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David Phillips - Themes

Gentle Spirit Music Productions is striving to provide you with the finest recordings of traditional
and contemporary Catholic Music, including original music by David Phillips. 
On these pages, you will find compact discs and cassettes of the hymns you love in vocal and instrumental form.

Contents  | Instrumental  |  Traditional  |  Prayer  |  Marian  |  Film Themes  |  Lullabies  |  Original


Inspirational Film Themes

Some of the most beautiful film music ever composed has been written for films with religious themes.  Composers such as Miklos Rozsa, Alfred Newman and Mario Nascimbene have created truly unforgettable moments in cinema with their music, that have inspired generations.  Presented here are gentle versions of some of the finest religious film themes ever written.

Theme from "King of Kings"
Theme from "The Bible"
Adoration of the Magi from "Ben-Hur"
Theme from "Francis of Assisi"
Virgin Mary theme from "King of Kings"
Theme from "Song of Bernadette"
Theme from "Brother Sun, Sister Moon"
Theme from "Sodom and Gomorrah"
Star of Bethlehem from "Ben-Hur"
Theme from "Quo Vadis"
Theme from "The Robe"
Theme from "The Greatest Story Ever Told"



Title   CD(s)
Angels Around Us   Out of Print
Be Not Afraid   Out of Print
Christmas Dreams   Out of Print
Come to the Water   Out of Print
How Great Thou Art   Out of Print
In The Presence Of The Lord   $16.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
In The Silence   Out of Print
Inspirational Film Themes   $16.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Lullabies for the Young at Heart   $16.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
O God of Loveliness   Out of Print
The Marian Album   Out of Print
The Prayer of the Church / The Rosary   $16.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
The Way of the Cross   $16.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION
Treasured Hymns of the Church   Out of Print
Whispering Hope   $16.00 ORDER HERE - ORDER INFORMATION



Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy - Complete Report from Vatican and Pope Francis
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina
ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLES - Family Bibles, Spanish Bibles, Church, School and Study Bible Edidions
Bishop Fulton Sheen - Audio Tapes, Videos and Books
Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Translation of the Bible?



Free MP3 Music Downloads



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