and the Catholic Church
Author: Dr. Edward Peters
Product Details
Detailed Description
Excommunication. To our modern ears, the very word evokes something dark and
foreboding, something out-of-place in contemporary society. Many associate
excommunication with the medieval Church, with the Inquisition and witch-hunts,
and think it has no place in our more enlightened, tolerant times. Yet this
ecclesiastical discipline is as relevant today as it was five hundred or a
thousand years ago, an unfortunate last resort in combating the rebellion
the Church faces in every age from some of her members.
In this intriguing book, canon and civil lawyer Edward N. Peters offers a
compelling presentation of excommunication based on the current Code of Canon
Law, answering some of the most commonly-asked questions about this most serious
canonical penalty.
Among the questions considered here:
What is excommunication?
How is a person excommunicated?
Isn’t excommunication an offense against Christian charity?
Is there any support in the Bible for excommunication?
Can Catholic politicians be excommunicated for defying Church teaching, especially
on abortion?
ISBN-10: 1932645454
ISBN-13: 978-1932645453
Language: English
Soft cover, 100 pages
Case Info: 56 per case, 15 lbs
Key Words:
Catholic Teaching, Q&A, Excommunication, Catechesis
Price $7.99
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