Marriage and Family
Covenant of Love
Pope John Paul II on Sexuality, Marriage, and Family in the Modern World Fr. Richard Hogan and Fr. John LeVoir
Pope John Paul II has had a profound theological and personal impact on Catholics and non-Catholics alike. In the scholarly tradition of Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas, he has found a new unity between faith and reason. The study of God, says John Paul, is also the study of humanity. He has come to vigorously insist on the rights and dignity of each human person, and on the divine importance of the family. John Paul teaches that the keystone of Christian living today is the communion of persons which is the family. Covenant of Love conveys this central message of his pontificate. It explores the influence of Christ on the modern family, human intimacy, and sexuality and illustrates the Pope's response to the violations of that familial communion: materialism, sterilization, pre-marital sex, abortion, polygamy, adultery and lust, contraception and artificial conception, and homosexuality.
Written for the layman as well as for clerics, students, and educators, this volume will enhance the understanding and appreciation of Pope John Paul II's teachings. *Covenant of Love* presents the extraordinary new way that John Paul II is using to present a new synthesis of the faith that can be the means of renewing the faith of all Christians and of bringing more people to Christ. It sets out his philosophical and theological design for every Christian who seeks a closer relationship with God--in the person of Christ, in the Church, and in the human heart.
Fr. Richard M. Hogan holds a doctorate in medieval history from the University of Minnesota. Fr. John M. LeVoir holds a M.A. in theology from Saint Paul Seminary. Both are diocesan priests of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul-Minneapolis with extensive pastoral experience. "A splendid analysis of Pope John Paul II's teachings on sexuality, marriage and the family. We see that the Pope's magnificent vision of the human person is ultimately grounded in the revealed truth that the human person is made in the image and likeness of God." -- William E. May, Catholic University of America
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, COV-P (ISBN 0-89870-3999)
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Humanae Vitae
Encyclical of His Holiness Pope Paul VI
A revised and improved translation of Pope Paul VI's encyclical letter, Humanae vitae.
pp, Quality Softcover, $2.95 . . . HV-P (ISBN 0-89870-0000)
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The Jeweler's Shop
Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)
Love is "one of the greatest dramas of human existence," writes Pope John Paul II. In this illuminating three-act play--here in the only English translation authorized by the Vatican--he explores relationships between men and women, the joys--and the pain--of love and marriage. The action unfolds in two settings at once: a street in a small town, outside the local jeweler's shop (people go to buy their wedding rings there), and the mysterious inner landscape of personal hopes and fears, loves and longings. Each act focuses on a different couple: the first happily planning their wedding, the second long-married and unhappy, the third about to marry but full of doubts. Writing with power and understanding about a love that survives the grave, a love that has withered and died, a love budding out of complexes and insecurities, the Pope addresses such fundamental human concerns as: What does it mean to fall in love? When do we know that a love is real--and can it last? If it dies, how do we go on living--and loving again?
There are no easy answers, and there is no happy ending--such is the nature of men and women, and such is the nature of love--but there is hope, if we only acknowledge our need and accept the risks of a deep and lasting commitment.
This is a play full of wisdom on a subject of great relevance to all, and it provides a special insight into the thoughts of the man who, like no other, has captured the imagination of people of all faiths throughout the world. The Jeweler's Shop has been made into a full-length movie now available on video.
Karol Wojtyla--Pope John Paul II--has long been involved with the theater. As a student of literature, then priest, bishop and archbishop, he acted, directed, wrote dramatic criticism, made a Polish translation of Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, and has authored six plays.
pp, Sewn Hardcover, $12.95, JSH-H (ISBN 0-89870-426X)
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The Large Family
A Blessing and a Challenge - Eugene Diamond, MD
This is a book on the raising of a large family written from both a personal and a professional perspective by a physician who has treated the parent-child relationship as a practicing pediatrician for forty years. Dr. Diamond and his wife, Rosemary, an experienced social worker, are parents of thirteen children--seven sons and six daughters.
The book is an account of the principles and strategies employed in the raising of their family as well as the challenges involved in maintaining morale and family cohesion. He discuses the economic system involved in educating thirteen children through graduate school as well as the unique role assumed by the parents of a group of individuals with varying needs and personalities. A fruitful book for a family of any size.
"Answers an urgent need to provide strong and clear motivation for couples who want a large family. Diamond's masterful treatment of this delicate issue should be read by all priests, teachers, and young married couples." -- Fr. John Hardon, S.J.
"A little gem. A very intriguing account of why life in a large family is eminently worth living." --William E. May Eugene Diamond, MD is a practicing pediatrician and also a Professor of Pediatrics at Loyola University School of Medicine.
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, LF-P (ISBN 0-89870-5711)
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and Family
Raising a Traditional Family in a Secular World
Mercedes Arzú Wilson
This is a comprehensive resource guide written by a parent for parents, and educators who work with children, and includes the experience of the most outstanding leaders in scientific, social and religious sectors. Its family-centered approach combines extensive references with practical suggestions to empower parents who wish to reclaim their positions as the primary educators of their children, especially in the field of human sexuality.
This book displays the tools parents need to guide and protect their children, by enriching their knowledge with the latest statistical evidence presented in simple to understand graphs. They will become knowledgeable in the fields of anatomy and physiology, and they will attain the positive knowledge of the most advanced scientific and practical method of natural family planning. With the tools and knowledge provided here, parents will better understand their child's needs at every age level, and will confidently be able to assist their children in their physical, moral and spiritual growth and development. Includes 48 color illustrations.
``Filled with valuable information and bristling with challenging ideas for parents to teach their children.'' -- Michael Medved
``A remarkable achievement and a wonderful piece of work -- pulling all this information together.'' -- Walker Percy ``At once inspirational and full of practical wisdom, Love & Family is a sure guide for parents facing the vital task of introducing sexuality to their children.
This book is a tool that strengthens the family, helping parents to recover their God-given role as moral teachers.'' --Allan Carlson, Ph.D., The Rockford Institute Mercedes Arzú Wilson is the President and founder of Family of the Americas Foundation, and founder of the World Organization for the Family. She has been a delegate to three United Nations Conferences, and has authored several articles and books.
Illustrated, 400 pp, Sewn Softcover, $22.95, LAF-P (ISBN 0-89870-607-6)
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Love and Responsibility
Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II)
Drawing from his own pastoral experience as a priest and bishop before he became Pope John Paul II, Karol Wojtyla has produced a remarkably eloquent and resourceful defense of Catholic tradition in the sphere of family life and sexual morality. He writes in the conviction that science--biology, psychology, sociology--can provide valuable information on particular aspects of relations between the sexes, but that a full understanding can be obtained only by study of the human person as a whole.
Central to his argument is the contrast between the personalistic and the utilitarian views of marriage and of sexual relations. The former views marriage as an interpersonal relationship, in which the well-being and self-realization of each partner are of overriding importance to the other.
It is only within this framework that the full purpose of marriage can be realized. The alternative, utilitarian view, according to which a sexual partner is an object for use, holds no possibility of fulfillment and happiness. Wojtyla argues that divorce, artificial methods of birth control, adultery (pre-marital sex), and sexual perversions are all in various ways incompatible with the personalistic view of the sexual self-realization of the human person. Perhaps the most striking feature of the book is that Wojtyla appeals throughout to ordinary, human experience, logically examined. He draws support for his views on the proper gratification of sexual needs, on birth control, and on other matters, from the findings of physiologists and psychologists. His conclusions coincide with the traditional teachings of the Church, which invoke scriptural authority. His approach ensures that non-Christians also can consider his arguments on their own merits.
"A courageous apologetic. In no other book does the Pope emerge more clearly as an independent thinker. This book is a high-minded rejoinder to the sexual revolution." -- Kenneth Briggs, New York Times Book Review
pp, Sewn Softcover, $16.95, LRE-P (ISBN 0-89870-4456)
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Marriage and the Family in the Documents of the Magisterium
A Course in the Theology of Marriage - Ramòn Garcia de Haro Translated by William E. May
This clearly written volume offers readers a comprehensive and detailed presentation and analysis of the teaching of the Catholic Church on marriage and the family. It is, in essence, a theology of marriage rooted in the Church's own understanding of marriage both as a great gift of God's creation and a grace-giving sacrament inwardly participating in the spousal mystery of Christ's union with his bride, the Church. Rich in scholarship, completely conversant with the pertinent literature, the book is above all a presentation of a theology of marriage fully faithful to the Catholic tradition. Of particular importance, perhaps, is the detailed analysis it provides of the teaching of Vatican Council II and John Paul II. The work demonstrates the authentic development of the perennial teaching of the Church on marriage and the family, presenting marriage as a communion of love between man and woman open to God's gift of life and called to holiness, with the sublime mission of serving life, serving the wider human community, and intimately participating in the redemptive work of Christ.
"As a married lay theologian who has taught courses on marriage and the family for over twenty years, I found this book to be the very finest I have ever read on the subject." -- William E. May, John Paul II Institute on Marriage and the Family
pp, Sewn Softcover, $26.95, MFDM-P (ISBN 0-89870-4596)
Marriage: The Rock on Which the Family is Built
William E. May
Noted moral theologian William May presents a timely treatise that explains how marriage is the indispensable rock upon which is built not only a good family but, as Pope John Paul II says, ``a civilization of love.'' This is so precisely because, as May shows so well, marriage is person-affirming, love-enabling, life-giving and sanctifying. Because of these four qualities, marriage fully respects the equal dignity of husband and wife, and values the complementarity of their sexuality. Likewise, marriage honors the truth that each new human life brought about by the marital union is a person equal in dignity to his mother and father. Thus, May probes the social significance of this complementarity of men and women, as well as the reasons why human beings are to be begotten only in an act of spousal love, not made by new ``reproductive techniques.''
pp, Sewn Softcover, $12.95, MRWF-P (ISBN 0-89870-5371)
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Answers to Your Questions on Dating, Marriage and the Real Meaning
of Sex
Mary Beth Bonacci
Mary Beth Bonacci speaks to nearly 100,000 people every year. She speaks to people across the country and around the world -- about friendship, about relationships, about marriage, about God's plan for sexuality, and about finding real, honest love. And they speak back to her. They ask her questions -- about sex, about dating, about healing after a shattered relationship, about marriage, about their struggles to live love. Now, for the first time, Mary Beth has published those questions -- and her answers -- in a comprehensive, readable guide which addresses the details of the very real struggle that people face in trying to live real love in a world gone mad.
Through these questions and her answers, Mary Beth offers a comprehensive catechesis of the Church's teaching in the areas of marriage and human sexuality. She tackles the toughest issues
322 pp, Sewn Softcover, $14.95 RL-P ISBN 0-89870-613-0
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The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
By S.T.D. Mark I. Miraville
Published in 1991, Riehle Foundation (Milford, OH)
Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint — Apparitions and miracles —
United States.
Jesus Christ — Apparitions and miracles — United States.
Motherhood — Religious aspects — Catholic Church.
Not Available at this time
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