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National Catholic Bible Conference

My Word, Jesus Speaks!
by Carol Younger

God reminds us daily that the word of God is alive and gives life through the Story it tells. The Story has been told again and again from before the very foundation of the universe. Angels heard God’s very first Word, spoken to the universe. And now, God speaks to and in every heart with the very Word who came to us in the person of the God Man.
Sale Price: $19.95


The New Translation of the Mass: A Closer Look
by Edward Sri

The exciting changes to the Mass coming this Advent will be so significant that, for some time, most Catholics will no longer be able to walk into church and automatically recite the Gloria, the Creed, and other Mass parts by memory. This session will answer common questions about the new translation, such as why it was needed, how the translation was made, and what we can do to prepare ourselves, our families, and our parishes to welcome the new translation of the Mass.
Sale Price: $19.95


From Nazareth to Cana: Mary and the Word of God
by Edward Sri

In this session, we will enter into Mary’s journey of faith, step-by-step, from her first ‘yes’ at the Annunciation all the way up to the dramatic choice she makes at Cana at the start of Jesus' public ministry. We will see Mary as a model for responding to God’s Word and learn practical lessons on how we can receive God’s Word ever more in our own lives.
Sale Price: $19.95


Marketing Your Bible Study
by Matthew Pinto

Getting the word out about your Bible study need not be a daunting task. In this interactive session, you’ll learn some of the most practical and effective marketing strategies used by groups around the country. Learn how to make the most of pulpit announcements, use inexpensive telemarketing solutions, and even clever street signs to promote your local group.
Sale Price: $19.95


A Biblical Vision for the New Evangelization
by Tim Gray

What is new about the New Evangelization? How does it reflect and differ from the first evangelization proclaimed by Christ and carried out by the early Church? Focusing on Jesus, St. Paul, and the prophetic texts of the Old Testament, Dr. Gray will explore the underlying biblical principles and provide practical lessons that each of us can put into practice in our daily lives.
Sale Price: $19.95


How the World Lost Its Story: Engaging the Relativistic Culture of our Time
by Edward Sri

How do we talk about morality in a relativistic culture that says there is no truth?In the world’s eyes, you can have your truth, I can have my truth, but there is no the “Truth” to which we all are accountable.Discover from Dr. Edward Sri biblical principles that can equip you to help others navigate through the cultural moral crisis we face today.
Sale Price: $19.95


Evangelizing Jesus’ Style! What Jesus Teaches about Holiness and the New Evangelization
by Martha Fernández-Sardina

Discover practical ways to be and bring the Good News to others on a daily basis—with Scripture on your heart and on your tongue. Learn how practicing the methods Jesus used can help you become a credible witness and a believable teacher, an effective new evangelizer, and a modern-day saint.
Sale Price: $19.95


National Catholic Bible Conference 2012 Complete CD Set
by Jeff Cavins, Scott Hahn, Edward Sri, Tim Gray, and more

The theme of the 2012 National Catholic Bible Conference, held near Philadelphia, was Scripture: A Roadmap for Living. More than a thousand Catholics from around the world came to learn from Bible study experts how to effectively read Scripture, how to understand it, and how to apply its remarkable wisdom in daily life.
The presentations from the conference will provide you with an authentically Catholic approach to Scripture and will teach you how to share the biblical message with the world....
Sale Price: $179.95


The Beatitudes: Pathways to the Kingdom

by Thomas Smith

In this talk, you will discover how the eight powerful invitations from Christ contained in the Beatitudes reveal his countenance and his keys to human happiness. You will learn how the Beatitudes are the key to advancing in the spiritual life.
Sale Price: $19.95


From the Page to the Pavement: Putting God’s Word into Practice
by Jeff Cavins

We all desire change in our lives, but we deceive ourselves if we study God’s Word but do not put it into practice. Not only that, Christ’s mission can be compromised if we fail to be doers of the Word. Jeff Cavins will elaborate on the importance of putting God’s Word into practice at home, at work, and even when we are alone.
Sale Price: $19.95


Lectio Divina: Divine Reading for Transformation
by Sarah Christmyer

Scripture is more than a “how-to guide” for the Christian life. It is a living word that has power to change us from the inside out. Learn how the ancient practice of lectio divina (“divine reading”) can help you hear God speak to your life through Scripture; receive that Word deeply into your heart; and bear his fruit in your life.
Sale Price: $19.95


The Relevance of John’s Revelation
by Fr. Patrick Brady

The book of Revelation has been so deeply tied in the popular imagination to apocalyptic “end times” prophecy that it is easy to miss its message to the faithful of every age. Hear its message of encouragement and its challenge to us to live godly lives in the face of a culture that opposes the Gospel.
Sale Price: $19.95



Psalms: A Plan for Godly Living in the Midst of the World
by Tim Gray

The only book of the Bible read at every Mass—and the one most used in the Church’s daily prayer—is Psalms. With 150 psalms filled with imagery, themes, and language that is often hard to understand, how do we get our minds and hearts around this vital book and use it in our individual prayer? This talk will demonstrate how the psalms all tell one overarching story. If we get the keys to its plot, the book of Psalms makes more sense and thereby helps us to grow in sanctity.
Sale Price: $19.95


The Art of Living: The Bible and the Virtues
by Edward Sri

However much you care about your spouse, children, or friends, unless you possess the virtues, you will never be able to love them as God desires. Dr. Edward Sri will take you on a scriptural journey through the virtues in the Catholic Tradition to help you live your relationships well.
Sale Price: $19.95


God: Our Model of Mercy
by Thomas Smith

From the very beginning of the Sacred Scriptures, the covenant God of Israel modeled mercy for his people. Discover how God reveals the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in salvation history and then calls us to be messengers of his mercy to the world.
Sale Price: $19.95


The Sacramentality of Scripture in God's Plan of Salvation
by Scott Hahn

The New Covenant fulfilled the Old in a way that exceeded the highest hopes of ancient Israelites, when Jesus extended divine kinship to all. Yet many now take this fulfillment for granted. Learn how the Eucharist makes God’s Word come to life for us in the Church, and turns the Bible into something much more than a roadmap – according to God’s Plan of Salvation (GPS).
Sale Price: $19.95


What Scripture Teaches About Love, Relationships, and Marriage
by Edward Sri

Blessed John Paul II spent much of hislife drawing on the Scriptures to remind us what true Christian love is and offering a vision for relationships between men and women—whether single or married—that is life-transforming. Discover practical wisdom on relationship issues we face every day and learn how Scripture can help us strengthen ourmarriages, build greater intimacy and trust with our spouse, and live greater self-givinglove in our own homes.
Sale Price: $19.95


Treasure in Heaven: Merit, Good Works, and Heavenly Reward
by Tim Gray

Is there reward and merit for our good deeds on earth? The ancient Jewish and Christian answer to this question was upturned by the Protestant Reformation. This talk will show how Scripture clearly teaches merit and reward. It explores how this view was lost in the Reformation and why the Protestant view of spiritual welfare has seeped into the American project of welfare and wealth distribution in the name of “fairness,” while merit, reward, and hard work have been eroded in our...
Sale Price: $19.95


Daniel: Courage under Fire

by Thomas Smith

The opening chapters of the book of Daniel are a mirror of our world today. In this presentation, Thomas Smith sets forth the keys to faithfulness, integrity, and courage in the midst of an increasingly hostile culture, with fiery trials and temptations to compromise our Catholic faith.
Sale Price: $19.95


No Loss, No Win! Making it Big with God by Becoming Small
by Martha Fernández-Sardina

“I’m losing it!” If that describes you, then good! Christ calls us to lose our lives to save them. Learn how to make it big with God by becoming small; how to become the greatest by being the least; how to make sure that your thinking resembles Christ’s; and how to teach others that “the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (1 Corinthians 1:25).
Sale Price: $19.95


The Bible and the Catechism: The "Rest" of the Story
by Sean Innerst

We are built for happiness! The Bible calls our ultimate happiness in heaven “rest” and supplies us with the roadmap to get there. For its part, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is like a GPS that translates the biblical roadmap into specific directions for our journey. If you long for ultimate happiness or could use a little rest in your hectic life, find out how these two texts together can provide the rest of your story.
Sale Price: $19.95


Seeing the Biblical Vision in a Blind World
by Fr. Patrick Brady

How do we keep the cultural preconceptions of our post-modern age from blinding us to the message of Scripture? Fr. Patrick Brady looks at some of the common ideas in our culture that can bias our understanding and keep us from hearing God’s Word as we should.
Sale Price: $19.95


Walking Toward Eternity: Keys to Staying on the Road
by Jeff Cavins

Life is a journey toward eternity, and the Bible provides us with a roadmap to get there. Jeff Cavins will draw on Scripture to explain some of the keys to staying on that narrow road to life—things like living in humility, faithfulness, love, and forgiveness—as he gives practical ways to cultivate them on a daily basis.
Sale Price: $19.95




Catholic DVDs and Audio CDs

Seven Secrets of the Eucharist 2 CD Set

Cenacle of Divine Mercy Series 1 Companion Guide

Cenacle of Divine Mercy Series 1 - DVD

Cenacle of Divine Mercy Series 2 - DVD

Communion with Christ CD

Eucharist: A Legacy of Love (DVD)

Faith Clips (2 CD Set)

Faith Clips (DVD)

Generations Unite in Prayer - CD

John Henry Newman: A Prophet for our Time (CD)

My Beloved Son CD

Marriage in the Lord: Poured Out of Love CD

The Sacrament of the Eucharist (CD)

Seven Pillars of Catholic Spirituality CD

Tell All Souls About My Mercy DVD

The Real Presence (DVD)

7 Step to Becoming Financially Free Couples Participant Set

Encounter with Mercy - Dioceses, Parish, Organization Special Offer (Case of 200)

Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal - 10 Pack

Catholicism Pilgrimage Journal Set

Audio CDs by Jeff Cavins

Catholic Audio CDs of Christopher West

National Catholic Bible Conference

TOB Congress Talk




Two Best DVD Videos on Padre Pio and Sr. Faustina
Each over 2 Hours Long
Best DVD on the Catholic Market

Best DVD on Padre Pio over 2 Hours Long
New DVD on Sr. Faustina over 2 Hours Long

Why Should You Read Only the Douay-Rheims Catholic Translation of the Bible?

Text of The Third Secret of Fatima Prophecy
Books and Videos on Padre Pio
Videos and Books on Sr. Faustina and Divine Mercy plus Diary of Sr. Faustina


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