Catholic Pro-Life Books
A Mother’s Rule of Life
How to bring peace to your home. Create your own Mother’s Rule of Life, a pattern for living that combines the spiritual wisdom of the monastery with the practical wisdom of motherhood. With the help of your own rule, you can get control of your own household, grow closer to God, come to love your husband more, and raise up good Christian children. 205 pages.
A Pro-Life Pastoral Handbook
This handbook by Dr. Clowes covers topics as Contraception, Abortion, End of life issues, Homosexuality, The Sacrament of Matrimony and Assisted Reproductive Technologies so pastors, seminarians, teachers and any lay person will have a correct understanding of the issues and the Church’s response. This book will be a valuable tool in spreading the Gospel of Life and Love and will help people to save lives and souls.
Aceptación de la Cruz de la Infertilidad
Spanish version of the booklet by Marie Meaney, PhD, Embracing the Cross of Infertility.
En Espanol: Este folleto está dirigido a aquellos que sufren de infertilidad, así como a sus amigos y familiares. A menudo es difícil para aquellos que no han experimentado esta cruz de comprender lo que otros están pasando. Por lo tanto, pueden empeorar las cosas por lo que dicen. Viceversa, las parejas infértiles a menudo les resulta difícil de verbalizar lo que está pasando y a veces su dolor se agrava por los comentarios de aquellos que los rodean. Por lo tanto, este pequeño libro trata de describir la experiencia de la infertilidad y dibujar una hoja de ruta de las tentaciones y las trampas que todos los involucrados deben evitar. Lo que puede parecer como un absoluto desastre humano puede convertirse en un viaje fructífero que se llena de esperanza, incluso si la infertilidad es completa y definitiva. Este ensayo trata de ofrecer ayuda espiritual y explicar la doctrina católica sobre las cuestiones relacionadas con la infertilidad, lo que lleva a una auténtica paz profunda. 41 páginasSale Price: $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Breast Cancer Risks and Prevention, Fourth Edition
“Over the last thirty years, while most major cancers have started to decline, breast cancer incidence in the US has increased by an alarming 40%…
…Publication of the first edition of this booklet was prompted by the authors’ knowledge that much of the recent surge in breast cancer was attributable to avoidable risks, and the fact that other sources of information on breast cancer risk tended not to offer complete information on avoidable risks. It has been the authors’ hope that, armed with full and accurate information, women can make healthier choices that will minimize their risk of breast cancer.
Although the expanded 3rd Edition of the Breast Cancer Risks and Prevention was publish just in 2005, recent dramatic events have necessitated the updating and expanding of the information and references, resulting in the new 4th Edition.”Sale Price: $4.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Catechism of the Catholic Church Second Edition Revised
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition, revised in accordance with the official Latin text promulgated by Pope John Paul II. Contains glossary and analytical index.
Catechisms and Controversies
As its very title indicates, this work is controversial since, for the first time a case history of efforts to undermine an authentic catechesis, or handing on of the faith in the United States and elsewhere is set forth, so that the extreme necessity for a Catechism for the Universal Church will be made evident. Finally, strageties for the proper implementation of the the Catechism for the Universal Church are set forth in light of the demostrated efforts by special interest groups to set aside the importance of documents such as the General Catechetical Directory, To Teach As Jesus DId, and Catechesi Tradendae. This is not a dry book rather a quick paced look into the questionable agendas of certain groups who want to impose there world view on the rest of the church.
Catholicism and Ethics: A Medical/Moral Handbook
An excellent guide to help Catholics understand the Church’s moral teachings on current medical procedures. Part I explains the basic principles of ethics and morality, while Part II applies Catholic moral principles to contraception, abortion, euthanasia, cloning, sterilization, organ donations, plastic surgery, and more. Each chapter concludes with discussion questions and projects, ideal for teachers. 201 pp.
Complications: Abortion’s Impact On Women
Complications: Abortion’s Impact on Women is the world’s most comprehensive investigation of abortion and women’s health from The deVeber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research. This book is a must have as it examines the role of abortion in almost every aspect of women’s health: depression, infertility, autoimmune disease, cancer, and intimate partner violence, and more. Any woman who has experienced an abortion or who might be contemplating one needs to read this book. Co-authored by: Angela Lanfranchi, Ian Gentles, Elizabeth Ring-Cassidy.
419 pagesSale Price: $29.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Embracing The Cross of Infertility
This booklet is addressed to those suffering from infertility as well as to their friends and family. It attempts to offer spiritual help and explain the Catholic doctrine on the issues surrounding infertility, leading to deep peace and authentic fulfillment. 37 pages
La Defensa del Nino por Nacer Ante la “Cultura” de la Muerte
This is the Spanish version of the book Facts of Life by our directorof programs Adolfo Castaneda, STL. It contains information on fetal development, abortion, contraception and gives the Churchs position on these and other life issues. Contains color photos of fetal development.
Lexicon: The Book on Debatable and Ethical Questions Regarding Family Life
This international best seller is the compendium of articles exposing terms used in in the media and international forums to conceal the true objectives of the culture of death. Phrases like “Safe Motherhood”, or “Homophobia” are an insidious attack on traditional family values, and the Lexicon was requested by the late Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo as powerful antidote to this cultural poison. Cardinal George Pell has said of it, “This long awaited English translation of the Lexicon will be an invaluable resource to all those who genuinely seek to understand the profound truth, goodness and beauty of marriage and the family. It is a gift to the faithful, to the broader community, from the Church.”
The Lexicon has stirred a great deal of controversy due to its un-apologetically Catholic content. Cardinal William Keller praised it saying: “It is inspiring because it lifts up ideals rooted in faith, illuminating the truth about the human person.” This Lexicon is therefore intended particularly for libraries, students, laity, clergy and religious, lawyers, educators, NGO’s and all who are working to defend life, faith and family.
946 pagesSale Price: $49.95 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Marie Stopes International Exposed
Marie Stopes International is a leader in promoting abortion all around the world, including the United States. Learn startling facts about their founder like her idea that one-third of the men in Britain should be forced to be sterilized “starting with the ugly and the unfit.” That birth control, sterilization, and abortion should be forced on the masses of “unfit” people in Britain and the world to rid the world of undesirables. Also learn MSI’s stance on homosexuality which they say is “not wrong or unnatural, but simply part of a whole range of sexual lifestyles.” Today the organization has sanitized their goals and beliefs, but their motives and actions have not changed. Most important, this booklet will give you the tools to stop this evil organization and to stop their attempts to advance abortion around the world.
The Maputo Protocol
The Maputo Protocol is a classic Trojan Horse. It was written in large part by the London based Internatioal Planned Parenthood Federation, the largest abortion-promoting organization in the world. The values of this group are not African in any way, shape or form. IPPF has no regard for national or local traditions and customs in its efforts to legalize abortion worldwide. It has stated in its VISION 2000 Stragetic Plan that the objective of its affiliated organizations is to: ‘Campaign for policy and legislative change to remove restrictions against safe abortions.’
The Maputo Protocol allegedly is an instrument to fight female gential mutilation (FGM), but in all of its 23 pages, it mentions FGM in only one sentence.Sale Price: $5.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Pro-Life Wisdom of Fr. Paul Marx
This collection of quotes by Father Paul Marx, OSB, gathered by his friends and co-workers clearly demonstrates the prescience of Father Marx in immediately recognizing what would follow from the widespread acceptance of contraception and abortion by Western society. This collection not only shows his insight and courage but also his unfailing joy, love, kindness, humor, and wit, which confounded his opponents and endeared him to millions. Today Human Life International carries on his work with the mission to create effective opposition to the Culture of Death around the world.
Transforming Your Life Through the Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist has nourished the Faith of Catholics for centuries-but it’s all too easy to let routine dull your sense to the transforming power of this sacrament. These pages will stir the embers of your love for the Eucharist into a bright glowing flame. You’ll lern how the Eucharist is truly a sacrament of love, a sacrament that not only demonstrates Christ’s love for you, but gives you the grace you need to love God and your neighbor with a fervor unquenched by passing changes in fortune or feelings. Fr. Kane opens your eyes to how much God longs to be with you in the Eucharist and how much He delights in you.
The Gospel of Life
This encyclical letter on the gift of life touches upon many threats to life, including contraception, abortion and euthanasia. A must read for all pro-lifers!
Catholic Pro-Life Audio CDs, Video DVDs and Books
Best Catholic Pro-Life Documentary Films on DVD
Catholic Christian Pro-Life Books, Tapes, CDs, DVDs, Videos
DVD - The Reign of the Antichrist - Shocking Speech by Fr. O'Connor
Documentary Films on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina by Award Winning British Film Director J. Paddy Nolan
3 Documentary Films in one DVDOther Documentary Videos on
Sr. Faustina, Padre Pio and Objective Report on Alleged Apparitions at Medjugorje
St. Pio of Pietrelcina and St. FaustinaPious Publications
"Seeing Is Believing" Video DVD Library as shown on EWTNFrom San Giovanni to Heaven - Documentary Film on Canonization of Padre Pio - St. Pio
The Beatification of Padre Pio
The Life of Sister Faustina - The Apostle of Divine Mercy
Spanish Edition - La Historia De Sor Faustina
A Celebration of Padre Pio - Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry
Spanish Edition - Homenaje Al Padre Pio
Padre Pio - At The Gates of Heaven
Medjugorje - The Miracles and The Message
Sister Faustina - The Promise of Mercy
The Beatification of Sister Faustina - Join the Celebration
Padre Pio's San Giovanni - "I Can Refuse No One"