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God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage


Joy-Filled Marriage, Starter Pack

by Christopher West, Tom McCabe, MA, Rosemary McCabe and Greg Popcak, PhD

The Joy-Filled Marriage program consists of two components—Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love. These are complemented by a beautiful Couple’s Journal. This program offers a comprehensive approach to marriage preparation that covers not only the sacramentality and theology of marriage, but the practical life skills necessary to live out the rich Catholic vision of marriage.

This Starter Pack includes:

2 Couple's Workbooks
2 Leader’s Guides
1 Couple's Journal
2 DVD sets

Life Skills for Couples:
1. An Introduction to Life Skills for Couples
2. Discovering Your Marriage Mission and the Role of Virtue
3. Communicating Love – Learning and Respecting Love Styles
4. Resolving Conflict – The Art of Loving Amidst Challenges
5. Building Happiness – Managing Your Time, Money, and Energy
6. Fostering Intimacy in Marriage – Sexuality and Prayer

God’s Plan for Love:
1. God’s Plan for Marriage “In the Beginning”
2. Christ Restores God’s Plan for Marriage
3. To What Are You Saying, “I Do”?
4. Where the Words of Your Vows Become Flesh
5. The Beauty of Openness to Life
6. Living God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage

These two video sets are designed to accompany the Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love Couple’s Guides. Together, God’s Plan for Love and Life Skills for Couples comprise the complete Joy-Filled Marriage program.

SKU: 811661015094

Sale Price: $189.95



Joy-Filled Marriage, Couple's Set

by Christopher West, Tom McCabe, MA, Rosemary McCabe and Greg Popcak, PhD

The Joy-Filled Marriage program consists of two components—Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love. These are complemented by a beautiful Couple’s Journal. This program offers a comprehensive approach to marriage preparation that covers not only the sacramentality and theology of marriage, but the practical life skills necessary to live out the rich Catholic vision of marriage.

This program will help participants:

See the significance of their call to married life
Appreciate what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage, and why
Embrace the gift of grace that makes a lifelong, joy-filled marriage possible
Learn the sound principles upon which successful marriages are built
Discover more about themselves and each other
Recognize topics of importance in their relationship, identify shared goals, and set concrete plans to build a joy-filled marriage
These Couple’s Sets are essential for every engaged couple participating in the Joy-Filled Marriage program. The Couple’s Set will guide participants through both Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love with thought-provoking questions, activities, inspiring quotes, and helpful commentary. Each Couple’s Set contains two Couple’s Guides for each component and a copy of the Couple’s Journal. The Couple’s Guides are designed to accompany the corresponding video presentations.

SKU: 811661015100

Sale Price: $54.95



Joy-Filled Marriage, Leader's Set

by Christopher West, Tom McCabe, MA, Rosemary McCabe and Greg Popcak, PhD

The Joy-Filled Marriage program consists of two components—Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love. These are complemented by a beautiful Couple’s Journal. This program offers a comprehensive approach to marriage preparation that covers not only the sacramentality and theology of marriage, but the practical life skills necessary to live out the rich Catholic vision of marriage.

Each Leader’s Set contains a Leader’s Guide for each component and a copy of the Couple’s Journal. These two Leader’s Guides are essential for every leader or facilitator of Joy-Filled Marriage. They include the contents of the Couple’s Guides, as well as thorough notes for leading engaged couples through the content and space for creating teaching notes of your own.

This program will help participants:

  • See the significance of their call to married life
  • Appreciate what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage, and why
  • Embrace the gift of grace that makes a lifelong, joy-filled marriage possible
  • Learn the sound principles upon which successful marriages are built
  • Discover more about themselves and each other
  • Recognize topics of importance in their relationship, identify shared goals, and set concrete plans to build a joy-filled marriage

SKU: 811661015117

Sale Price: $69.95



Joy-Filled Marriage, DVD Set

by Christopher West, Tom McCabe, MA, Rosemary McCabe and Greg Popcak, PhD

The Joy-Filled Marriage program consists of two components—Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love. These are complemented by a beautiful Couple’s Journal. This program offers a comprehensive approach to marriage preparation that covers not only the sacramentality and theology of marriage, but the practical life skills necessary to live out the rich Catholic vision of marriage.

This program will help participants:

See the significance of their call to married life
Appreciate what the Catholic Church teaches about marriage, and why
Embrace the gift of grace that makes a lifelong, joy-filled marriage possible
Learn the sound principles upon which successful marriages are built
Discover more about themselves and each other
Recognize topics of importance in their relationship, identify shared goals, and set concrete plans to build a joy-filled marriage


Life Skills for Couples:
1. An Introduction to Life Skills for Couples
2. Discovering Your Marriage Mission and the Role of Virtue
3. Communicating Love – Learning and Respecting Love Styles
4. Resolving Conflict – The Art of Loving Amidst Challenges
5. Building Happiness – Managing Your Time, Money, and Energy
6. Fostering Intimacy in Marriage – Sexuality and Prayer

God’s Plan for Love:
1. God’s Plan for Marriage “In the Beginning”
2. Christ Restores God’s Plan for Marriage
3. To What Are You Saying, “I Do”?
4. Where the Words of Your Vows Become Flesh
5. The Beauty of Openness to Life
6. Living God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage

These two video sets are designed to accompany the Life Skills for Couples and God’s Plan for Love Couple’s Guides. Together, God’s Plan for Love and Life Skills for Couples comprise the complete Joy-Filled Marriage program.

SKU: 811661015124

Sale Price: $189.95



God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage Starter Kit

by Christopher West & Damon Owens

God’s Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage is a marriage preparation supplement that offers engaged couples a more complete understanding of God’s glorious plan for marriage and human sexuality than perhaps any program available in the Church today. Based on Blessed John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, this supplement is intended to enhance a key component of marriage preparation: catechesis in the theology of marriage and the gift of human sexuality.

The Holy Father teaches that human life’s dignity and balance depends at every moment on “who woman will be for man and who man will be for woman.” God’s plan of life and love is literally stamped in our bodies. Here, you will find a much-needed testimony to the essential interrelation between love, life, and sexuality, and discover how a deep appreciation for this interrelation is the path to a blessed and joy-filled marriage.

The Theology of the Body has been called “one of the boldest reconfigurations of Catholic Theology in centuries,” according to George Weigel, the pope’s official biographer. It addresses some of the most fundamental and important questions of human existence, including:

Why were we created male and female?
Where do we come from and why?
What is the meaning of life? How do we experience it?
Why is there evil in the world and how do we overcome it?

The God’s Plan workbook and the DVD series are perfect for Marriage Prep classes or for use as a supplement with an existing Pre-Cana program. This Starter Kit includes:

Five DVDs
Leader’s Guide
Couples Set
Good News About Sex & Marriage

Discontinued and replaced with new edition above



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God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage Starter Kit

God's Plan for a Joy-Filled Marriage, 5 DVD Set

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