." -- John Cardinal O'Connor, Archbishop of New York "Pieper's sentences are admirably constructed and his ideas are expressed with maximum clarity. He restores to philosophy what common sense obstinately tells us ought to be found there: wisdom and insight." -- T. S. Eliot
pp, Sewn Softcover, $7.95, BRV-P (ISBN 0-89870-3034)
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50 Questions on Natural Law
What It Is and Why We Need It - Charles E. Rice
Charles Rice, professor of the jurisprudence of St. Thomas Aquinas for the last twenty years at Notre Dame Law School, presents a very readable book on the natural law as seen through the teachings of Aquinas and their foundations in reason and Revelation. Reflecting on the most persistent questions asked by his students over the years, Rice shows how the natural law works and how it is rooted in the nature of the human person whose Creator provided this law as a sure and knowable guide for man to achieve his end of eternal happiness.
This book presents the teachings of the Catholic Church in her role as arbiter of the applications of the natural law on issues involving the right to live, bioethics, the family and the economy.
Charles Rice has produced a firmly grounded and accessible handbook which touches on the most important topics regarding natural law that will benefit readers of all backgrounds.
"From the editor of the American Journal of Jurisprudence comes a clear, well-crafted exposition of a natural law jurisprudence and its relevance for a society that seems to have lost its moral compass." -- Jude Dougherty, Catholic University of America
pp, Sewn Softcover, $19.75, FQNL-P (ISBN 0-89870-5517)
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Heart of Virtue
Lessons from Life and Literature on the Beauty of Moral Character
Donald De Marco
This book brings to life in an inspirational way what is at the core of every true moral virtue, namely love. It presents twenty-eight different virtues and reveals, through stories that personify these virtues, how love is expressed through care, courage, compassion, faith, hope, justice, etc... It is a treatment of virtue that is both unique and original in that virtues are both illustrated in story form and explained through philosophical analysis. This book is a veritable liberal education in itself, bringing together distinguished personalities from diverse enterprises and periods of history. It literally sparkles with celebrities from science and the arts, philosophy and theology, medicine and religion, stage and screen, sports and entertainment. But the book does not ignore the relatively unknown who provide several human interest stories that are moving and unforgettable.
"De Marco reminds us that the virtues primarily lead us to God. This important book shows the virtues to be more demanding and more graceful than many people realize. He reminds us that the virtues have been at the heart of moral and spiritual reflection for over 2,000 years." --Deal Hudson, Editor, Crisis Magazine
"A really engaging journey through the lives of men and women of virtue. Great for teaching and preaching." -- Benedict Groeschel, CFR
pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95, HOV-P (ISBN 0-89870-5681)
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On Hope
Josef Pieper
This is a masterpiece of a forgotten virtue by one of the great Christian philosophers of the twentieth century.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, OH-P (ISBN 0-89870-0671)
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Principles of Christian Morality
Ratzinger, Schürmann, von Balthasar
A concise compendium of the fundamental principles of Christian life by three of the most respected scholars in the Catholic Church.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $9.95, PCM-P (ISBN 0-89870-0868)
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The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
By S.T.D. Mark I. Miraville
Published in 1991, Riehle Foundation (Milford, OH)
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint — Apparitions and miracles —
United States.
Jesus Christ — Apparitions and miracles — United States.
Motherhood — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
Not Available at this time
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Genesis 2: 15-17. And the Lord God took man, and put him into the paradise of pleasure, to dress it, and to keep it. And he commanded him, saying: Of every tree of paradise thou shalt eat: But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death.
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