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Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition Bundle

by Brian Butler, Jason Evert, Colin and Aimee MacIver

There is little doubt that pre-teens are in an often confusing time of quest and discovery, especially with issues concerning their bodies, their sexuality, and their future. There are countless sources – from the airwaves, to peers, to the Internet – ready to provide answers.

If you are familiar with the Theology of the Body for Teens: High School Edition, you will instantly recognize and appreciate the format of the Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition. Specifically designed for 6th through 8th grades, it too uses a great mix of stories, real-life examples, activities, prayers, and references to the culture that are relevant to lives of the youth.

This can be used as a stand alone program, but works perfectly as a precursor to the High School Edition. The 8-session Middle School program includes a Leader’s Guide, a Student Workbook, a Parent’s Guide, and an exciting and dynamic DVD component.

Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition answers questions such as:

Who am I?
Are there consequences to my actions?
What is the difference between love and lust?
How do I balance family, friends, school, God, music, TV, internet, texting, etc., in my daily life?
How can I discern my vocation to marriage, priesthood, or religious life?
How do I deal with bullying, gossip, peer pressure, pornography, divorce, etc?
Can I live my Catholic faith no matter how I messed up in the past?

Sale Price: $114.95



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Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition Bundle

Theology of the Body for Teens: Middle School Edition Bundle

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