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Oremus – Let Us Pray

Oremus is a Catholic prayer study program that will teach you the essentials of a fruitful prayer life.

The Oremus study program teaches you the essentials of an effective and fruitful prayer life. Over the course of eight weeks you will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice.

In Oremus You Will:
Become aware of God’s presence in your life
Discover the simple yet profound steps of Catholic prayer
Learn how to respond to God and express yourself in prayer
Discover how to hear God’s voice in Scripture, in your heart, and in ordinary moments.
Learn how to overcome frustrations, distractions, and dryness in prayer.
See that desolation and consolation are a normal part of everyone’s walk with God.
Grow in your relationship with God and those around you.
and more...

Home Preparation
Participants are provided with specific scripture passages to pray with each day. They will also keep a journal (provided in the workbook) of their prayer experiences.

DVD Presentation
Fr. Mark Toups presents a powerful lesson on prayer and offers spiritual direction and encouragement to participants.

Group Discussion
Participants will discuss the DVD presentation and share insights and experiences from their previous weeks' prayer.

About the Author
Ordained in 2001, Fr. Mark Toups is a priest for the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, where he serves the Diocese as Director of Seminarians. In addition, Fr. Toups works with the Institute for Priestly Formation, specializing in communications, development, and spiritual direction. Fr. Toups has also served as pastor of St. Lucy’s Catholic Church in Houma, LA and St. Luke’s Catholic Church in Thibodaux, LA. He received his Master’s of Divinity from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. A college graduate of Nicholls State University, he is a native of Houma, LA.

“Say Your Prayers”
Do you find it easy to pray? Is prayer an integral part of your day? Do you hear God’s voice in your daily life, and know how to respond accordingly?
For many of us, the answer to these questions is, “no.” We all desire an intimate relationship with God. But, since learning to “say our prayers” as children, we never moved beyond rote recitation to an authentic conversation with God.

Not Just For Mystics
In Scripture we read of profound interactions people have with God. We hear of Saints who seemed to have a direct line to Him their entire lives. But most of the time we feel like this is far beyond our reach. After all, we’re not prophets, and certainly not (yet) Saints!
For most of us prayer becomes a source of frustration as we struggle to calm our minds and find even a few minutes to set aside to pray. In our busy lives prayer is seen as a luxury, when in reality it is at the foundation of a healthy spiritual life.
The good news is you can overcome your difficulties with prayer, and it is easier than you might think.

Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer, Starter Pack
by Fr. Mark Toups

This Starter Pack contains everything a leader needs to begin the Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer Study, including:
3 DVD Set (Eight, 30 min. sessions)
Student Workbook
Leader’s Guide
Each participant of the Study should have their own Student Workbook.

Sale Price: $99.95



Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer, DVD Set
by Fr. Mark Toups

In this eight-part DVD series, Fr. Mark Toups guides you through the simple, yet profound steps to an effective and fruitful prayer life. You will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice.
This DVD set is designed to be used with the Oremus Student Workbook and Leader’s Guide, which contain the essential reading assignments, questions, and leader’s notes for the study.

Sale Price: $74.95



Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer, Leader's Guide
by Fr. Mark Toups

This Leader’s Guide contains everything a group leader or facilitator needs to easily implement and run the Oremus study program. It includes the entire contents of the Student Workbook, as well as a detailed Leader’s Overview. The Leader’s Overview contains valuable information about leading and facilitating a study, including: planning, promotion, small group discussion, and more.
The student components of the Leader’s Guide include: session outlines, discussion questions, daily readings, and a journal section to record your personal experiences in prayer. Each lesson is designed to be accompanied by the corresponding presentation from the eight-part Oremus DVD series.

Sale Price: $19.95



Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer, Student Workbook
by Fr. Mark Toups

This Student Workbook is your essential guide to the Oremus study program. It contains all the written materials you need to complete the eight-part study, and is designed to be accompanied by the corresponding presentations from the Oremus DVD series. The workbook includes session outlines, discussion questions, daily readings, and a journal section to record your personal experiences in prayer.

Sale Price: $14.95



Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer, CD Set
by Fr. Mark Toups

In this eight-part CD series, Fr. Mark Toups guides you through the simple, yet profound steps to an effective and fruitful prayer life. You discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice.
This CD set is designed to be used with the Oremus Student Workbook and Leader’s Guide, which contain the essential reading assignments, questions, and leader’s notes for the study.

Sale Price: $39.95



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